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Kennel Cough


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Rinse has THE WORST kennel cough I have ever seen!!

I thought she had eaten a beer bottle top or something feral the neighbours threw over but no, after some "throatal exploration" they have decided she has KC (thanks neighbours, council and rspca :laugh::laugh::) )

The poor dear cant barely breathe, she is weezing and about every 10-15 seconds she is hacking to the point where she is almost vomitting. I swear her entire bedroom floor was covered in saliva this morning.

She is obviously on anti-bio's but is there anything I can give her to help her out? She is so damn uncomfortable and after the crap she has been through lately this is the last thing she needs.

Thanks guys, I have tried a search but have any of you ever typed Kennel cough into the search!?!?! There is like 20 pages of nothin :rofl:

eta: She would have contracted it last tuesday night/wednesday... Can it be carried on my clothes or whatever because I went to a Show on sunday? I would feel so terrible if I gave it to someones pooch :rofl:

Edited by Ruffles
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Cool thanks!

Does anyone know if I like say, played with rinse then went to my sisters house down the road if I could have given it to her dog?? Also, when does it become contagious? From the get go or when the coughing starts?

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Nope... its not going to pass through you, only if you take the poor girl with you... I asked the same thing years ago when one of my guys had it! :laugh:

I'll look in my herbal book for you and see if I find anything good for a cough!

Give her a hug

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Ok Natural Helath Bible for Dog and Cats, Dr Shawn Messonnier:

He recommends Echinacea, olive leaf extract, ginger, Licorice and garlic - all for fighting infection and building immune system

Marshmallow is specifically for respitory difficulties.

There's quite a few other things he mentions for infection / immune boost too... so ask if you want the rest...

He also mentions that there is a homeopathic nosode that some people has success with. And you could also get homeopathic remedies to help ease the throat / chest.

Just honey is good for soothing the throat too.

Hope something in that helps :laugh:

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oh also I forgot... I use Pau D'arco for most most infections. I normally give it in a pill, but to soothe her chest you could buy the tea, infuse and mix with honey...

Where would I find this stuff?

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All of it in a health food store... or a lot of chemists. healthfood stores I find are often a bit cheaper than chemists.. Most of the common brands of herbal supplements will have Pau D'arco now. The pills I use are Nature's own and the Tea I get is Nature's Sunshine. Its a big container and a bit expensive... but you use it for all their skin scrapes, lesions etc. etc.

The homeopathics you would need to look for a homeopathic practitioner.

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Active Manuka Honey :laugh: .

Get the good stuff from the health food shop. The cheaper stuff from the supermarket doesn't have all the 'goodies' in it that boost the immune system. I've used to give it to my own girl for irritated stomach. Gave it to a foster dog (who'd travelled with other dogs who came down with Canine Cough) when he showed signs of hacking cough. Probably not as strong a dose or strain as what yours has, but next morning no more cough, no temperature and Vet cleared him of cough. Have used it for myself when I've experienced sore throats. It can be amazing how quickly this stuff works.

Dogs love it. Either add it to a small portion of tepid water or let them lick it directly off their doggy spoon.

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Active Manuka Honey :laugh: .

Get the good stuff from the health food shop. The cheaper stuff from the supermarket doesn't have all the 'goodies' in it that boost the immune system. I've used to give it to my own girl for irritated stomach. Gave it to a foster dog (who'd travelled with other dogs who came down with Canine Cough) when he showed signs of hacking cough. Probably not as strong a dose or strain as what yours has, but next morning no more cough, no temperature and Vet cleared him of cough. Have used it for myself when I've experienced sore throats. It can be amazing how quickly this stuff works.

Dogs love it. Either add it to a small portion of tepid water or let them lick it directly off their doggy spoon.

WoooOoo Ok thanks heaps...

Just heard Loki having a bit of a chuff and huff in his crate. I hope he just sniffed some dust (but I doubt it :) )

Off to the shops tomorrow me thinks

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Poor baby :laugh: My friends labs had kennel cough (she brought home a new lab from the shelter who already had kc, and her other lab caught it). What a nasty, hacking/wheezing sounding cough it was too :)

Hope Rinse feels better soon.

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I do hope Rinse feels better soon. Sounds like quite a severe case.

Our latest addition to our greyhound family is a 10yo male, Bo, who has that permanent bronchial condition that apparently sometimes results from having encountered kennel cough early in life. As his previous owner did, I have continued a regime of garlic/horseradish tablets to keep the condition under control and I have also just started giving Bo manuka honey - every now and then. Those out there who are giving Manuka honey - how often do you give it, please? And do you think the sugar in the honey would be any problem? I'm not in the habit of giving the dogs sugary treats and Bo needs the garlic/horseradish supplement daily, for the rest his life.



(That should be Fastgals&boy, now :laugh: )

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benadryl, definitely ( anyone ever tried giving it to a wheezing CAT, by the way? ) :laugh: very messy, let me tell you.!

Also..keep her rested, remove any collars,and if you have a steam vaporiser, use it, plain to humidify and warm the air a bit.Or boil up a saucepan of water for steam.....

Oh..Benadryl will probably make her sleepy..which is a good thing..keeps her quiet.

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