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What Do You Put In A Kong?

miss shel

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My kelpies would be salivating if they could read ! :thumbsup:

Their favourite frozen kong - put a banana in food processor, add a couple of spoonfuls of yoghurt, spoon of peanut butter and a teaspoon of oat bran.

Sort of looks and smells like banana icecream when it comes out of the freezer. YUM YUM

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put it on the end of a knife and poke it in there...lol then add bickies treats cheese chopped left over meats,, raw mince, anything they love. mine love their kongs frozen in summer is great too..

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I put peanut butter on the little end..the a large piece of whatever meat is handy ( folded up, the unfolded, so it won't fall out. ) THEN soaked kibble or cream cheese, then plug big end with cheese or chicken bits :p

Or...lots of bacon rind and bread......with yoghurt...

soaked kibble and a bit of vegemite

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