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Taking Ruby To The Vet


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Well, Ruby has been limping for a few days now. Today she's not able to bear any weight and flinched/yelped when I tried to move her paw up to inspect the pad. She's about to see the vet b/c she's a tough bugger normally...wish us luck. I'm hoping it's just a touch of arthritis but she may have a luxating patella as we do know her knees aren't great. :)

We're moving next week. :) Why does this sh*t always happen when you're already stressed over something else? :o

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No definitive answer but it is the knee as I had suspected. It could be the cruciate ligament or it could be that she dislocated it slightly and it popped back in by itself. We have some rimadyl for now. If that doesn't help, we go back Monday for X-rays. If she needs surgery, obviously this will be done after the move.

We had a great vet in Darwin previously but let's hope the rimadyl does the trick. :) I don't need any more stress ATM...ARGH! :o

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Hope she gets better - when are you leaving?

We leave Saturday week. But the dogs go to the kennel on Wednesday - that's our last day at home.

The meds are helping already but she's not weight-bearing much at all. And she's so not a wuss so I know she must be in LOTS of pain. She actually yelped a few times today...now that's severe pain for this dog. :thumbsup:

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I will, if all goes wel, be settled in to my new house by then, Dont think i will ever want to see another car again!!

I have sedatives for the dogs.. might just take them myself :thumbsup:

hope she gets better

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I will, if all goes wel, be settled in to my new house by then, Dont think i will ever want to see another car again!!

I have sedatives for the dogs.. might just take them myself :thumbsup:

hope she gets better

After a while on the road, you kinda get into 'the zone'... :laugh: kinda like a sedative... ;) ;)

I also took the opportunity to get some sedatives for Ruby b/c she gets motion sickness. :laugh: But like you TB, I've got my eye on them! I am SO stressed right now. :p I just want to hit the road to escape the madness here. The removalist is being a pain in the bum (paid for by OH's work so they don't give a toss); we haven't heard from the car transport company that is shipping OH's car up for us; Ruby is sick; OH is away; house is a mess and so am I. ;) ;) ;)

I just want the whole thing over. :laugh:

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Tell me about it!

My dogs dont get car sick BUT they have never spent 4/5 days driving in a car! So thought i am better safe then sorry.

My house isnt in a mess.. :thumbsup: i have hardly anything in it now!!!

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I think I spoke too soon. Even though she's had a dose of rimadyl today, the limp is as bad as ever. She won't put much/any weight on it at all. :rofl:

They go to the kennels on Wednesday b/c of the move. It's going to be horrible knowing she's not well and not being with her. :rofl:

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How long does Ruby have to stay in the boarding kennels? Maybe she could stay at the vets instead (some vets do boarding as well)...at least you know that they could be keeping a professional eye on her limp. Have they suggested an xray of the affected leg??? Hope everything goes well for the move and your stress eases off soon! Poor thing...I hate moving!!!

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How long does Ruby have to stay in the boarding kennels? Maybe she could stay at the vets instead (some vets do boarding as well)...at least you know that they could be keeping a professional eye on her limp. Have they suggested an xray of the affected leg??? Hope everything goes well for the move and your stress eases off soon! Poor thing...I hate moving!!!

In Canberra, the dogs are boarding from Wednesday to Saturday morning. In Darwin, it will be from arrival until we move into a house, which might only be a week or much longer, depending on how quickly we find a place to live.

I did think of asking our vet if we could board her there but I think she would be better staying with Lilly and Molly - vet clinics freak her out. :)

I think if the limp is bad tomorrow, we will get her in for X-rays...she's had crate rest today and is doing better than yesterday. I can only hope this does the trick. :(

This is hopefully the last move for a while...but we said that last time. :thumbsup:

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I have only seen this thread! J, I'm sorry to hear Ruby is unwell :thumbsup: and all this before you move too!!!! I know about some dramas you've been having so having this as well is just horrible!!!!! :(

I need to PM you so I can come see you before you leave and steal a few cuddles from the girls too :) Do you think I might be able to convince you to make me a cuppa? ;)

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I have only seen this thread! J, I'm sorry to hear Ruby is unwell :thumbsup: and all this before you move too!!!! I know about some dramas you've been having so having this as well is just horrible!!!!! ;)

I need to PM you so I can come see you before you leave and steal a few cuddles from the girls too :D Do you think I might be able to convince you to make me a cuppa? :p

Of course, as long as it's on or before Wednesday! :)

Would love to see you before we leave. The house gets packed up on Thursday...and we are pretty busy between now and then with various things.

Unfortunately, Ruby is going back to the vet tomorrow as her limp hasn't improved overall, but Molly is also going. She's had a few seizures in quick succession and I've only really just begun to understand what is going on...she's most likely epileptic. ;)

With the move, the stress, the trip ahead, and the two stays the dogs will have in boarding (here and Darwin), we just can't chance not having the dogs in the best shape possible and with the medication/s they need. Poor Molly seems to have been having seizures for a few months at least...but I didn't really pick up on it until I watched varicool's youtube video this afternoon. It all makes sense now. :(

I'll PM my numbers... ;)

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