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When Is It Ok To Feed Egg...


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Hi All, :angel:

Just checking this, before I do it not after like i have done previously...

For those that are un aware, I have a 12 week old staffy... I have read in numerous places that its good for their coats to feed a whole raw egg once a week - shell and everything... I am thinking of giving her one for dinner tonight, just mix it up with her dry food... Is it ok to feed the shell to a 12 week puppy... I am thinking the answer is yes, especially as she is a staffy!! but just wanted to check first...

Cheers :rofl:

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  caffiend42 said:
Crunch the shell up so it's finer - my boys don't particularly like it when it's just in two halves, but if it's mixed in they can't avoid it.

Just don't feed the white on its own - there's plenty of threads about eggs if you do a quick search.

Tried the search before I posted, but got nothing, I think the search must be down at the moment, searching for 'Dog' in all forums also returns nothing...

Edited by RedStafford
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  kayangel said:
ONLY FEED YOLK!!!! the edd white contains a chemical which strips the dog of certain vitamins or a whole cooked egg as an alternative.

Who told you that? can you provide a link to that info please?

Edited by Toohey
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Yeah we feed our boy either an egg, or sardines in oil for his coat every few days, he looks great! Always get compliments about his coat.

We have never tried giving the shell too though! Didn't even think you could. Is it suppose to be even better for them? might try with Angus but I'm not sure he'd go for it. He can be a bit precious about his food sometimes :o

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i got the info from my puppy notes from a breeder of 15 years.... before getting my pup i always gave my dogs the whole egg, but after reading my notes i was worried about giving the whole egg and going against a breeder of 15 years, i am thinking better safe then do an damage. i guess this is again one of them things everyone doesnt see eye to eye. :banghead:

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Wonder where she got her information?

If we are counting brownie points here, I've been a registered breeder for a lot more than 15 years, and all my pups have about 5 meals a week of whole eggs, and my adult dogs have whole eggs two or three times a week.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of incorrect information out there, specially on biotin - which is what the breeder is talking about.

Trust me, whole raw eggs will not hurt the dogs.

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i feed mine whole raw eggs shell too, about 2 or 3 times a week, they love it crack the egg then crunch it up and mix thru rest of food, shell gets crushed that way

have given all my dogs whole raw eggs for years none have ever had a problem, i had heard that its only if you fed the white by itself thats when its not good, but would have to feed a lot of egg white

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I'm a big fan of the BARF diet, and the best way (IMO) to dispell myths such as this egg one, is to think "What would my dog eat in the wild, if left to fend for himself?". Of course if your dog was out in the wild, and came across a chicken pen and a load of eggs, as if he wouldnt gulp them down. Its animal instinct to eat other species eggs. I have never heard of egg yolks, whites or otherwise being bag for a dog. My mum has bred and shown GSD for over 30 years, and maintains that eggs are a very neccessary part of a healthy dogs diet.

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Good point Bruno. LOL I'd love to see a wild dog out there with his Dr. Billinghurst book! ;) Or even better, one sitting at a bowl seperating his egg yolks from whites! :happydance:

ETA: My boy is the only one in our family (me, OH and dog) who eats eggs so he gets several a week! His coat is lovely from them. :happydance:

Edited by cassie the bernese lover
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