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Puppy Vomiting After Eating


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Hi there all

I have a litter of rescues that have been here for few days now. They have been taken away from mum way too early but mum was refusing them to nurse. They are now about 6 weeks old but the little runt is very tiny and is not doing what I expected. She is bright happy playgul but likes to rest a little more than the others. She wees and poo's normal but when she eats, and all puppies gulp, she heaves it back up. I have tried smaller amounts and taking her away from the food to slow her down. Sometimes it works and sometimes not. She does keep a thick mixture of milk porridge yogurt etc down better. When she vomits it has a very thick mucous clear to whitish. I was thinking reflux or a disorder affecting the mucous membranes or something. I have to travel 150 km to the vet and these are rescue puppies so they really have to wait for the next trip sadly. Do pups get reflux, or a gag relfex happening like this. Or could she have a narrow gullet. In the time I have been in rescue I have never had a case like this one. She is lean but seems healthy aside being small and doing this. She is in no way going backwards.

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  PAX said:
Try feeding her from a raised bowl.

Thanks I will try that and in a way I sort of have, like I have held her upright after her little licks to help and it does a bit. I have noticed that she seems to handle the dry kibble well. Meyby she has a tiny stomach and doesn't know that more than a tablespoon is more than enough. She is happy and bright and seems healthy in every other way.

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Little and often might suit her then like a diabetic???

Would she be able to digest anything if it was a parvo type problem? Doubt that

Good luck, excellent job you are doing!

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It is definitely her and not a bug, I have decided to try small amounts of mince as she can't handle meaty bones and the other stuff is just not enough to really get her going, so far so good.

Here is her pic and she is dubbed Midget. If she is ok she already has a wonderful home to go to once old and healthy enough.

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Hmmm...don't know. If it were me, I would be finding out via an xray or something, before too long....it may be a simple thing...or it may require you to make a hard decision.... either way, the sooner you know what you are dealing with, the better, imo.

she is very cute :champagne:)

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Is it projectile vomiting


is she just "spitting up"?

How long have the pups been weaned?

How long after eating does she vomit?

Does she vomit after every meal?

If not, what does she vomit most?

Pyloric stenosis springs to mind - but then - some pups just "spit up" - or she might have an allergy - or mega osophoghas (sp?) - which is why I am asking all these questions!

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She probably has a condition called "mega-oesophagus". The symptoms fit. This is a congenital condition where the oesophagus loses its elasticity and some food wells up in the oesophagus and won't go into the stomach. This is probably why the puppy is lean. To treat a puppy with the condition, you need to feed sloppy food - add far more water to the food than for a normal pup and mix the food to a sloppy consistency (no big lumps). Feed more meals and a smaller quantity in each meal per day. (You need to be careful to make sure there is enough food in the mixture and not all water). Feed the puppy on its own and feed it with the food bowl at head height so that the food "slides" down the gullet with gravity. There are varying degrees of this condition where the very serious ones are put to sleep, but the not so affected ones can get by quite well by feeding as I said above - they quite often "grow out of the condition" and eat like a normal dog later in puppyhood.

Edited by Scales of Justice
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  • 2 weeks later...

thee vets okayed the pup and then antoher has picked up I think they said Mega oesophagus. The nerves did not develop properly. Will cost thousands to investigate, inoperable, and may improve but may not. Puppy is not growing but is still a fighter. Currently she is being fed on dry as wet comes straight out, and then held upright for 5-10 minutes. If after a couple of weeks there is not improvement and depending on the vet she will be PTS.

Edited by pikespooches
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  • 2 weeks later...

Great news for this little dog. She is not out of the woods but she has a new vet and this vet operated and put in some sort of a band. She should hopefully grow out of this in a couple of months, well this is the plan. The spirit of this little dog is hwat has kept her going!!!

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