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Naughty Naughty Puppies


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hi all,

geez its been awhile since i have been on here. I've got a couple of questions to ask you all. Currently i have two puppies in my care - a 6mth old italian greyhound and a 5mth old leonberger. i am caring for them for 2 weeks in a hope to calm them down as basically for the majority of their life they have been spoilt brats getting away with anything and everything. So i have my hands full and the massive bite marks and bruises to go with it! These puppies are very sweet natured (deep deep deep down!!) but the family who owns them has NO idea about how to look after them - and basically doesnt want to know (yes i hear you say - why do they own dogs....well money goes a long way). They have calmed down a little bit (i have had them nearly a week) but i am still having problems with:

-biting/nipping my hands and face

-biting/nipping/harassing my other dogs

-jumping up

-bone aggression.

Again they are getting better but i just want to know if there are any other ways to decrease these behaviours. I am trying to ignore them with they jump up, but am getting scratched like nothing else when i go out the back door. i have put bitter bite on my hands - they just lick it. These dogs have had such a spoilt life and since coming to my house they have had the shock of their life!! - - oh no spending a while day outside, how dare those humans.... I know it wont go away overnight but ANY helpful hints would help



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Bree,read up on Leadership.Leadership involves Boundarys of which these two are lacking.A Google search will be a simple place to start.These two have to get back to basics and get reaquainted with the Fact,that they are Dogs not Humans.

Bree consistency is the name of the game to get the results you want. Tony

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thanks for that tony -i am trying to be consistent and reprimand them if they are naughty (saying NO or GRRR.. seeing which one works better at the moment) - during it not after. Its just very hard as they have had 6 months of being top dogs and are really trying to test me (and the neighbours). This morning i resorted to spraying them with a water bottle when they jumped up... i have never had to do this with my own dogs, so i hope its ok...

my biggest problem is that they will not leave my other dog (a female, they are both boys) alone, she is a timid girl anyway and i know they want to play but she cant even go to the toilet outside without being harassed and trampled - what should i do there?

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Agreed, training more than one pup at a time is difficult and will take longer. I have 5 x 16week old GSD's with me at the moment and it is fun.

I would pick one word, doesnt matter which, because its the association with that word, not the sound that will work. Be consistant.

Ignoring attention seeking behaviour is a good one. Jumping up, niping fingers, you should put your hands under your armpits and turn just slightly so they get off, remain silent and dont pay them any attention. As soon as they display the correct behaviour then praise.

Question though, will these dogs be going back to the original owners, because if thats the case than Im afraid it will only start again. The best option is for them to go into a puppy class that targets this sought of behaviour. That way they learn and feel good about themselves as they teach the puppies how to behave.

PS you should add photo's :) they sound too cute.

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My camera is dead at the moment, but when i get a chance i will definitely put some piccies up - they are cute under all that naughtiness!!!

I have been ignoring them when they nip and putting my hands up out of the way, doing all the stuff i have been taught to do but it just seems to not be sinking in...

i agree that they should be trained separately and have been trying to at least walk them separately (my time constraint dont help either) and with my dogs, and i have suggested to the owners that this needs to happen also. The owners have good intentions im sure, but have no idea and i am afraid that when they do go back it will be for nothing, and i feel sorry for the dogs - as they do want direction, but have figured that has been alot easier to be naughty to get their way. The owners believe that if u have 2 dogs they should always be together and yes now they have separation anxiety!!! (to add to the list). these people will not go to puppy school - that is what i am for - they just use their money to buy what ever they want... i cant even get them to get their kids to walk the dogs.. apparently no one has time to train the dogs.. its frustrates me no end....

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well at the moment they are spending basically all their time with my two older dogs - a male who is 6 and a female who is 4 - i realise that ideally it would be best to train them without the distraction of the older dogs but realistically i just cant do this also these puppies have never had interactions with other dogs and need to learn socialising skills.

But saying all this..for the first time tonight after a little bit of excitment/jumping everywhere all 4 dogs slept in our tv room together and were all very quite and well behaved.....i think the puppies really liked being with the family like that!

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Well I guess all you can do is show them one heck of a time before they go back. :D The sad thing is a Leo is going to be very big and may end up at a shelter, the italian probably small enough to be tolerated. They will just get another puppy and blame size.

Well done for trying to do the right thing though and I hope it all works out for the best. :laugh:

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