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Sore Throat


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extending from my "jumping" thread my throat is getting sore from growling so much lol...I know it's only been one day but gosh I hope he clicks on quick lol...

One of my friends came around this morning before she came down stairs I warned her what sam has been doing so I went down first and calmed him down. I let my friend come down stairs and sit down but as soon as I let him go he pegged it up to her and jumped up really excited!...so I "uh-uh" him called him back got him to sit/stay till he calmed again then he was fine! Gosh he's only 16 weeks so lets hope I can nip this in the bud.

I was suggested that I knee him in the chest if he does this but would like other options and opinions also as i'm not too fond of inflicting punishment rather correction IFYKWIM.

Anyone else got a sore throat?? lol

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I was suggested that I knee him in the chest if he does this but would like other options and opinions also as i'm not too fond of inflicting punishment rather correction IFYKWIM.

Not a good idea :) I ignore dogs that jump up, I don't say anything and I don't touch the dog, I avoid even looking at the dog and then I walk away, if the dog's outside I go indoors.

Train your dog to sit for attention, whenever he comes up to you, wants to play, wants to do anything in fact, make him sit first, if he starts to jump up or go over the top just totally ignore him and walk away. He'll soon get the idea.

BTW I'm certainly no dog trainer, but it works for my dogs :cry:

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I would introduce new people to the pup whilst he is on lead. Your pup should not be wandering the house unattended anyway, but a leash means you get to his behaviour BEFORE he actually follows through.

Ignoring goes so far for some dogs. If you dont give them an alternative behaviour though the dog doesnt fully understand - OK if I jump around you go inside. I'll try something else to get you to stay (nipping, woofing, scratching at the door etc) You do the right thing, get the dog to sit and focus. Make sure he gets HEAPS of praise, even a treat to reinforce the fact that THAT is the behaviour he should show if he wishes to meet people. If he jumps up, straight away grab him and outside. No talk, nothing just grab him and outside - dog realises that jumping means being ignored. Try again in 15 minutes, if he repeats the jump straight outside again.

My shepherd I put my knee up (didnt actually knee her in the chest) and she couldnt get to me. SHe fell over, tried again, fell over, tried again. Eventually looked at me, huffed and sat down and then got heaps of praise. Didnt bother because she learned the harder she tried to jump the LESS she actually got - no looking at her, talking to her. As soon as she sat down she got praise and a treat.

Different people different methods.

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Firstly I never said sam is an inside dog...:)he lives outside as I have 2 small children and don't want to risk them "living" together just incase of that "one" time I looked away IFYKWIM.

He lives in a secure 6 ft fenced yard and only has access to the back yard, introduction to the front yard a little later on. All my friends live hours away so we don't have much of a social life usually just me and my kids/furkid I didn't know my friend was coming it was a suprise and I was already down stairs 0at which 0point I went up told my friend and then restrained sam it was after my friend had came down and sam was calm I let them introduce but that is when he went nuts so I restrained him again untill he had fully calmed down.

Funny thing is he 99% of the time sits to be greated, i've done this with him since day dot as soon as he learned the "sit" command he was not to be patted or fed or played with by anyone untill he sat so he does this automatically. The 1% where he doesn't is at the gate at the bottom of the stairs as soon as i've gone through the gate and made him sit/stay he starts calming down. He doesn't jump etc anyother time so i'm thinking him hearing me open the door upstairs is his excitement trigger as he knows i'm coming down. It is pretty hard going out and then back inside all the time if he jumps onto the gate as i've got a 2.5 yr old that doesn't understand why were going back inside again and starts getting very confused and cranky with me lol.

I think maybe where I am going wrong is by looking at him and responding to him when he jumps i.e. saying "sam...down...down" I am giving him that attention he wants. I think i'm going to try putting my knee up so he's unable to touch my body, not looking at him and walking away and no attention at all untill he sits like he usually does any other time. Thank you :) oh yeah and then praise and treat

Edited by nick&erica
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At puppy preschool we had a puppy that was always jumping up to get what he wanted. The trainer said just spin really quickly so that your back is facing him each time as he starts to jump and then turn back around and get him to sit & treat.

Good luck hope it all goes well.

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