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Ear Mites


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My two poms have ear mites, they seldom get it but this time it's lasted for over a week. I've been using ear canker drops twice a day hoping to help it clear out with no apparent improvement. I think one of them got it and spread to the other, coz my older one has it pretty bad in both ears while my younger seem to be improving. Just wondering if I should continue to use the canker drops until they clear, otherwise is there a better cure? Thanks in advance!

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Kal had ear mites when I adopted her. I was prescribed ear drops by the Vet, but the problem seemed a bit re-current. On the Vet's recommendation I applied "Revolution" spot on (deals with mites and fleas). Seemed to keep the problem at bay.

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Just did some research online regarding Revolution for ear mites. My question is, I use Advantix spot on for flea and tick control every 2 weeks, so is it ok to use Revolution on top of that for ear mites, or do I apply it directly into the ear only? If it's ok to use then I'll have to get a box of Revolution for this purpose. Thanks again in advance!

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Ok, showing my ignorance here, but what are the symptoms of ear mites?

Persistant scratching of ears,head shaking & if bad black gunk in the ear.

If showing any of these you need to go to a vet as mites cant be seen.

The vet will take a swab & look at it under the microscope for diagnosis.

Not had it in a dog but a cat I bought from interstate had them.She had no gunk & no scratching,however a vet check revealed them.They can be contagious so if you do suspect them isolate from other animals until clear.

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When I got Chelsea at 8 weeks, she has got ear mites, and the doctor prescribe "Milliemites", it only require a single dose and then it is gone. I always use a cutton bud to clean out Chelsea's ear after the weekly bath, and it takes several weeks for me to get all the dirt out.

It cost $20 when having the medication in the vet, so it may cause cheaper if you buy it outside.

Btw, how can you tell if the dog has ear mites? I know that Chelsea has ear mites, cos the vet check it.

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If the chemicals in the spot-ons are powerful enough to kill mites by application to the back of the shoulders/neck, I'm not sure I'm keen on the idea of actually putting the spot-on directly into the ear. I know from the posters here that their respective Vets may have suggested it, but can't say I'm comfortable with it. How do we know what else the chemical might do to the sensitive skin and the ear function itself?

Am I simply being a bit over-cautious / worried? (Maybe because Kal was a sensitive soul - both physically and mentally.)

Edited by Erny
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If the chemicals in the spot-ons are powerful enough to kill mites by application to the back of the shoulders/neck, I'm not sure I'm keen on the idea of actually putting the spot-on directly into the ear. I know from the posters here that their respective Vets may have suggested it, but can't say I'm comfortable with it. How do we know what else the chemical might do to the sensitive skin and the ear function itself?

Am I simply being a bit over-cautious / worried? (Maybe because Kal was a sensitive soul - both physically and mentally.)

Actually I have the same thought that's why I was curious to know about my situation with already having applied Advantix spot on on their back/shoulder blade, whether it'll be too much.

I went and bought another bottle of Troy Ear Canker Drops that's suppose to clear ear mites, have already used up a bottle as mentioned in my original post, but since both my dogs have it, I used it up quickly. I think I need to keep going for another week or so, since after some research I discovered that the symptoms takes at at least 2-3 weeks to clear completely.

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