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Best Food For Rottweiler Puppy


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Also have noticed some vomit on his bed the other day.....what could be causing this?

Well skyline, you've gone from saying your puppy is eating this:

I have a 12 week old Rottie.

The breeder recommended hte use of Supercoat for puppies.

on the 11th of Feb



At the moment all he gets is, chicken mince/wings, biscuits, dog treats, goats milk/oats.

on the 19th Februaury!!! :cheer::cheer::scold::eek:

SLOW DOWN DUDE!! :angel: You are introducing too many foods at once and it was mentioned a couple of times in this thread that you have to introduce different foods SLOWLY :)

Lose the dog treats especially as most are sugar and salt based - and get your puppy's diet stabilised first. (And definitely read the ingredients on any dog treats :p)

If you want to change to a better quality kibble then go for it but changing over will mean mixing the 2 kibbles (your current Supercoat plus the new brand) for at least a few weeks gradually reducing the old brand and increasing the new brand. SLOWLY!! Do not "finish this bag" and switch!! :eek:

You don't have to feed milk and oats (and I'm wondering why you are doing it?) Water is sufficient and if it is to wet down the kibble, warm water will still do the trick. :(

For now why don't you just stick with the chicken wings and mince and concentrate on changing over to a new kibble :D If you get a new kibble, there will be a whole variety of ingredients that your puppy will be getting used to at once which will be more than enough for his baby digestive system :)

Good luck with the little poop monster! :eek:

PS. Don't forget to worm him and get him vaccinated :)

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Thanks for the advice t-time.

Keep it simple.....

He loves his chicken mince/wings and goats milk.

He only eats the supercoat if its mixed with mince.

He won't eat it on its own. Ever.

I'll get new kibble when he's 3/4s a way through this bag then.

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