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Skin Problem- What Is It?


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Our 15 month old Dane x Am staff has had skin problems/ sensitivities since we got her. She broke out in hives all over her body twice and those hives turned into bleeding sores. She went to the vet both times for treatment and has not broken out to that extent since. We are not 100% confident we know what the cause was-we thought it was a food allergy the first time but a shampoo allergy the second time (which may have also been the case the first time round but we had put it down to something else)

She now breaks out in hives infrequently and they are minimal- 1-5 spread out over the body, not large and not turning into sores. They are usually gone within 24 hours. BUT, she now has a section on her back about 10 cm by 3cm that is discoloured- making it look brown when loking from behind against the hair growth, holds more heat than the rest of her and the skin is slightly irritated but no actual hives. The hair is also thin in that area.

She has gone to the vet, was given a short 4 day course of macralone (i think thats what its called- cortisone type tablets) before being re-examined. When re-examined, we decided not to give further treatment and to monitor it closely. The vet said it was a contact allergy or that she may have permanent damage in that area if the discolouration has always been there. We did notice at different times that parts of her back always looked 'stained' but there was never heat, redness or sensitivity to accompany it. This came up after a malaseb bath (which she has had before with no problems- nothing different about this one) and now that she is not on the macralone it is worse again. It seems to get better and worse within 24 hour periods- a real roller coaster type effect. I will of course speak with the vet again this week.

There are no plants in the back yard where she is kept but there is grass, no changes to her food (although the vet said its not a food allergy due to it being in the one spot) and none of the other dogs have anything like it. Has anyone else seen anything like it?

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Hi....if you can afford it..find a friendly skin specialist, and see what their opinion is.

You may want to also find a vet who does 'alternative ' treatments...my old Mitch had horrible skin...grass and food colouring allergies, etc. Injections of vitamin C helped a bit.

Best of luck.

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Thanks for that- if the need arises, does anyone know any good skin specialists in Melbourne? Does anyone have any information or opinions on the role (if any) that food/ diet plays with a contact allergy?

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Could it be anything to do with the fabric softner/soap that you use to wash your clothes in?

I was once told that i should keep an eye out for any reactions involving washing detergent as some dogs develop a sensitivity to those. (We went through allergies etc in puppy class last week)

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Thanks river star- we haven't changed any of our detergents/ washing powders etc and her skin is up and down so i wouldn't think its that.. Very frustrating not knowing what it is.

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Thanks for that- if the need arises, does anyone know any good skin specialists in Melbourne? Does anyone have any information or opinions on the role (if any) that food/ diet plays with a contact allergy?

There's a specialist vet in Blackburn Road opposite the emergency vets.....they are excellent (but not cheap)

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Have you tried the medicated shampoos like quit itch and malaseb??? They can help with itchy skin

Have you tried the elimination method in her diet??? Grains, preservatives, certain byproducts can cause reactions.

Also type of grass you have etc.

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We use malaseb regularly. I can't keep her off the grass completely- she has been off it for a little while for other reasons except to toilet and seems to have made no difference. Had her back to the vet today and she is on cephalexin for an infection and prednil tablets. The vet discussed antihistamines and an injection that i can't remember the name of as well. Can anyone tell me what a specialist would actually do if i was to take her to one?

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We use malaseb regularly. I can't keep her off the grass completely- she has been off it for a little while for other reasons except to toilet and seems to have made no difference. Had her back to the vet today and she is on cephalexin for an infection and prednil tablets. The vet discussed antihistamines and an injection that i can't remember the name of as well. Can anyone tell me what a specialist would actually do if i was to take her to one?

Full history

Skin Scraping and Pathology- cytology and looking for mites.

Possibly a food elimination diet

Intradermal skin testing- they have them in for the day, and under sedation to test a patch of skin with an assortment of allergens to find out what she is allergic to.

Some or all of the above, and this is not an exhaustive list.


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Thanks for that information. Would stress affect the validity of the results? The reason why i ask is because she is terrified of strange people and doesn't cope well at the vet when i'm there at the best of times- let alone if she was by herself and undergoing tests. Does it matter that we would have no history beyond the last few months? I know some people who have had allergy tests come up with their dog being allergic to many things, grasses etc- if that was a result, how do you determine which allergen is causing the problem and what if you can't remove the cause- grass etc?

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Thanks for that information. Would stress affect the validity of the results? The reason why i ask is because she is terrified of strange people and doesn't cope well at the vet when i'm there at the best of times- let alone if she was by herself and undergoing tests. Does it matter that we would have no history beyond the last few months? I know some people who have had allergy tests come up with their dog being allergic to many things, grasses etc- if that was a result, how do you determine which allergen is causing the problem and what if you can't remove the cause- grass etc?

I doubt stress would affect the results, but the easiest thing to do is stay with her in the waiting room whilst she is premedicated then hand her over once she is nice and drowsy. Giving the Dermatologist lots of information about her temperament at the first visit is the key.

The testing determines what the allergens are- it's very specific.

It is normal for dogs and people to come up allergic to a wide range of things, and allergy vaccines tailor made for the patient is the end result- given (generally by yourself at home) on a regular basis will help the immune system desensitise to those things it used to identify as allergens.

You need a referral from your Vet so that they can compile a history of what they have treated and send that to the Dermatologist Vet.

We deal with stressed and scaredy dogs all the time- it's our job- not many dogs are happy to be in a cage at the clinic. :)


Edited by Staff'n'Toller
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Thanks calliech- whats the difference between those products and pyohex- if you know? I think i am very lucky that she doesn't scratch alot, nor bite at herself etc. Thanks for the info staff n toller, i hate allergies and skin conditions!

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Thanks calliech- whats the difference between those products and pyohex- if you know? I think i am very lucky that she doesn't scratch alot, nor bite at herself etc. Thanks for the info staff n toller, i hate allergies and skin conditions!

I have two Wiemeranas age 4 this year. One of them since he was 1 1/2 has had very bad skin problems as the specialist (we went a saw a dermatitis specialist) has advised that he is allergic to most things and the only thing that can calm him to a point that he does not scratch himself silly is a mix of Macralone and Antibiotics. But this seem to be an ongoing treatment as when i stop giving him the tablets it comes back within 24 hours. We have tried potatoe and tuna, science diet, BARF, different foods etc but no good. the other one is fine. I have been told about atopica but that is approx $20 a day for a dog our size.

Any different ideas would be greatly appreciated as i will do what is needed to give him a better life that constant itching.

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Hi Wiley and welcome to DOL,

I know how you feel, my Rottie has an Allergy problem she's had for over two years. It's a contact allergy to grass, in between her paws becomes red and itchy, so she licks and bites till they become very sore.

Sometimes she gets a rash from her chest down,after laying on grass the good news is it can be controled the bad news is there's no cure.

I know it's not food or mites,fleas or inhaled have had some test all clear. have tried Anti-Histamines, don't work on her.

Have tried Macralone, Prednisolne and Anti-Biotics Cephalexin, work for a while then she's bitting, scratching, and licking again.

Just back from the vet today with a drug called Prednil, she's had before - had to up the dose and more Anti-biotics.

My GSD scratches and bites his toes sometimes, but no need for tabs, my GSD bitch is not effected at all.

We have owned 6 Breeds over the years and never had Allergies, vet says it's an Individual thing and not a Breed.

I looked on the Internet for allergies in Dogs, it's a world wide problem.

As we can't keep her off the grass, tabs are the only way to go, good luck. :kissbetter:

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Can i suggest that part of the problem may be the salt that is used in whichever shampoo you are using.

I had a dog that was allergic to Aloveen which is supposed to be for allergic dogs.

I suggest you try Groomers Shampoo with Evening Primrose Oil. It comes in 2 concentrates if it is a very serious problem you will need to start with the vet grade. Washing every 4 days and also spraying the coat 3 times a day with the EPO conditioning spray.

If it is not so serious with yucky sores the regular EPO shampoo will be fine.

Many of the breeders on here will tell you that Groomers products are wonderful...... many of them use the royal jelly shampoo for coat growth.

The best thing about them is Groomers products have absolutely NO SALT in them.

They are good to assist dogs with allergies and also teenage acne problems etc.

If you want further details please contact me via PM.

I am now a complete convert to there products after having seen some absolutely amazing results.

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Have you guys tried Chinese herbs as an alternative?

My Goldie has allergies and I was recommended to try chinese herbs by a very kind lady on this forum.

We've only been on them for 4 days but it gives us hope and its a natural remedy so its well worth a try!

I can give you the brand if you like!

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Our 15 month old Dane x Am staff has had skin problems/ sensitivities since we got her. She broke out in hives all over her body twice and those hives turned into bleeding sores. She went to the vet both times for treatment and has not broken out to that extent since. We are not 100% confident we know what the cause was-we thought it was a food allergy the first time but a shampoo allergy the second time (which may have also been the case the first time round but we had put it down to something else)

She now breaks out in hives infrequently and they are minimal- 1-5 spread out over the body, not large and not turning into sores. They are usually gone within 24 hours. BUT, she now has a section on her back about 10 cm by 3cm that is discoloured- making it look brown when loking from behind against the hair growth, holds more heat than the rest of her and the skin is slightly irritated but no actual hives. The hair is also thin in that area.

She has gone to the vet, was given a short 4 day course of macralone (i think thats what its called- cortisone type tablets) before being re-examined. When re-examined, we decided not to give further treatment and to monitor it closely. The vet said it was a contact allergy or that she may have permanent damage in that area if the discolouration has always been there. We did notice at different times that parts of her back always looked 'stained' but there was never heat, redness or sensitivity to accompany it. This came up after a malaseb bath (which she has had before with no problems- nothing different about this one) and now that she is not on the macralone it is worse again. It seems to get better and worse within 24 hour periods- a real roller coaster type effect. I will of course speak with the vet again this week.

There are no plants in the back yard where she is kept but there is grass, no changes to her food (although the vet said its not a food allergy due to it being in the one spot) and none of the other dogs have anything like it. Has anyone else seen anything like it?

when my first bc had skin problems i rang his breeder to see what she suggests, she told me that a lot of dogs react with skin problems to high protein foods. So maybe try to her to a low protein diet and see if this makes a difference. What type of bedding do you have? Could it be a contact allergy to dust mites. My vet took photos and contacted some skin specialists. Upon consulting them we realised that my dog had an auto immune desease, which ultimately killed him. I would definitely take her to a skin specialist. All this is not cheap, but you want to make sure that you doing the right treatment. I would not recommend to batch her in anything without consulting your vet or skin specialist first.

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