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Heeling Taught Using Clicker & Toy - No Food


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I'd be more concerned with the rapid up and down motions than the swing through the air.

Provided the dog is prepared for the swing and has the strength of grip to hang on, a nice controlled swing shouldn't do any harm. I work with several dogs that get a tug toy reward and some I swing some I don't. Guess it's like everything really...Depends on the dog.

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Swinging the dog. Heck I would be more concerned about my back and my labradors are fighting fit at the moment. Some think they are too thin.

Strange, in the out (release), during training, they did not make the article dead (no movement), before reinitiating drive.

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Swinging the dog. Heck I would be more concerned about my back and my labradors are fighting fit at the moment. Some think they are too thin.

:laugh: ..... I can well imagine !!!!! But thin???? No way!!! I looooooooove to see labs in good lean weight with muscle tone. To many lab owners who don't know, however, working fit labs might appear annorexic. But we know better, huh LL? :wink:

Strange, in the out (release), during training, they did not make the article dead (no movement), before reinitiating drive.

I don't quite understand what you mean here, LL. :rolleyes: Sorry - my dumb ..... but are you able to explain further for simpletons such as myself??? :rofl:

I don't mind "swinging" some dogs. (Some dogs love this and I use it as a motivator/release/reward, in training.) Only when I can feel and see they have a solid grip on the article. And I am careful about how I land them when they come back to ground on their hind legs first. A bad landing can damage hips - especially ones that might be susceptable in the first place.

Edited by Erny
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Sorry Erny,

As you have seen my Yo, who had a very busy (or rather extremely busy)mouth, when delivering a retrieving article, when he first arrived back. I have worked alot on curing this, as I thought hard mouth may become a problem. Strangly at trials birds are no problem. But I am nowdays phobic regarding mouth problems, bearing in mind Stamps past, which seems to have resolved.

I used an Orlee ball at first, but moved to a tug rope toy, with Yo. With outing (releasing) the tug rope toy, I stop all movement, by laying the toy against one of the legs. ie like one of the Schutzhund tapes.

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With outing (releasing) the tug rope toy, I stop all movement, by laying the toy against one of the legs. ie like one of the Schutzhund tapes.

Ok (and thanks) ..... so is this what you mean by "making the article dead" ????

Or is this something you need to explain to me face to face and using hands and arms waving around to get it through to me? :rolleyes:

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At Croydon we were playing with our dogs. Tia loves the tug. So I stop movement and hold the toy high up against my legs, Tia just sits and stares at me and her eyes start to close like she is going to sleep but still has grip on the tug even though it is not moving. The instructors had a laugh.

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Yes, making the article dead. No value.

BTW, just to add, the tape was an Ivan Balbanov production. Never could work out why he jumps about as much. LOL.

I think it's so he keeps sexy muscles for his videos. :rolleyes:

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I loved this clip and thought it was very clever the way they edited it. :rolleyes:

Did you watch the one of the same girl clicker training a dog to have it's nails clipped. That would be great in the health section as so many people struggle with that.

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I jump about a bit while playing tug too. I don't know why, maybe to shift some calories of my larger parts. :D I just think if I'm having fun the dog will be as well.

I will re watch the video and pay attention to how much he jumps about.

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I jump about a bit while playing tug too. I don't know why, maybe to shift some calories of my larger parts. :D I just think if I'm having fun the dog will be as well.

I will re watch the video and pay attention to how much he jumps about.

Maybe I need to review it again also. I laughing call him crazy Ivan, as he jumps out. Crazy Ivan is good - reminds me of one of favourite movies...........The hunt for Red October.

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