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How Do You Stop You Beagle Pup Jumping Up On Your Leg


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We have also been having trouble with Jack doing this, he is 8mths and is 24kg so he is quite big. He is good for my other half but I was copping it really bad and he did mouth my arm quite often and left bruises, I am a really quiet person and apparently my voice isn't loud enough, so at first I used one of his aluminium bowls and a stick and when he came to jump I banged the stick on the bowl which made quite a noise and he stopped, I didn't want him to get scared of his bowl so the next time I used a whistle and the same thing happened. He is pretty quick learner and has not tried to jump on me at all since this, i still carry it with me though just in case.

I have tried some of the other techniques like turning my back when he went to jump, saying "ouch" or yelping but they didn't really help me.

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Does citronella work

I'm sure it would if you sprayed it in a dog's face. It's also toxic and highly aversive. I'd not recommend it for this purpose.

Either push him off gently telling him "off" and reward him when he's on the ground or tell him to "sit" instead and reward that?

When do you start puppy school?

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Noise or a growl when he's doing something you dont want him to do and a reward when he does what you do want him to do. So GROOOOOOWWWl ,clap your hands , loud noise when he jumps up and a treat or soft words and a pat when he's on the gound. You can get an old coke can and fill it with stones with masking tape over the top. Shake it when he does something he shouldnt and give him a treat when he stops.

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I haven't had any experience with beagles, however with our foster dogs that range from say 6 month old medium sized dogs through to adult Great Danes we don't give them the attention they are seeking.

We turn out back on them, we don't talk to them and we make no eye contact with them....pretending as though the dog does not exists. When the dog is calm the dog gets rewarded whether that be with a verbal praise, a pat or a treat is up to you, just being careful not to over do the praise so the dog starts jumping again.

For us giving any form of attention whether it is a verbal NO or a physical push off is a form of attention so we don't give it.

When we come home we do a complete ignore for 5 minutes and then call the dog to us where they sit infront of us and recieve praise and attention, this is part of the Jan Fennell method that works well for us....there is more to it but that's a really brief snapshot.

Everyone has different methods but I'm sure you'll find one that works best for you :cool:

Edited by sas
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Does citronella work

I'm sure it would if you sprayed it in a dog's face. It's also toxic and highly aversive. I'd not recommend it for this purpose.

Either push him off gently telling him "off" and reward him when he's on the ground or tell him to "sit" instead and reward that?

When do you start puppy school?

Thats what we did with sam picked her up and put her on the floor or next to us. Eventually she got used to it after rewarding her, sometimes she would sit there for a small amount of time and then get up, she progressively got better and better and now its not an issue. In saying this we dont mind her being on the furniture its just not everyone coming over wants a dog sitting on their lap lol.

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Easiest way to stop a dog jumping up is to teach it to sit.

If you give the dog something to do OTHER than jumping up and consistently reward them (with pats/treats etc) for doing that while consistently not rewarding the jumping up, in time you should have no problem. Note here the important thing is to be CONSISTENT :thumbsup:

Edited by espinay2
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I'm going thru this with our new pup, too. I say, "No" when he jumps, or even as he just starts to jump, get him to sit, then praise++. I sometimes kneel down and INVITE him to jump up for cuddles after he's sat, too. All cuddles on lounge etc. are by INVITATION only. Ditto our older dog. Helps remind a clever dog who's the boss :love: .

A friend at work had a beagle and she found he could be stubborn at times. He chewed thru over $3000 worth of new cabling on their brand new trailer :D

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