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Anal Glands

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just wondering if anyone out there has a doggy that sometimes shoots out anal fluid, vet checked all ok but over active glands and I have to express them often, sometimes weekly then fortnightly.Got the art down packed but sometimes she still leaks :love::(:(

sound yuck but we all no what to smell for and have nicked named it anal juice

any ideas?????


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I had one that used to do this but my vet squirted antibotics into the tiny holes in there and they are now fine. I asked him the theory behind it and he said I have no idea but it seems to work so maybe worth a try

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My vet suggested adding fibre e.g. Metamucil (human stuff) to the diet for anal glands. Tried this for a while but it's awful stuff and not cheap. Added some chicken wings/ necks and more bones and very few probs since.

Problem anal glands can be surgically removed, but is the last resort, sometimes done for recurrent infections.

Edited by Poodle wrangler
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Bob's an anal gland leaker. I use psyllium which is cheaper than Metamucil and it helps a little. He's also quite a nervous dog and the vet said it's like skunk glands for him, something scares him and oops. Doesn't smell good though. I'm going to talk to my vet about the antibiotic treatment that cowanbree mentioned, worth a try.

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My vet suggested adding fibre e.g. Metamucil (human stuff) to the diet for anal glands.

My Gracie has needed her anal glands expressed often. After she eats, she rubs & rubs her bottom end on edges of the furniture, obviously in discomfort.

The vet nurse recommended adding 1/4 teaspoon to her dinner (she's only little). I've been happy to see that she's much less uncomfortable.

At that dosage, the container of Metamucil seems to be lasting forever.

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Funny I was at the vets waiting to have Lillies glands done again and one lady said she had the same problem until once her dog had to go on antibotics and after that she never had it again.

It was mentioned on this thread as well. It has got me thinking next time I will ask the vet.

I use Physicullum husks from Wollies the same as Metamusical without the flavouring and colouring.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi all

yes well I do the express thing weeky,getting used to it, tried fibre,wing etc and yes Ruby is a nervy little dog but we love her anal glands and all.

I needed a good belly laugh. Not enough laughter in this world!

I have a girl who has always had dehydrated stools (I mean crumbly dry upon studying her poo) and cyclical anal gland chewing. She smells very metallic when she has a bot bot problem. I'm now eternally thankful she doesn't squirt everywhere though. Sorry but that's just such a scary visual place :laugh:

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At the lower end of the anus, press in, up and outwards.

When you take your pup in for the next vaccination, ask the vet to show you. Some dogs need this done regularly. Signs are trying to bite/ chew down there and/ or dog scooting along on it's bottom.

Smaller breeds have more trouble than larger breeds, apparently.

The stuff is foul smelling. Best done outside with tissue, gloves and stand back, so it doesn't get you. My vet said she got it in her hair (long) once, and it stank for a week despite washings. She's extra careful, now.

ETA: Can also be done when washing dog. Still use paper towel or tough tissue, though.

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Is the expressing actually painful for the dog? I had Bob's emptied on Saturday and he screamed and fought it. The vet said they usually don't carrry on quite that badly, and the stuff was normal looking, no infection. He was going to teach me how to do it but with the way Bob carried on he said there was no way we were going to be able to do it easily.

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;) Hi all

well it doesnt hurt my Ruby

, she sometimes comes to tell "their full I need a bit of a squish"

and yes its a foul smell so beware!!!!!!!

Am an expert now so when its bath time,its squish time.

Had Dobermans before down sizing to mini schnauzers and never new dogs had anal glands.

Then hello schnauzers,hello anal glands.

Its all good,love the two mini schnauzerss anal glands and all :(

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just want to bump this with a question

Chloe was at the back door and it was shut. the postman came by and she got all excited and wanted to get out, she left a puddle of FOUL smelling stuff. is this her anal glands? we thought she wet herself but it is oily and all over her tail. and talk about smelly!!

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