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Hi Everyone, I was just wondering how do you know if your dog is cutout for flyball? she use to do agility but sadly we had to give it away as our classes were at 9 pm on a wednesday night and we just couldn't make it :laugh: so I was wondering about flyball, Minx will chase a ball but doesn't bother to bring it back, she is very fast and can turn on a dime, and loves her tug-o-war rope, so would she be any good or not?

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Hey Lisa, you still going to Berwick adt as well?

I've just joined Berwick obed with Ed and we've just started flyball there, ball obsession isn't a must from what I've gathered, they only need to carry the ball, the real excitement should be the motivator/tug toy at the end

Classes are Saturdays lunch time

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To be honest, the dog doesnt need to want too chase a ball. In flyball the ball is stationary so if they excited by movement only then you will still need to teach them to get the ball. Just like if they dont like balls much.

As SM said ideally the ball shouldnt be the reward anyway, thats how it makes the dog go down fast and slow back. The reward should be whatever you have, but the only way the dog gets the reward is if he brings the ball back. If you come too a comp you will see the dogs that have been trained that way and dogs that have been trained that the ball is the reward. The first dogs will have the same speed down and back, the second wont.

You cant write off a dog without seeing it in action and besides if you persist long enough any dog would be able too do flyball.

The only musts that i know of for flyball is they have to be dog and people friendly, they dont have too be over the top friendly but due too close proximately with the other dogs and people other then their owners holding them they have too accept that.

ETA: I also go too Berwick Obedience, fingers crossed there is training this weekend.

Edited by tollersowned
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  kittyhawklee said:
The one in Doveton, we loved it and Minx was getting really good at it but the time just didn't suit :laugh:

What class are/were you in - the times have changed so if it was a while ago you could try again?

Have you tried another agility club (Berwick, K9, Westernport, Knox?)

As for Flyball - you don't know until you try :D

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Hey Shoemoster (Belinda isn't it??? sorry I'm shocking with names and its been so long :cry: ) How is Eddie and Molly going?

I joined Berwick ADT obed to start with but with my daughter playing softball on saturdays I starting going to the one at Chesterfield Farm at scoresby on sundays, but I've not seem them do flyball only agility? but I haven't been for awhile but Minx is great with her abed, early last year we past to go up into the extreme team but sadly I only signed up for control obedience and socialisation so to go up into extreme I had to pay the extra and it was before xmas and just didn't have the dollars :clap: so just been keeping her training up, I haven't been to a class in awhile now so I should go down to refresh her memory :mad

Tollersowned thanks for the info :rainbowbridge: I did alittle lesson with Minx inside yesterday by rolling the ball along the floor and when she had it in her mouth I would recall her and use the clicker when she brought it back and give her a food reward, to start with when I recalled her she would drop the ball and come back, but ofcourse she got no click or reward so she got the hint to bring the ball back, but I only did it for 5 mins as I dont want to over load her, so I'll do some more today, I'm thinking after she gets the idea to bring the ball back and not drop it and come back without the ball, I'll start putting the ball at the other end of the room and reving her up to get it and bring it back, then I'll start doing it outside....take baby steps :hug:

She is good with other dogs and people, we do obedience training (although haven't been in awhile :cry: ) the only thing she may want to do is play with theother dogs, but I guess once she gets use to it she will get over the playing thing :cry:

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leopuppy04 we just got put up into the second class, sorry dont know what the level is called :rainbowbridge: we only did it for afew months, there was two of us, my niece did it aswell.

My niece has a lab and she would be a great flyball dog as she loves the ball and always bring it back for more, I should get her into flyball aswell :cry:

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Yeah thats right Bel or Belinda!

Ed and Molls are great, loving the flyball, though Ed is too obsessed with the ball! lol

Sounds like Minxy is doing great with the ball recall, good stuff, I'm gonna have to do lots of that with Ed to wean him off thinking the ball is exciting! I think I will do similar to you but use a stationary ball so his prey drive doesn't kick in if the ball is rolled, it's the chase he loves

What time is softball on Sat? Berwick flyball starts at 12.30

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Hey Bel softball is in the mornings but this week is the start of the finals, so I'll be free in about two weeks, where do you do flyball? is it like agility where you join a club? or is it in with your obedience training?

Oh and are you with Austrailan Obedience Training? or another Obed club?

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Oh cool, we are at Berwick Obedience, but I only do flyball there, I go to 2 other clubs for obed (just cos I was already at them lol)

If I wanted to I could goto obed Wed Sat and Sunday!

Berwicks details are here http://www.berwickodc.asn.au/

I've been really happy doing flyball there, instructors are great :cry:

Ed's brother competes for them in their team, his sis has just joined and Suz has just joined her 2 staffords too, so we will be taking over soon :rainbowbridge:

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Oh OK so its not the ADT club in Berwick, they have their training at the Chisholm Institute in Berwick on saturday morning, and I started there but changed to the one at Scoresby as its on sunday mornings and they do agility but not flyball, but I went to the Doveton agility club at Myuna farm.

One thing I haven't read is when the dog gets the ball from the panel and goes over the jumps again, when does the dog have to drop the ball? is there a line as such? or is it as long as the dog is over the last jump? in other words.....how close to me would Minxy have to get the ball before she drops it as once she see's her tug rope she will drop it right there and then :rainbowbridge::cry:

Hay if I join with you guys, maybe after our furbabies get to know each other we could do some flyball training together?

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Yeah for sure!!! That would be great, and we'd finally get to meet! lol

There are gates at the start that the dog has to come though, and they bring the ball back to you, Minx will learn to bring it back to you before she gets to tug

At the start all the trianing is all broken up into little parts, so don't worry too much about it yet :rainbowbridge:

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I just thought I would go and do alittle training session with Minx like I did yesterday (baby steps) and this time I thought I'd do some food rewards for bringing the ball back and some tug toy rewards so she gets use to the toy and not hooked on the food, so like yesterday I slowly rolled the ball along the floor got her reved up and she chased the ball and brought it back to me...great used the clicker, then food, did it two more times and she was good, brought the ball back and drop it near my feet (I thought thats good enough for now) third time used the tug toy as her reward and she LOVED it, but after the second time she wouldn't even look at the ball anymore :cry: she wouldn't even show any excitment unless she saw the tug rope, so after afew more tries of getting her to get the ball, I just put the food away and stopped, so I'm abit worried now she just hasn't got the stuff :rainbowbridge: I realise its early days yet, but she just LOVES her tug rope and I think thats all she will be worried about.

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Thats what you want though, you want her to only want the tug, and in time she will learn to do the other stuff to get to her tug, it's very very early days, stop worrying!

With the tugs, most flyball people have the tugs that are only ever used at flyball, to get the dog extra excited about it, so that they do the run fast to get back to it

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Hey Good news, we may have had a break through, but dont want to get to excited yet, but when my niece got home from work (she lives with us) her lab just LOVES playing ball and always brings it back, so I'm talking her into joining with me, and Minxy sat at the sliding door watching us getting Dacoda to get the ball then we sat the ball on the ground at the other end of the yard, so this was the first time Dacoda ran after a stationary ball and she did it great :angel: so next I try the same thing with Minx (but still inside) and this time she did it fantastic, brought the bal straight back to me and I just rewarded her with her tug rope, I was so pleased so I only did acouple to finish on a good note, but the last time she got all excited and jumped up for the rope and bit me :mad

she didn't mean to, got my hand aswell as the rope but as soon as I yelled she let go, didn't break the skin or anything, but mannn, I gotta teach her to go for her end, she always want the end we have got :mad

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I did another session with her on friday night and she was good, I waited until the ball had stopped before I let her go, I only did it afew times but the last two times she wanted to keep the ball and not play with the tug rope :rofl: so we'll get it right soon.

My nieces lab has the same problem as you (I think it was you anyway? :laugh: ) she keeps popping the ball :)

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