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Malaseb As An Ear Cleanser ?

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I had not heard of using this until this morning. I have just rehomed a bitch and sent them to my vet on their way home, to have stitches removed and get the all clear. I suggest either Natur-Oat or Leo for the ears.

The vets here are now recommending diluted malaseb , has anyone else used this or heard of this ?


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my first choice has always been the Natur-Oat, I have just found it to be a little more gentle than the Leo.

I did speak to the vet and she said they are using it , as the Malaseb is both anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, and decreases the risk of irritation. I know that Leo can irritate.

I must be way behind the times here :laugh: what's the dilution ratio ? I forgot to ask her

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Yes I've just used it to clear up a waxy, inflamed ear in one of my dogs and I saw an improvement straight away. It completely cleared up in two days.

If you do a search it was mentioned in a thread about a month ago and that's where I heard about it :laugh:

ETA I diluted 1 part Malaseb to 4 parts water and put it on with a cotton wool ball.

Edited by Miranda
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Yes I've just used it to clear up a waxy, inflamed ear in one of my dogs and I saw an improvement straight away. It completely cleared up in two days.

If you do a search it was mentioned in a thread about a month ago and that's where I heard about it :laugh:

ETA I diluted 1 part Malaseb to 4 parts water and put it on with a cotton wool ball.

Cool, I'll go and have a look. :rofl:

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Our Golden Retriever has had a lifetime of ear dramas and the vets suggested malaseb as a regular ear wash years ago - its kept infections under control really well. They suggested 1 part malaseb to 30 parts water from memory - can check if you like.

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They suggested 1 part malaseb to 30 parts water from memory - can check if you like.

Yes could you ISH? :laugh: Maybe I'm using it too strong, it didn't irritate her at all, but I'd rather have the correct dilution rate.

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This is great

I am having alot of problems with my boys ears

Leo keeps giving him infections, Oti-Clean is too strong and leaves his ears red, and the Apple Cider Vinegar and water is not working

Off to give it a try tonight

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Yes its the best ear cleaner ever and the dogs don't seem to resent it like the Leo, just mix it in a squeezy sauce bottle with the pointy nozzle, squirt some into the ears, give them a good massage, let the dogs shake out the excess and wipe with a cotton wool ball.

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Just to confuse everyone, i was told that it was now used as 1:50 as they found 1:30 was to strong. I use the epi-otic after every bath, and the malaseb once a month or so.

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Just to confuse everyone, i was told that it was now used as 1:50 as they found 1:30 was to strong. I use the epi-otic after every bath, and the malaseb once a month or so.

The current dilution rate is 1:50 as Dermcare found that this more dilute solution was just as effective (cheaper and less chance of irritation).

Malaseb is a great product for problem ears, as others have said - fill the ear canal, massage well (squelch it around) then stand back and let them shake, then wipe out with cotton wool.

The Malaseb binds to keratinocytes (skin) so in essence actually provides a prolonged effect with regular, repeat usage usage.

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On my vets advice I use malaseb diluted 30ml in 100ml water to syringe my dallies ears out weekly. She suffers chronic yeast infections and if i do the weekly syringing her ears stay clear.

edited spelling

Edited by Janba
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I use the malaseb solution...always have as my dogs HATE Leo. I can't get them out from under the bed when they see it coming. Ok now, this is going to sound strange but it works well......instead of cleaning out with cotton wool which often gets bits left behind and you can't get all the way in and it goes all soggy, I use a tampon. I know you're probably all reeling right now but it's much stiffer than cotton wool so you can wipe away the junk, it's blunt ended, won't go all the way in and it's very absorbent and absorbs out the rest of the moisture out. Voila. Nice clean and dry ears.

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