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Stupid Question Really...


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Cos they're full of sugar & salt - they're basically just doggy junk food. Read the ingredients panel on the back!

I certainly wouldn't be feeding them to your dog in large quantities, or feeding them every day. :(

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They are like feeding lollies to the kids.

My boys get them ... but it isn't a every day thing nor is it an every week thing. They love them but it is usually only 1 or 2 for a special reason.

I usually give them a nice big bone as a "treat" ....

Edited by Tilly
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I use them sometimes as training treats and my dogs get 1 strap as a goodnight snack. They love them.

They are high in sugar and salt (and protien 30%) and do have preservatives etc added, but my dogs probably get an average of 20 grams of schmacko a day at the most which would equate to about 1 gram of salt and 1 gram of sugar. While they are doggy junk food they are better than feeding things like sweet biscuits and about the same as bread.

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Tonymc ... you must not be doing it right.

My boy can apprehend a purse snatcher and stop any bad people :provoke:

Unfortunately I haven't been able to get them to bath themselves and be nice to cats ....

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:rasberry: we use milk arrowroot biscuit bits instead ....

I wish my boys would eat plain milk arrowroot biscuits.

Our GSD was working one night when a taxi driver gave him one of those biscuits from Le Snak packs ... he spat it out and waited until the next one had the cheese spread on it :provoke: Another of his favourites are the jam tartlets...

Our rottie has a thing for Ice Vo-Vo biscuits and curried egg sandwhiches :cry:

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Yep there just junk food & now there are so many Schmacko brabd varities & some are certainly worse than others like the peanut butter ones.

We see so many diabetic dogs these days in the kennels & many of the owners use to give 3 strips aday.

These where also past client that we informed with there normal food diet plus the treats there dogs where highest risk for diabetes,they wished they had listened.

We have them in the kennels & there used for treats only but milk arrowroots are great for the special occasions try Tiny Teddies although my boys favourite is dried banana chips

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Thanks for the replies everyone. My dogs do get schmackos, but luckily they do enjoy other treats as well. I've been chopping them into tiny chunks for training treats, but maybe I'll look for something else (or resort to making my own liver treats...ugh...cooking!). The dried banana chips is a good idea, because they LOVE bananas smushed up with plain yoghurt, but fresh bananas are not practical as a training treat! Might also get some milk arrowroots instead.

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one vet we know said that in a lot of cases of dogs that they get with skin allergy problems 9due to diet) that if they took the dogs off schmacko's and other similar treats (with the various colours, flavours, etc) that this helped a lot with reducing the skin problems. While the dog's main food can be the main cause of diet allergies, treats can also be a big cause...

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The only stupid question is the one that is not asked.

I agree, those kinds of treats filled with flavours and colourings are junk. Which is of course, why my dogs love them and will bend over backwards for them. I do give them occasionally, but i dont buy them. I sometimes get samples for work, or gifts of them at christmas time etc from clients to my dogs. That's about the only time my kids get them. About the only treats i buy are dried liver.

For training, i found cheese and smelly stuff like cabanossi, cooked sausage, salami etc worked well.

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I heard that they are REALLY salty if you taste them and thats why the dogs love them.

Mine never cared for Schmackos. I was a bit disappointed that he never went wacko over them. He doesnt do tricks for them either. Just sniffs and looks offended!

I bake these mini blueberry,coconut and honey muffins. He will do ANYTHING for those.

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I've discovered Ziwipeak, which is a NZ company. Same principle as Schmackos only smaller. I use the green mussels and venison ones. Ingredients are green mussels, venision, chicory syrup, hoki fish oil, lethicin (soy antioxidant) and mixed tocopherols (vitamin e). My dog loves them.

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Zack, my brother's elderly poodle shi tzu crossbreed's last treat were schmakos.

He'd starting having fits, refused to eat, only drank from an eye dropper... I went to say goodbye and bought him a packet of schmackos. He hadn't had any in about 5 years -- but I got them for him, tore one up into little tiny pieces (small then then end of your little finger) and he gobbled them down he it was going out of fashion.

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