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Very Proud Mum


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Way to go Leopuppy04.

I'm so happy for you.

Another Aussie with a Title.

Gambit is (well its me really) still working on it.

He gained his Tracking Qualification Test pass yesterday so I'm a bit chuffed myself.

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lol Zorro Crazy - not a silly question at all! CCD stands for community companion dog, which is the first class that you can trial for in obedience. It consists of a sequence of on-lead heeling a stand for exam and a short recall. Later you come back into the ring to do group stays: a 1 min sit and a 2 min down. Sounds easy, but the dogs usually find something to muck up every time :D. For me it was the stays, but we got there in a reasonably short space of time :rofl: :D

Dogdude - he pretty much has the distance and d/b 'trained' but they need a bit of proofing to become more reliable...... so thats what is to focus on now ;)

Coolibah - LOL - he's only done herding at the ASCV days and as for his potential in that - it's questionable. He was great the first couple of times on sheep and the last time I put him on sheep and wanted him to *do* something he shut down :(

Gamby - WELL done on your tracking Q. :laugh: You'll get there with the obedience, I'm sure you'll be passing me in no time!!!

ETA - I forgot to mention that CDODC members did VERY well also yesterday. One of us recieved their CD title with 3passes in 3 trial (and within about 2 weeks of starting to trial for CD!) so I am very happy for her! Another (the one who stole 1st place off me!) Also got her CCD title with her rotti, as well as the 'highest aggregate scoring CCD'! Another gained a pass in AM with their goldie and 3rd NQ in the arvo.... so a good day overall :D

Edited by leopuppy04
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CONGRATULATIONS Leopuppy, YAY! I was there, I didn't get to see your workout but I sure saw beautiful Leo tied up outside the clubhouse there. My friend was talking to you about her Aussie, as yours and hers are related. He is so lovely. Well done and he's such a lovely dog, I'm sure you'll go on to win lots more with him :cry:

Me on the other hand, I am a bit heartbroken. My beautiful dog literally went feral on the day. I can't understand it and people who know how she works had their jaws dropped. She just refused point blank to work at all. She got disqualified for being unmanageable in the ring on the morning session and worked like a dog who shouldn't have been anywhere near the ring in the afternoon session. I have NO idea why and went away wondering what on earth I can do to solve this sudden problem. On Tues night, someone said to me that she worked as well in heeling as Andrew McDonald's dog (he of the shepherd who won top dog a couple of years running). No good if she does it in the ring at KCC Park and nowhere else in other rings...

But, I will have to work on the prob later as I've found she has a growth on her hock that will have to come off in a hurry. It's small so hopefully fine.

But... to get back to Leo, he is such a smartie and I hope that pic of him there with his winnings takes pride of place on your wall!!!!

I'll look forward to seeing him have further successes at Croydon. He stands out so I'll try to watch out for him in the ring next time :o :D :D

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lol Zorro Crazy - not a silly question at all! CCD stands for community companion dog, which is the first class that you can trial for in obedience. It consists of a sequence of on-lead heeling a stand for exam and a short recall. Later you come back into the ring to do group stays: a 1 min sit and a 2 min down. Sounds easy, but the dogs usually find something to muck up every time :D. For me it was the stays, but we got there in a reasonably short space of time :o :D

Thanks leopuppy,


That does sound like a lot of hard work. Zorro could have sent an ant move and he would be there. :cry:

I think I will have to find this in Queensland and go and have a look.

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Congrats LP- thats great. :cry: Slightly OT- Is there anyone else here who trains at Southern on wednesdays? We were going down every week last year but then have had about the last 4 or 5 months off because we were ridiculously busy.

We will hopefully start being back there as of this week to do agility with Cosmo and start Georgie- need to be as committed at LP has been!!! We won the club trial last year (our first, in novice without trial experience) and then have been still training but not competing at all- very bad!!!! Good on you LP, you must be really proud of him, and you!

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Thanks for all of the congrats guys! I am still floating over here! How long does it take before gaining a new title means nothing?? :laugh::)

Arya - Are you the person with the 2 beautiful corgis??? One probably only about 6mths old!!! (LOL - I was drooling over that pup :rofl:).

Thank you for your compliments. Leo worked well, but I was a little dissapointed with his heeling, particularly in the AM trial! Bad luck with your dog, I am sure she was just having and off day - I saw a lot of dogs that usually work beautifully that were just plain horrible (for their standards) on Sat :rofl:. What class were you doing?

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Hi LP, nope but I saw those gorgeous corgis too and I would have swapped them for my naughty girl on the day (only kidding LOL). I had the NAUGHTY young GSD who just got a grin on her face and didn't bother to leave the post when I did, then proceeded to trot out of the ring to my friends and then merrily trot back in again. This is outrageous behaviour for her and I was horrified!!! It wasn't as if it was her first trial either. She did do a lovely recall though in the afternoon so I suppose I can give her that much...

I was in Novice 2 up the right hand side of the field. I saw some dogs having trouble too, some littlies didn't like the ground and just wouldn't work at all on the dirt, especially in the morning, but I could see Southern had done their best to smooth it out and cover up cracks in the rings and make it safe. What can you do in this drought?

That's no excuse for my girl though as she didn't even notice the ground... too busy sniffing the air and having a whale of a time GRRR!

Did you see that lovely Shar Pei there? I have never seen a Shar Pei doing obedience before but the dog went well and got a pass I think. There were some very good performances on the day... including yours and Leos!!!

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