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Hair Between Toes And Pads


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My boy has big hairy feet, he has a lot of hair growing between his pads and toes. Sometimes is seems to bother him and he will chew at them. There doesnt look to be any fungusy, yeasty thing going on.

He looks to be crossed with a sheepdog/bearded collie, to me his feet look like a Clydesdale horses' feet, LOL.

Do they need clipping, do they usually get clipped as matter of course?

Always had short haired dogs, and never had this problem before.

Thanx in advance for any answers... :confused:

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This is one of those "it's up to you" kind of questions. Personally, I WOULD clip, because it helps keep things like grass seeds out from between the toes - and helps to make it easier to find things, like grass seeds, that get stuck between the toes. Also helps to keep the feet drier in the wet weather, and cuts down on mud and dirt getting stuck between the toes.

It's easy enough to do to trim out this hair. If you're a bit unsure, maybe get an experienced groomer to help the first few times, and watch and learn. Also might pay to get your dog comfortable with having its feet touched. You can do this by touching the paws and praising or giving treats. Don't make a big deal out of it - and NEVER punish or shout at the dog if they pull their feet away. Just quietly move on to the next foot and go back to the other foot later. They will very soon get used to it.

Edited by Faolmor
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I was told by my vet and my sister that you should definately keep it trimmed between the pads because if their paws get wet that fur between their pads can stay damp for ages and get fungal infections etc.... Unfortunately I have no hints for actually trimming it - I am still learning!!! It has been suggested to me however, that of a night while watching tv (my dog is a lapdog) that while just playing with his fur as I normally would, also gently touch his feet and put fingers between his pads then go back to patting and alternate - he learns that it is just another place to be "patted".... still working on that though!!

edited for spelling as usual!

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Do they need clipping, do they usually get clipped as matter of course?

Well generally if he was a Beardie you wouldn't clip the top of the foot, but if they are bothering him it's worth giving them a trim.

I can explain to you the best way to do it, but it's probably just easier to book him in a groomer for a wash and tidy up. You can even ask them to keep the clipped feet camoflauged if you don't want him looking too silly. Otherwise just ask for poodle feet :confused: or tight scissored feet.

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Ok, thanx for the replies guys. Will definately get them clipped, he has been chewing at them heaps today. I checked them and cant see anything. I will leave it to the professionals as he hates his paws being touched at all, when you get to them with a brush you can feel his body tense. Havnt had him very long, so who knows his history....

OMG, it has been raining and he has been walking on the dirt outside. I was in the bedroom, when I came out there are huge dirty paw prints all over the carpet :confused: Will wait until the dirt dries before i vacume. i guess I will see it is really stainproof/partyproof carpet. (I have a feeling the answer will be NO) :(

Editted to add heidig29, thats a good idea about getting them used to you touching their feet, I will try that

Edited by eclecticgirl
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Clipping really short also helps a little with the mud, dirt etc. Poodle feet get shaved, including between toes, and I did it to a poodle x who was staying with us for about 6 weeks- MUCH less dirt, water etc. brought inside.

You can leave the hair on the front of the paw longer, so your dog doesn't look like a poodle :confused:

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At DR we see a lot of fluffy types where this hair has grown too long, gotten matted and they struggle to walk properly - must be awfully uncomfortable when it gets to that stage. Some of them have awful lumps and infections underneath it all.

As long as the dog's good I'd try doing it myslef but most of mine won't tolerate me looking at their nails. I'm sure a vet would do this - I'm about to take a dog to mine for an all over groom as you can't even brush her without her going mad!!

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I've got tibbies...& a breeder showed me how important it was to cut back the hair on the pads...for reasons others have given.

I use a special pair of scissors to do it...they have a curve in the middle & rounded points.

I got them at a pet supplies store...but they are the same as those sold in baby supplies shops.

The curve means it's easy to place the scissors along the hair on the pad...& the rounded points means there's no worries about digging sharp points into the dog.

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I also use round tip scissors. If you leave the hair theyre you will find fur balls and mud balls forming and these can be quite painful for the dog. Of course then he will not want you to touch them. Also if you leave the big hairy feet you may find the feet spread. May not be an issue for you but having a breed that should have tight feet it can be important

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It's quite easy to do with scissors, you don't need clippers. Hold the dog's leg just above the foot, put the thumb of your other hand between the toes, push up the excess hair and snip it off. Then lift up the foot as you would a horse's hoof and cut off the hair that is protruding beyond the pads underneath. If the dog is fidgety get someone to hold the dog and distract it with some treats.

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Well sticks in my craw to admit this :) but when I came home today my husband called me and proudly showed me our boys feet. He had trimmmed them and made a damned good job :p They look so good that they look like he has had them done at the groomers.......EEEEWWWWW it kills me to admit it, he made a much better job than I couldve. He says that when the hair grows back a little he will show me how to do it :laugh:

And then to rub salt in the wound proudly announces that Jonah didnt move a muscle.......HUH, I said he was was probably petrified.........No not really, Just shows that husbands occassionaly come in handy for some things................ :rofl:

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my boy has had fungal infection between his toes - (he also has webbed feet) so i yhave started cutting the hair back to try to help them dry better.

on better homes and gardens last week - Dr Harry met a SWF that would keep licking his feet. he suggested dipping in methylated spirits. dries the foot out well and doesnt taste good but not harmful...i have started washing in malaseb also but think the meths dip might be better...

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