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How On Earth?!?


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I'm a little late with this suggestion, but if the dog likes to chase toys, then I was wondering if you'd tried the "two squeakies" or "two hoses" game? It is a good way to teach retrieve, with the dog returning the item to your hand, so might also help with your recall problem.

(I don't have a copy of the rules for this game anywhere, but if you google "two squeakies" I'm sure they're out there on the WWW somewhere!)

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I had a foster doggie here that loved to chase things, but was worried to come close. I started her off chasing a toy on a long rope - it had to be long and away from me, or she would not go near it. Then she found out she could play tuggy on the long rope, at a distance. Gradually she learned to come closer and closer for tuggy until she would tug pretty well on top of me. When she learned that rewards would come close to me, she was much easier about working close.

Don't know if this would suit you, but worth mentioning.

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Do you inadvertently "punish" her when she comes to you i.e. do something she doesn't like? e.g. call her, then put her in the car (if she doesn't like it), put her in crate (if she doesn't like it), that sort of thing? I don't mean hurt the dog.

It's so tempting to do this- I'm thinking of my first dog who liked to run away. Coming back to me was a "punishment" because he wanted to stay out and bark at people. Got around it by bending down, calling enthusiastically (like an idiot) and giving a favourite treat and cuddle when he came (eventually). Had to pretend he was the best dog in the world for coming to me, despite frustration. After some ups and downs, worked well. Good luck :laugh: .

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Phoenix...I have mentioned this before, and someone else touched on it...but she needs to see YOU as the Giver Of All Things!!!


NO food unless it is taken from your hand

No water either ( for a day or 2 ) unless you hold the bowl

NO free time unless she is with you; etc etc.

We did this with a kelpie girl who had , up until we got her ( we were supposed to shoot her for being useless), been well fed, kept in a pen, with food etc constantly available, and let out to run whenever.... she had NO RELIANCE on humans...didn't connect US with food or praise or comfort....

The intensive few days of being chief provider resulted in a very attentive and cheeky natured dog, who is now semi-retired as a worker, and who still has odd days where she is "not with us"...buut who has been a great help!

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Really? This subject has been on DOL countless times.

Obviously it has, Hence why I edited my post with an apology for raising it again! Unfortunately for me I was unaware of the Vito due to having no real interest in e-collars before reading the How on earth post. I have only been a member since December 2006 and hence unaware of some issues that have perhaps been discussed at great length before my arrival. I will make sure to scour the forum for any information pertinent to a subject in future before asking questions, I would hate for people to have to share information more than once as it obviously becomes boring for the longer standing DOLers and newbie’s can just find it themselves or live on in complete ignorance.

Perhaps my problem is that I misunderstood the concept of this forum.

I believe that the word forum is defined in the Oxford English dictionary as


a medium, for example a magazine or newspaper, in which the public may debate an issue or express opinions


a meeting to discuss matters of general interest


a public square or marketplace in ancient Roman cities where business was conducted and the law courts were situated


a law court or tribunal


an Internet discussion group for participants with common interests

perhaps mistakenly I believed that DOL was category five, it would appear that with hindsight some believe it is closer to a category three/four where court may be held and preside over others! I will try not to make this mistake in future!

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Sorry your last post went over my head a bit. Where did you read that you are not to mention this subject here ever again?

The subject of ecollars has been on DOL several times, discussed widely. I cant exactly recall when and where but I think that there was a mention somewhere about their legality in each state.

And where at times someone might do the searching for you and put a link, you are welcome to do it yourself.

If all fails you can contact a distributor of ecollars (such as Innotek) and ask them directly about the laws governing the collars.

As to what DOL - its a internet forum - however that is defined in the dictionary. You are oblidged to accept and follow the rules when you sign up. So is everyone else.

Edited by myszka
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Sorry your last post went over my head a bit. Where did you read that you are not to mention this subject here ever again?

The subject of ecollars has been on DOL several times, discussed widely. I cant exactly recall when and where but I think that there was a mention somewhere about their legality in each state.

And where at times someone might do the searching for you and put a link, you are welcome to do it yourself.

If all fails you can contact a distributor of ecollars (such as Innotek) and ask them directly about the laws governing the collars.

As to what DOL - its a internet forum - however that is defined in the dictionary. You are oblidged to accept and follow the rules when you sign up. So is everyone else.

I was refering to this post by the administrator concerning the legalities of ecollars in a high prey drive thread concerning posts about the legalities of ecollars in each state.

(Direct quote)Please no more discussions of the legalities or otherwise of the ecollar (this has already been discussed numerous times before). This topic is being taken completely off topic.Any future replies regarding legalities will be deleted.

Hence I edited my original post to apologise for raising the issue of legalities again. As I hope that you can see, I fully understand the rules of the forum and by apologising in my first post I was trying to comply with the wishes of the forum administrator and so was shocked to be questioned as to why I thought that I should be apologising. :rofl:

Edited by luke dixon
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