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Will I Ever Get There?


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Dog working beautifully in heel position. Can't help being distracted by the handlers movements. Dog has its head in a funny postion too. I would love my dog to have that level of focus, but without the funny head position.

It takes some time for a dog to learn how to balance itself while heeling in that position. If that's what your aiming for, many hours of training and patience will get you there.

Good luck! :eek:

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I cant belive how tall this dobe is actually.

Head in a very typical for IPO training position, so are the handlers hand movements - very exadurated.

I loved the first about turn and the retrieves.


I actully thought it was a Dane to start with before I saw the markings on the face.

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Fantastic, love the retrieve, biggest dumbell I have even seen LOL. The about turns were so fast could hardly see them. The only thing I didn't like in the heeling the dogs front legs kept coming off the ground in an unatural gait. But the whole lot was fantastic love the drive and the applause she got!!!! Would love to know her training secrets.

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Leerburg stocks the ball dropper vest, it is also featured in the Training Drive, Focus and Grip DVD

It allows you to have the ball in the vest and so you can practice your heeling with the body language and arm movements you would do for the ring and have the ball in the right spot for a reward. First you practice holding the ball at your shoulder. I haven't tried it (Diesel doesn't have enough drive) but it looks pretty neat.



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thanks kavik i was trying to find pictures to a Gappay one which had been advertised on there website but it looks like it has been taken down.

to start off with you have the ball in full view to the dog, than slowly move the ball up untill it is completely concealed in the pocket of the vest...than you can randomly reward the dog by pulling a string that goes along the back of the vest and the ball drops out.

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