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Berwick Flyball


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We've got flyball on again this Sunday at Berwick. :)

I was just wondering who else was going to be there and also if anyone wanted to drop in for a visit. It's on at the Berwick Highland Gathering held at Berwick Showground.

Weiners - I try to get some more photos. :confused:

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Yep we will be there :).. going to be an interesting day..Clover and Elvis in one team and Tinny in the other both in the same division :confused:. Anyone wan't to run crazy Clover in possibly 3 races? 1 being the very first race of the day.

Photos would be great Sharon thanks :confused:.

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Clover - I'll help you out if I can. Clover isn't crazy, she's just a sweet, smoochie, cute puppy dog. Tell her I'll have cheese and carob drops.

shoemonster - It starts at 9am I think and will probably go until 3 0r 4pm. I hope you can make it. :)

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LOL Clover we were talking about your team at training the other night, apparantly one of our teams husband is going too run one of your dogs? Well i think your nutty for doing it LOL I can puppy sit :)

Shoey havent you joined Berwick? Training is on Saturday this is on Sunday, anyway hope you can come regardless.

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I might come along with Tia, at the moment we only have one car. Hastings won't let my dogs compete, as two people who are not even going to be there have their dogs competing instead Jenny is going to run them for the owners.

Yeh I might get to meet Tia. Couldn't you run one fo your dogs at least?

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They won';t let me. Josh and Moses are better than ones running, faster and more reliable going by the stats. Asha is being run in team 1, while the owner is off water skiing, and they need 2 height dogs for team 2. Jenny is running both dogs for the absent owners.

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Great your guys get a run. :eek:

Looking forward to meeting the little girl.

Make sure you come and say Hi shoemonster and (too long) ISIss. How long do you think it might be before you're competing?

He he I have a nickname, I am now Isiss - I sound like a snake with a lisp :mad ;)

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I think there is a Golden Retriever hiding inside Tia's border collie appearance. She is the social butterfly and most likely will come up to you and want a pat, and will give you licky licks but not as bad as Josh, no dog could be that bad. :mad))

I'll be more than happy to pat her. Can't resist a puppy, especially one as cute as her.

Hey Isiss, cool nickname. :eek:

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Western Weiner Chilli Dogs 1st place Div 2 :laugh:... and the Corn Dogs came 3rd in Div 2. We did better than we thought, especiallly when running against one another.. the wind made things interesting though.

Photos will come after sleep :D....

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Moses got confused in his last race. There was a kid with food in their hand right near his lane, I could see him looking at it, and he was not properly focused, then he thought I let him go too early and ran around the jump, then he saw a paper bag, and must of thought "lure coursing" and raced after the paper bag towards the other lane. He gets like this near the end of the day. But other than that he ran perfect all day. Josh has developed a new habit on the return where he just stops and gets better grip of the ball. But the new point system is great, as even though we probably ran 35 seconds for that race, we still got a point because it was a clean run.

Moses team got 2nd and Josh's team got 2nd.

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