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Bulldog Puppy Hard Work


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Maybe you should eb glad your pup barks to be let out I would rather that than a mess to celan up

What time do you put the pup to bed and what time are you feeding and offering water

Do you have other problems

Have you contacted your breeder for help

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My 3 month British Bulldog pup is starting to really wear us out. We have plenty of puppy experience but does anyone else have similar experiences with this breed? ie dominance, training etc.

:rofl: I have no experience with British Bulldogs (so gorgous) but you mentioned getting up around 6am to let it out. My vizsla (now 12 months) has only just started sleeping in until 6!! It's light here around 4.30am most of the year and that's when she decided to get up. She is crated and loves her 'bed'. Goes at 10pm. and now up at 6am. I think that's pretty good. When she was up really early I would walk her, small breakfast and go back to bed for an hour, giving her something safe to chew on. Persevere, sleep deprevation is a torture!! but it will end :rofl: Unfortunately for me, I start all over with another pup in 5 weeks and will probably be posting a "What the hell do I do when the new puppy gets up during the night and wakes the other 2 dogs!! "It will be a challenge and I'll be needing advice from you then :rofl:

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Take her out to the loo, then crate her again, she will learn to stay asleep

My 2 dogs are almost 4, and almost 2 - I get up at 5am everymorning to let them out for a pee, they know that they have to go back to bed if i am not working

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Hi from a fellow Bulldog owner. They have a very dominant protective streak and they are very demanding. Thankfully so very very cute as well. They are fast learners and my Bully learn't faster than any of my other dogs where to toilet and when. Oscar is almost two and learning to sleep past six is simply an age thing for most dogs i think. If you have a space for him that is his space he should quickly learn. Make sure you do get up and let him out for the toilet even if after that you put him back to bed and if he keeps barking just stick to it. They like their sleep as much as we do, barking won't last long :)

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Hey fellow Bulldog owner here too!!, My pup is 5 months and she is also very demanding but she has settled down a lot in the last couple of months. We got her an exercise pen so after she woke up and was let out to the toilet she had a safe place to play while she waited for us to get up.You can get quite a short one as they can't really jump out of it with their little legs. We also used it when she got a bit to dominate and excited as a place for her to calm down best $70 I ever spent. She is our 1st bully and we have noticed that she is very bossy and stubborn but she is also very intellegent and has been quite easy to train, we are working on the barking for attention thing at the moment!!. Another tip give her chew toys and beef bones from the butcher (we can pick up a bag of about 5 for about $2.00), Kongs are also great just fill them up with some dry biscuts and seal it of with some peanut butter (keeps rougue occupied for at least half an hour) it destracts them and lets you get stuff done just keep an eye on her. Good Luck , they are a great dogs!!!!

Edited by squirt80
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