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Puppy Losing His Temper

Tunsafun Boxers

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Hi Guys,

Im just wondering about something with my puppy.

He is absolutely adorable, quite smart and very people friendly.

lately though, he has been losing his temper with the other dogs.

Cooper is three and a half months old, and spends his days with three other dogs. not all at once though.

Mornings he is with boffa, after lunch he's with Sarge, and evening play time is spent with Pippa.

All three of these dogs with tell him off if he gets out of control, or bites too hard etc, but are very gentle about this.

lately when playing, he's been getting really shitty. if they dont play, he full on has a shot at them. you can tell by his barking and growling that he's lost the plot and this is when the other dog either has a shot at him, or tries to get away.

If he does get told off by one of the dogs, he jumps in for one last shot and then struts off.

he doesn't do that with us. he doesn't seem to get to the point in losing his temper, just with the other dogs.

Pippa has put him in his place a couple of times, to the point where he will submit to her, then give it 3 seconds and he's at it again.

Should i be worried? he's really happy to play with other dogs, loves to meet them when out and about and is very very gentle with adults and kids.

Just after some opinions guys.


Edited by Tunsafun Boxers
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It's that just working out the pack order?

Yes I agree, bringing any new dog into the family can cause a shifting of the pack order, I would say that your puppy is starting to mature and is starting to push the older established dogs for position. Usually the dogs will sort it out amongst themselves, but if you have a strong, dominant dog already and he wants to retain his position there may be a few problems. I find that in my breed if there's going to be trouble it's usually between dogs of the same sex and that bitches are the worst.

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Our girls seem to be constantly trying to sort out the pack order, but little Cooper, well lets just say he's getting on the other dogs nerves.

He's worse if he's tired though so we constantly look out for that.

I think our dogs are too soft on him i think. they know to be gentle but i think its almost to the point where they need to stop being quite so gentle with him. Dont get me wrong, i dont want him to get beaten up or hurt, but i think he needs a little bit of a scruffing from one of the older dogs to put him back in his place a bit.

My OH keeps joking, saying that we didn't have an earthquake in Gembrook, it was Coopers balls dropping ! lol im beginning to wonder myself lol


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I think our dogs are too soft on him i think. they know to be gentle but i think its almost to the point where they need to stop being quite so gentle with him. Dont get me wrong, i dont want him to get beaten up or hurt, but i think he needs a little bit of a scruffing from one of the older dogs to put him back in his place a bit.


Unfortunately there's nothing you can do, dogs sort out their own pack structure. This puppy may be a particularly strong dominant dog and if the older dogs end up conceding their position to him you'll just have to accept it. As he matures and his sex hormones kick in he will become more cocky and less submissive and then you may have a couple of altercations if one of the older dogs decide he's getting too big for his boots. As I said they'll sort it out, you'll just have to hope that it's a bloodless coup :)

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The joys of the boys eh ? lmao

he's an adorable baby, but his attitude has changed in the last couple of weeks. he's got a lot of respect for us which is great, just the others deserve belting up it seems lol

maybe i'll try swapping the playtimes around and put him with poppy a couple of times and charlie with strict supervision. He needs to learn to get along with everyone.

if he wasn't so damn cute, disciplining him would be sooooo much easier lmao

thanks for the advice guys!

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It looks like he is int eh first fear impact period and I wouldnt have him with older dogs now with no supervision in case one has a go just this little bit too much. It can frighten the puppy for life and you will be on your way to creating a dog agro dog.

Keep him separate or if with another dog than under supervision.

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Wow he's starting early then :D There are advantages though, I've always found that the pushy, full of themselves type dogs make the best show dogs, they usually have that 'hey look at me ain't I the greatest' attitude. :)

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It looks like he is int eh first fear impact period and I wouldnt have him with older dogs now with no supervision in case one has a go just this little bit too much. It can frighten the puppy for life and you will be on your way to creating a dog agro dog.

Keep him separate or if with another dog than under supervision.

Hi Myszka,

Because he can be such a monster, he is always supervised with the older dogs. Im worried that play will turn rough and he'll get hurt. The others are sooooo much bigger than him lol

Wow he's starting early then :thanks: There are advantages though, I've always found that the pushy, full of themselves type dogs make the best show dogs, they usually have that 'hey look at me ain't I the greatest' attitude. :)

He definitely has a 'Look At Me' attitude. Is scared of nothing! if he gets a fright, he'll spin around and have a look at what frightens him, and even go and have a sniff.

He's forever tail up, head up and checking out the world. He may be a brat but he's a proud brat :D

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Then perhaps he shouldn't be with the other dogs until he's big enough?

Hi Sas,

I've thought about this, but as i believe he needs socialising with other dogs, i've chosen the dogs to put with him that i consider safe. All but one of our dogs is exceptionally are with puppies thankfully but just in case i still supervise.

He needs stuff to do whilst in the company of the others, he needs other things to keep him busy rather than being a pain and inciting. :rofl:

Adult dogs don't always want to play...particularly older adult dogs.


Hi Mel,

He's got lots of toys, balls and tug toys etc, he's also got a treat ball which he adores, even if its empty.

Ive started having him inside more and more to give the other dogs a break because as you said, they dont always want to playl. I was wondering if his crumpiness was due to being tired, so i've cut his playtime down as well.

Should i be worried by his behaviour? Ive never known a puppy to be so full-on before with play and then lose him temper like this. He doesn't lose it with us, just the other dogs.

Any advice would be welcome.

And thanks for the tiips guys!

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I would be thinking more like stuffed kong or porkhide roll/bone..even if both he and the adult dog has one each that would be better than the treat ball which he can take or leave as he wishes.

Are you taking him out to shows? Whilst socialisation is great with your dogs he also needs to meet heaps of other breeds, sizes and dispositions. Although I'm not sure that shows are the best place to do this it would be better than nothing.

If you can make it down to Berwick Obed there are a heap of new dogs and quite a number of young dogs as well at the moment. The next membership intake isn't until next month but you could definitely just bring him down and walk him around the place, meet a few friendly dogs etc etc.


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I'll see if i can get to the Berwick Obed club as im dying to train both him and two of my others as well. finances dont allow for that at the moment but we'll see how we go. maybe i can borrow the money off my mum lol

i didn't think of bones, i might try that this week and see how we go. at least i know that if they've got one each and there's a spare that boffa wont argue.

thanks for the tips


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  • 2 weeks later...

An update on Cooper for all those who helped with suggestions:

Cooper is now sleeping in the dining room next to the big dogs. i couldn't hack him whinging at me overnight (from his pen he can see straight into my bedroom). Now he's got pippa next to him, he's sleeping through the night beautifully.

Ive separated him permanently from Boffa. The old dog just doesn't want to be bothered with pups any more and just wants to sleep all day, so he spends his day on his chair in the lounge room.

Cooper is now spending 3 hours a day supervised in the yard out the back with the big dogs.

He's learning very quickly that walking up and having a shot at everyone doesn't do you any favours, and is actually starting to play without losing it.

yesterday he had an absolulte ball with Pippa. she was very gentle with her play and was actively supervising his playtime with the other dogs. she was always close at hand if anyone got too rough.

Poppy got a bit full of herself at one stage and barked at cooper, pippa obviously thought this was uncalled for and told poppy so. she didn't have a shot at her, or tip her over, she was postured up and walked very determinedly over to her. poppy got the message and then it was an all in play.

Sarge isn't impressed with having the little upstart in his yard, but defers to pippa about it.

Actually, everyone defers to pippa. Its funny, she's the second youngest girl in the pack, doesn't receive anything that the others dont get, hasn't had a litter (obviously) and yet she's very much the boss out there. inside she defers to the old dog, but out in the yard, its her turf.

Today, cooper was put out to play with the others and i must say he has changed. he is no-loner walking up and trying to hump them now, he's just trying to initiate play, so im happy.

so there you go guys, a quick update for you all.



PS. All his playtimes are supervsed by the way.

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