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  Terrorbull said:
Rest in peace little one.


Could someone tell me if they are taking donations in her name for any cause?

When I know the funeral arrangments I will let you know.

Page had cancer that spread to her entire body. She developed a limp at four years of age. They took her to the doctor to discover a tumour that was around her lower internal organs. They tried Chemo for a long time and she went into remission. She was begining to get sick when Jet came along. He gave her lots of love and laughter. Page decided she no longer wanted treatment as it was making her very sick and she lost her hair. Her family was told her cancer was terminal so they went along with her wishes. The cancer had spread to all her organs and her bones. In the last two weeks she slipped away very quickly. She lost all interest in food and was sleeping around the clock. She was asleep when the angels called for her this morning. Her family stayed with as they knew her time was close.

ETA Page was going to turn 8 next month

Edited by Ambervale
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I knew when i saw this link in my email that it would not be good news.

Page, I am glad you are now not suffering.

Rest easy knowing you fought hard, mummy, daddy, Jet and your family as well as all the DOLers are so proud of how hard you fought.

You gave your family a precious gift when they were able to be with you when you went to the bridge.

Now you are an angel and you are looking down on us all.

Say hi to my Grum, she will give you big hugs Page.

Edited by Kristie
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While my heart breaks with

such sad news i am also

filled with the magic of Page.

I am blessed because i will hold my

own child and love her more,

cherish her more, share with her the

storey of a little girl who brought us together in

pray and hope.

thankyou Page for reminding me of the

gift i have.

people come into our lives for all kinds of reasons.

On the wings of angels my your next chapter

be free from pain and may you find pete/jet

again, he wil be looking for you.

Condolances to all who were blessed by her love.

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To the little angel that we did not know but who managed to touch so many lives with her courage and maturity - I hope you have now found your peace.

To Paige's family - my deepest condolences. I am glad that you have Jet to provide you with some comfort at this time.

Sarah x

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