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Flyball Nationals Qld


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Turns out we're going too! We've combined some of our Noosa Leaps and Bounds club with our NSW club to form a team which is possibly our fastest to date. The dogs have never run as a team, however, so the whole thing will be incredibly interesting

How does that work? are you the same club but in two diffrent states?

We could almost do that as we have a most of the club in Ballarat and a then one in Melb and one even further down.

Sorry no reply earlier - hadn't checked!

We just got home. Sorry not to meet more DOLers while at Nationals - but now, looking through the messages I recognise the teams you're with! Next time :D

We combined our Leaps and Bounds teams from Noosa and Sydney by creating a 'new team' called Paws of Noosa - easily done, with a 'declared' seed time, made up of the fastest time ran by each dog in the team. We were in Orange and Black (you might have seen us!) We ran in division 4, and what an exciting couple of days, running an entirely new team and trying to get the passes right, etc. We are very proud of our second placing in the division.

The team over the weekend was made up of four Noosa dogs (Rosie, Caddy, Leo and Oscar) and two NSW dogs (Jedda and Bryce - Bryce is mine). Turns out Oscar, our height dog, decided flyball wasn't his 'thing' this weekend, and Caddy wasn't 100% fit, so we were forced to run four taller dogs. We'd never done that before either! What a bizarre combo! We ran 13in jumps, and got the passes pretty well sorted - and we ended up coming in second after a pretty exciting run off with Canberra X-Factor late yesterday.

If you're all in the same team, you can make up different 'combinations' of dogs, and enter them as a team - I've done this twice now. The only problem is that you won't have trained with the dogs you're running with and many would find this off-putting. I'm lucky that my club is more based on friendship and doing the best we can with what we've got than with winning at all costs. We pretty much focus on clean runs. Winning kibble is always a bonus. That said, both times I've made the trip north and combined with our Noosa division, we've won kibble! I love winning kibble! :laugh:

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my son and i were particularly impressed with the dead-heat between one of the Qld teams, and one of the NSW teams ... State of Origin cept four footed :laugh:

There was another dead heat as well, between my team and i cant remember the other i think the time was 22.677? :laugh:

Congrats to the Weiners and Ballarat who won first in their divisions (2&3 respectively) and again to the Weiners who won the trophy for highest percentage of winning heats excellent results for them as that was their only team and they brought back the Div 2 trophy back to Victoria!! Go the Victorians!

Berwick finished 3rd in Division 3, behind Ballarat and another team that was too fast for our division (kept breaking out when running well).

Was excellent to watch the Thunderdogs break the record, and on the second day too!

Honestly never again, we went all that way for 30 heats. We had 3 heat races which is bloody ridiculous for a National. We have more races local so we werent happy about that.

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my son and i were particularly impressed with the dead-heat between one of the Qld teams, and one of the NSW teams ... State of Origin cept four footed :shrug:

There was another dead heat as well, between my team and i cant remember the other i think the time was 22.677? :laugh:

Congrats to the Weiners and Ballarat who won first in their divisions (2&3 respectively) and again to the Weiners who won the trophy for highest percentage of winning heats excellent results for them as that was their only team and they brought back the Div 2 trophy back to Victoria!! Go the Victorians!

Berwick finished 3rd in Division 3, behind Ballarat and another team that was too fast for our division (kept breaking out when running well).

Was excellent to watch the Thunderdogs break the record, and on the second day too!

Honestly never again, we went all that way for 30 heats. We had 3 heat races which is bloody ridiculous for a National. We have more races local so we werent happy about that.

Cograts to Ballarat.

I have to agree for the nationals I expected a lot more, I thought it would have been a lot bigger and more teams involved.

Yes we where the team that kept breaking out (Luv a Dog Regardless). Don't know what was going on never run those sort of time before, Lucky for us we where fairly inconsistant. Your run off was against Awesome Pawsome 2 from Brisbane.

Can someone tell me the dates for the nationals in Canberra? Starting to plan for it already.

Nice to meet some of the DOL's, I must addmit I didn't realy have time to scratch my self.

I hope to see you all in Canberra. :laugh:

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Can someone tell me the dates for the nationals in Canberra? Starting to plan for it already.

Nats 2008 is February 23 and 24 at the Canberra Royal.

I'm just home myself. Huge enough drive for me to go to and from Sydney so I am amazed at the Victorians stamina. I have to say I had a great time (if a bit chilly) and would trek to QLD again for a big comp. I was also dissapointed in the number of races but at least I was racing two dogs in two teams so I got to do 8 races a day and the dogs got 4 each. My two divisions (2 and 4) were 5 heat races. I do think it would have been more fun if there could have been more races and the event could have been done in two rings with more judges. (There were enought judges present to enable this.) At least we already know the Canberra Royal in 2008 will have 2 rings and the organisers are stating that they are expecting about 40 teams and the finals will be in the main arena in front of the crowd.

I have to say I enjoyed the singles and pairs day too. Came away from that with a trophy for the pairs in division 2. My girl Kobe was paired with another Kelpie, Ned and that was really good fun and gave us a good practice at the lights and the crossovers. Ned also entered the singles and he came away with 3 trophies. Our pairs division trophy, his division singles and then he won the handicapped, all divisions singles comp too. Awesome dog! There weren't huge entries for these events but they were actually alot of fun. I would enter them again.

If I ever get organised I will put up some pictures.


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Yes we where the team that kept breaking out (Luv a Dog Regardless). Don't know what was going on never run those sort of time before, Lucky for us we where fairly inconsistant. Your run off was against Awesome Pawsome 2 from Brisbane.

;) What sort of times do you usually do with that combo?

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Yes we where the team that kept breaking out (Luv a Dog Regardless). Don't know what was going on never run those sort of time before, Lucky for us we where fairly inconsistant. Your run off was against Awesome Pawsome 2 from Brisbane.

;) What sort of times do you usually do with that combo?

i'm pretty sure they usually run in the high 22,low to mid 23, but i reckon there passes are getting alot better so is why thier times have gotten better, bit hard going from training and a stop watch to high tech timing gear. I'm sure with more training and comps you will see the team get alot faster yet, :D

Edited by bordacollies4me
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We were also somewhat disappointed in the small number of races - in fact, we even said that we'd be really annoyed if we got stuck with the 3 heat races. I really feel for you.

We'd run that many races in a normal one-day comp. And on Saturday we had a 3 hour break between two of our races. At least we had a run-off at the end of the comp and we won that with 3 clean runs so that was 6 extra points for each of our dogs.

That said, we had a great time and I think it was really well put together. Can't imagine the amount of organisation that goes into it. Congratulations to St George for having so many team members there, and for them being so very vocal on Sunday in supporting each of their teams!

Can anyone tell me who the professional photographers were and where the pics will be likely to go up? I'm assuming Pinnicle was one? Nothing listed anywhere yet, and I know they took some pics of Bryce in full flight.

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Yeah it wouldnt have been too bad if we were actually from Queensland or even NSW but we travelled 24 hours to get there and to only get 10 races is astounding. Not happy at all, at least the other divisons got best of 3 out of 5.

Not sure where the photos are going to be put up, nothing on the website yet. They said something about afc.com or something but ive tried several combinations and nothing yet.

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Can anyone tell me who the professional photographers were and where the pics will be likely to go up? I'm assuming Pinnicle was one? Nothing listed anywhere yet, and I know they took some pics of Bryce in full flight.

Pinnicle was not there but apparently the fellow who was taking pictures is going to be putting a link on the Nationals website http://NAFC2007.webhop.info but it is not there yet, I just checked.

Thanks to my team mates in St George for thinking up the cheer squad idea while we were in the ring. It was a little disconcerting the first time we heard them start up the chant / stomp / clap thing up in the grandstand but after that we all got into it whenever one of our three teams went into the ring, it adds to the fun. Might have started a trend I fear. I heard someone wander past me later on after racing one of our teams muttering to their companions that 'we need a cheer squad too.' We might wheel out the cheer squad again at the Wodonga comp.


Edited by TigerJack
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Thanks to my team mates in St George for thinking up the cheer squad idea while we were in the ring. It was a little disconcerting the first time we heard them start up the chant / stomp / clap thing up in the grandstand but after that we all got into it whenever one of our three teams went into the ring, it adds to the fun. Might have started a trend I fear. I heard someone wander past me later on after racing one of our teams muttering to their companions that 'we need a cheer squad too.' We might wheel out the cheer squad again at the Wodonga comp.


Thanks Jo - I keep checking the Nationals site too. We'll be spending up big on good pics!

That cheer squad was incredibly intimidating :o Trent was on the side of the ring right next to me, yelling "St George, etc". I said to him "Yeah, that's great" and gave him the thumbs up. The essence of great sportsmanship is that after the first heat, (which we won :laugh: ) Trent paused for a second in his chanting, and said "Great start Leaps and Bounds - 0.02!"

What fun! The chanting added to the pressure on us, but I'm sure it added to the pressure on you guys too. And it's all good natured and supportive of their team anyway - not like it was done to try and put anyone off.... :rofl: You stopped when the start began too, which ensured everyone heard the lights/buzzer. Leaps and Bounds will definitely have to get rent a crowd along to a comp....

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Two of the four that ran in the line that broke the record of 17.672 were Tia relatives Dad "Buddy" (start dog) and "Cooper" (with the 2 blue eyes/white face) big brother was 3rd dog.

The others were "Kelsie" BC x Kelpie and "Pebbles" Foxie X BC (height dog)

Tia's mum Coco and other big brother Milo were in the team for the Nationals as well.

To everyone else, I too was a little disapointed about the small number of races but had a good time anyway. I heard that the magic number of teams to make a 2 ring comp work is 26 (i think we had 25) not sure why that is the number but info from America suggest this is the case.

Which dogs were in the thunderdogs that broke the record? Where they choc and white border collies? They are Tia's relatives.
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I've finally sorted out a few photos from the weekend and I'll put them up in the photo section. They're not the best quality.

I was disappointed with the number of runs we had. We had a six dog team so after it was shared around the dogs were just warming up.

I had a great time overall though. The organisers went out of their way to give everyone a good time. Providing meals on Friday and Saturday night with entertainment was a real bonus and very much appreciated, even though most of us were too buggered to take full advantage of it and party on.

The camping grounds were comfy and the loos and showers coped which is always a bit of a worry.

I wish I could have met a few more people but it just didn't seem to come about. There's always Canberra.

CTD - I took a couple of pics of Tia's relatives for you.

Thanks to all of the QLDers for a great weekend. :)

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I've finally sorted out a few photos from the weekend and I'll put them up in the photo section.

Just had a look at your photos, Pleased to see you got my good side :thumbsup: You did a better job than I did. My best flyball photo's are tail's, noses and jumps. I didn't get one photo of the weekend, caught up in all the excitement I guess.

I hope to see you in Canberra

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I've finally sorted out a few photos from the weekend and I'll put them up in the photo section.

Just had a look at your photos, Pleased to see you got my good side :thumbsup: You did a better job than I did. My best flyball photo's are tail's, noses and jumps. I didn't get one photo of the weekend, caught up in all the excitement I guess.

I hope to see you in Canberra

Hey i think there is a nice photo of Lucy in the colection just over the jump i'm sure its her does she wear a purple harness

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I've finally sorted out a few photos from the weekend and I'll put them up in the photo section.

Just had a look at your photos, Pleased to see you got my good side :) You did a better job than I did. My best flyball photo's are tail's, noses and jumps. I didn't get one photo of the weekend, caught up in all the excitement I guess.

I hope to see you in Canberra

Hey i think there is a nice photo of Lucy in the colection just over the jump i'm sure its her does she wear a purple harness

Yep that's my little girl doing what she does best. :thumbsup:

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