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What Type Of Training Do You Love The Most


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i love doign agility trainging at home. i remember when buster was a pup and i was teaching him to jump. and slowly he progressed till i could call him over from the other side. then he'd jump it with me beside it. now i can send him out in front of me to a jump, tunnel or pause table. i love how much communication it takes.

and i love teaching him tricks, fidning out how he interprets my messages. would love to start flyball but havn't as of yet

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The other day when I read this thread I thought "herding" but yesterday I taught Jarrah a formal retrieve with the dumbell in 1 day (this is a dog who's never seen a dumbell before & is famous for running off with anything he can & chewing it up :rolleyes: ), so today Im going with obedience again :D :):eek: .

Edited by MrsD
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