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Bc Can't Walk


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My BC girl is having lots of trouble walking. She is struggling to stand and is moving really slowly. She ripped a ligament about 8 years ago and it was operated on but didn't heal properly. I am not sure if it is that though as she is putting the leg on the ground, usually they hold it in the air with a knee problem. She is in a fair bit of pain too. She is super brave (didn't whimper with a broken leg, torn ligament, c-section etc) so if I can see she is ouchy it must be bad.

I am waiting to go to the vets and am really stressed out. She is 11yo.

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The problem is in her spine. It could be a disc problem or arthritis. Her back leg responses are slow but still working at the moment. She is on rimadyl for a week, then she has to go back. The poor thing can't even get into her tramoline bed. I've had to put her bedding on the ground.

I had to have my last dog put down when his back legs went, he was 15yo though. :)

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Fingers, toes and all paws crossed here for you girl.

Did the vet diagnose the spine problem or have you considered that she may have a tick???

I hope things get better for your girl.


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Try a magnetic collar, bed or coat. Will not cure the problem but from my experience will make her much more comfortable and suffer far less pain.

I bought my collar at Dick Wicks but there are some available on line. PM me if you would like some links.

It is so hard when the dogs get old hope the rimadly helps but have you checked out the issues with it? Being a BC it may pay you to do so

Edited by curlyking
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What about visiting a chiropractor or perhaps even acupuncture - it really works wonders

sounds a good idea :thumbsup: Acupuncture may help in sit's like this !

Ditto the acupuncture - I have had terrific results with my old girl from acupuncture. Good luck. :)

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After laying like she was dead all day Fern has now perked up a bit. She is still can't walk very well but isn't looking quite as sad. I am not a fan of Rimadyl but she was pretty bad. I'll keep a good eye on her for side effects.

There is a vet near me that does accupunture so I will enquire about that.

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I also agree with acupuncture. I have had two clients in recent months, a black lab and a bulldog who had bad, very bad spine problems. They are both now back to pretty much normal, both are older, lab is about 8 and bully is 10. I would discuss it with the vets, but both these dogs didnt have a good prognosis until their acupuncture treatments.

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Fern is looking much chirpier! She is back to meeting me at the gate and is generally moving around much better. I am hoping that this means that it is arthritis in the spine rather than anything nastier. I have to take her back to the vet mid-week and will discuss long term treatment then.

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Glad she is feeling better :mad

I've used both Bowen therapy and chiro on my boy with great results. Natural therapies could certainly give your girl some relief.

How about a hot water bottle or wheat pack on her shoulders when she settles down on her bed for a kipper?

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Fern is looking much chirpier! She is back to meeting me at the gate and is generally moving around much better. I am hoping that this means that it is arthritis in the spine rather than anything nastier. I have to take her back to the vet mid-week and will discuss long term treatment then.

Thats great she is feeling better! If it is arthritis - Sasha's Blend works wonders.

My then 12 year old Staffy wouldn't get up unless he had to and didn't want to play ball that much. He was always sleeping. Within a few days of Sasha's Blend he was bouncing around like a three year old.

He is now 13 and was getting a little bit stiff but now on pain relief medication as well. He is now bouncing around like a two year old. lol.

Hoping it is arthitis and not anything nastier.

Edited by missparty
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