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Toileting Training Indoors


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I'm lost...i know there have been a lot of threads started on toilet training but it's hard to find one that fits my current criteria. I have a 11 week old cavalier who i am having trouble toilet training. We live in an apartment (so we can't really take him outside to do his business) and have chosen a designated spot in the kitchen for him to go. We've tried training pads which kinda worked for a while but he has started to chew and tear them apart (even if i spray anti chewing liquid on it). I suspect newspaper will end up the same way with him. Any more suggestions on toilet training a puppy indoors?

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Why not train your pup to a litter tray? It's basically the same idea as using puppy pads but you put a pad into a litter tray. Once the pup is used to going in the tray, replace the pads with litter, or use litter AND a pad until the pup is used to it.

I have issues with my tiny dog regressing in her toilet training. She was great for a long while, but with a foster dog ATM, Molly has 'forgotten' that the toilet is outside. ATM I have pads down and an empty litter tray beside the padded area. This is so she will associate the tray with her toilet spot so that it makes it easier to introduce the tray next week. I've only been doing this since Wednesday and so far, so good.

Give it a try - much cheaper than the dog loos I've seen. :(

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Why not train your pup to a litter tray? It's basically the same idea as using puppy pads but you put a pad into a litter tray. Once the pup is used to going in the tray, replace the pads with litter, or use litter AND a pad until the pup is used to it.

I have issues with my tiny dog regressing in her toilet training. She was great for a long while, but with a foster dog ATM, Molly has 'forgotten' that the toilet is outside. ATM I have pads down and an empty litter tray beside the padded area. This is so she will associate the tray with her toilet spot so that it makes it easier to introduce the tray next week. I've only been doing this since Wednesday and so far, so good.

Give it a try - much cheaper than the dog loos I've seen. :)

If i am to use a litter tray to train mypuppy, do i just buy the cat litter to fill the tray with? I don't think i'll be able to place a pad a there, cos he'll just chew on it.

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I'm lost...i know there have been a lot of threads started on toilet training but it's hard to find one that fits my current criteria. I have a 11 week old cavalier who i am having trouble toilet training. We live in an apartment (so we can't really take him outside to do his business) and have chosen a designated spot in the kitchen for him to go. We've tried training pads which kinda worked for a while but he has started to chew and tear them apart (even if i spray anti chewing liquid on it). I suspect newspaper will end up the same way with him. Any more suggestions on toilet training a puppy indoors?

Do you think spraying a liquid on the toilet training pad would perhaps be indicating to your puppy not to toilet on it or go near it as what you're actually doing is creating a bad association with the toileting pad.

I'd probably go for a litter tray or something like this: Click here


For puppy to really understand toilet training, you need to be watching puppy like a hawk and taking them to the toilet spot at specific times such as soon as waking, after eating, after playing etc etc. Remember, a firm "No" (not yelling or hitting) when you catch the dog doing an 'accident' and then putting puppy in the place you want them to toilet and then laying on the praise big time when they do it right helps your puppy understand what you want. Be 100% consistent so puppy understands faster :)

Dogs do not 'forget' once they are toilet trained there are always specific reasons why they regress.

Edited by sas
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I'm lost...i know there have been a lot of threads started on toilet training but it's hard to find one that fits my current criteria. I have a 11 week old cavalier who i am having trouble toilet training. We live in an apartment (so we can't really take him outside to do his business) and have chosen a designated spot in the kitchen for him to go. We've tried training pads which kinda worked for a while but he has started to chew and tear them apart (even if i spray anti chewing liquid on it). I suspect newspaper will end up the same way with him. Any more suggestions on toilet training a puppy indoors?

Do you think spraying a liquid on the toilet training pad would perhaps be indicating to your puppy not to toilet on it or go near it as what you're actually doing is creating a bad association with the toileting pad.

I'd probably go for a litter tray or something like this: Click here


For puppy to really understand toilet training, you need to be watching puppy like a hawk and taking them to the toilet spot at specific times such as soon as waking, after eating, after playing etc etc. Remember, a firm "No" (not yelling or hitting) when you catch the dog doing an 'accident' and then putting puppy in the place you want them to toilet and then laying on the praise big time when they do it right helps your puppy understand what you want. Be 100% consistent so puppy understands faster :)

Dogs do not 'forget' once they are toilet trained there are always specific reasons why they regress.

Thanks for ur suggestion Sas. I had a look at teh indoor wizdog toilet ($89.95) thing that you suggested. Seems like it might be teh way to go. Does anyone know if it can be purchased from a shop in melb somewhere, so that i don't have to pay for shipping?

I don't think a litter tray will work because my dog will just eat teh stuff in it.

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