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Ndtf Distance Education


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Yesterday afternoon I received a package from the NDTF containing my first month's course notes and DVDs for the Distance Education course (Certificate III in Dog Behaviour and Training). :thumbsup:

First of all I want to let everyone know how good the training materials are. I was extremely impressed and very pleased with what I received. I would like to congratulate the NDTF on providing such professional and informative course materials. :mad

I was so excited to get it that I have already read the manual and watched both DVDs. I will read and watch again, but now I should have paced myself as I have no more new information for another month! I feel like a sponge this morning - I just want to keep learning!! When it is such an interesting subject, it's really no wonder I'm so motivated to learn! :D

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My only gripe is that the students in Block 2 & 3 get an additional 2 & 4 weeks respectively to complete their assessment. Those students (like me) in Block 1 have an assessment due on 30 April - less than 8 weeks away, and we have no indication of what that assessment will be. I would have thought that it would have been more "fair and equitable" either for this information to be disclosed in the initial booklet when we were all encouraged to choose our block dates, or otherwise have the same due date for the assessment for ALL students.

Now that I've had my whinge, can anyone tell me when we will be receiving our assessment task that is due on 30 April. If someone can assure me that it is a "relatively simple" (those terms obviously being subjective to the individual) assessment task, or give me an idea of hour many hours it would take an "average student" to complete, I might just stop stressing about it!!!!!!!

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Squeak ..... perhaps it would be best to direct your enquiry to NDTF rather than posting here? More likely to get yourself a quicker answer as not sure when NDTF would be looking at DOL.

I doubt they'd give you anything they didn't think the average student wouldn't be capable of. And you might find that the time allowed for all and sundry is more than what you need anyway. Instead of stressing, study ..... you'll be far better prepared then. :thumbsup:

ETA: When you were at school and studying subjects, did you get the exam up front so you'd have an idea of what would be in it? :thumbsup:

Edited by Erny
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Squeak ..... perhaps it would be best to direct your enquiry to NDTF rather than posting here? More likely to get yourself a quicker answer as not sure when NDTF would be looking at DOL.

I doubt they'd give you anything they didn't think the average student wouldn't be capable of. And you might find that the time allowed for all and sundry is more than what you need anyway. Instead of stressing, study ..... you'll be far better prepared then. :thumbsup:

ETA: When you were at school and studying subjects, did you get the exam up front so you'd have an idea of what would be in it? :thumbsup:

I am studying, I have spoken to the NDTF course co-ordinator and have written to Precise Training. Just trying to gauge other students reactions to the time limit, to see if I am over-reacting or out of line. I have not yet had a reply from Precise Training.

And no, at school we didn't get the exam up front, BUT we did all sit the exam at the same time, which is what I would expect to happen with any assessment.

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Squeak, I dont think you need to stress.... perhaps the assessment with be staged with people receiving the assessment a certain period of time before their training block?

In any case, I'm sure they'll give us plenty of time to do the assessment. They certainly seem to have put a lot of time into planning the course, so I doubt they'd overlook that sort of thing.

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Squeak, I dont think you need to stress.... perhaps the assessment with be staged with people receiving the assessment a certain period of time before their training block?

Nope - that is also what I had hoped, but I was told that assessment materials for all students were going out at the same time. It was also confirmed that by doing this that some students would have an additional 2-4 weeks - and they couldn't seem to see the problem with this.

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Nope - that is also what I had hoped, but I was told that assessment materials for all students were going out at the same time. It was also confirmed that by doing this that some students would have an additional 2-4 weeks - and they couldn't seem to see the problem with this.

If the period they have given you is more than adequate, is there a real problem that others in another block have more time? I expect it is this way simply to fit in with timings of all the 'blocks', rather than anything to do with unfair advantage.

When I did my course (many years ago), we had to answer questions/do the assignments in an exam situation within 2 hours ..... with closed books!!! It was ok.

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To give you an idea of what to expect in the workbook, a similar assessment used to be conducted during the VIC course that students were required to complete under exam conditions and did so in under 2 hours. It will be a combination of true/false, multiple choice and written answer questions specific to the theory that you have received.

A group email regarding the assessments and the student forum will be sent to you early next week :thumbsup:

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To give you an idea of what to expect in the workbook, a similar assessment used to be conducted during the VIC course that students were required to complete under exam conditions and did so in under 2 hours. It will be a combination of true/false, multiple choice and written answer questions specific to the theory that you have received.

A group email regarding the assessments and the student forum will be sent to you early next week :thumbsup:

Thanks haven - I truly appreciate that.

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Hey anyways Squeak, maybe the material will be fresher in your mind than for those of us who have a few more weeks of studying later materials to fit in before the assessment....every cloud has a silver lining....or is that every silver lining has a cloud? :thumbsup:

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Just wondering, but the NDTF distance course is only partially a distance course, right? I remember looking at it a while back, and apparently you had to come in to Melbourne a couple of times during the course to do a practical component. Has that changed?

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Just wondering, but the NDTF distance course is only partially a distance course, right? I remember looking at it a while back, and apparently you had to come in to Melbourne a couple of times during the course to do a practical component. Has that changed?

No Amhailte .... it hasn't changed. It's structured as a "distance" course as opposed to a "correspondence" course. Practical tuition and experience is a must. :mad I understand NDTF has designed the "practical handling" blocks so that the necessity for constant travelling backwards and forwards is alleviated.

But hey ...... if you were thinking about doing the course, I'd love to catch up with you on the couple of occasions you're here. :laugh:

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Thanks Erny! It completely makes sense that you have to do a practical component on the course, I just thought they might let people do it locally instead of in Melbourne.

Unfortunately flights to Aussie aren't really possible on my current (student) budget! Maybe after graduation? :laugh:

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