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Roo Meat - How Much To Feed

Guest kitakins

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Guest kitakins

kumas been having a few problems recently that a previous vet couldnt sort out so i finally got around to seeing a new one. after talking about other stuff he said that kuma is on the wrong diet for a dog who is suspected of having food allergies. ive been feeding her chicken, rice and veges since god knows when because thats what other vets ive seen have told me to do. she did fine on that until recently when her bowel problems came back. he told me to feed her a strict diet of kangaroo, rice and veges. he told me kuma would need a kilo of roo meat a day [plus the rice and veges] because roo meat it low in fat. is this right? it seems so much and will cost a fortune! she currently gets about 500 grams of chicken a day plus rice and veges. shes 33.5/34 kilos and i also want her to drop a couple of kilos as shes getting on the tubby side. how much should i feed her?

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I can't tell you how much to feed, but I can tell you that roo, rice and vegies is a diet that's almost totally lacking in calcium unless you are also feeding bones. Yes roo is very low in fat, but it's also very rich and some dogs don't tolerate it well. I actually think that roo meat is TOO low in fat unless the dog is getting additional fat from another source. If your dog is a couple of kilos overweight increased exercise will help to get the weight off her.

However your vet is obviously well informed regarding your dog's condition so I guess you should follow his advice.

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Guest kitakins
However your vet is obviously well informed regarding your dog's condition so I guess you should follow his advice.

hmm i wouldnt say well informed. hes pretty much guessing what her condition is. no one knows exactly what is causing her problems to flare up again because no one will do tests. everytime i mention tests i get shut down. the diet he suggested is basically "try this and see what happens".

i agree that its lacking in a lot of things. im quite apprehensive about trying it, i have no experince with feeding roo and like you say its very rich. i personally think it will be too hard on kumas stomach but i guess if i dont try it i will never know. as for the calcium issue, what would you suggest i do about that? would pet quality mince have bones minced into it and give enough calcium? but then, im terrified of using pet grade roo. its not safe to feed raw, right? ive been told to add fish oil to it to compensate for it being so low in fat but i dont think thats enough. she would need about a tablespoon of olive oil etc added just to get it near the fat content of chicken.

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Is it necessary for your dog to have a low fat diet?

Kangaroo actually has 500 Kilojoules per 100 grams. Lean beef has 500, lean pork has 440, lean chicken breast has 470, and rabbit has 520. So, roo doesn't come out too bad in the value department. Roo is high in zinc, iron and protein though which is good.

Yes, a meat and veggie diet will be low in calcium however if you are using this as an elimination type diet for 8 weeks then it will be fine. Healthy adult dogs have lots of reserves of minerals that can get them through for longer than that if necessary. And really when you think about it there are lots of dogs eating diets that are very unbalanced.

As far as the low fat thing, some dogs who have intestinal disease need a low fat diet as fats can be pro-inflammatory to the intestines. Your vet may be on the right track here suggesting kangaroo. Eventually you may be able to add in other foods when you work out what is upsetting your dog, and end up with a balanced diet.

My Bob is extremely sensitive to fats. A fish oil capsule works like dynamite on him, yellow, frothy runny poops. He eats lean rabbit, rice and veggies. Oh, and veggies as a rule; under the ground veggies usually firm up the poop, and the above ground green type ones tend to make poop looser. That might help you decide which veggies to use.

I did try Bob on kangaroo for a while, but found that it made him smelly. He eventually became intolerant of it anyway.

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Ramses was having roo mince, he was on it for a few days and got diarreah (sp?) I thought it was due to the change of food, I stopped feeding roo mince for a week to see if it was that. Within 2 days of no roo mince and just eating chicen and rice his runny poos stopped and after i put him back on dry food he was still fine, so the roo mince didnt go well with ramses.

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hmm i wouldnt say well informed. hes pretty much guessing what her condition is. no one knows exactly what is causing her problems to flare up again because no one will do tests. everytime i mention tests i get shut down. the diet he suggested is basically "try this and see what happens".

If I were in your position I would go to another vet, I'm not in WA, but perhaps someone will be able to recommend one. Either that or ask for a referral to a specialist and get a definite diagnosis, allergies aren't the easiest problem to treat, but it's certainly not impossible. It is ridiculous for the vet to say that no one does tests, I would insist on them.

You are paying fees to a vet who appears to be unable to help your dog, 'try this and see what happens' just isn't good enough and meanwhile your dog continues to suffer.

Definitely ask for a second opinion.

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Guest kitakins

thanks guys. miranda, tell me about it. i saw this vet because the previous one couldnt help. the vet i saw recently was highly recommended by a few people so i was suprised to see that he would recommend such a diet. hes not even sure kuma has a food allergy. well if she doesnt what the hell is wrong with her!?! shes not pooping out hot lava for the fun of it! im going to try the diet but if its a complete failure i will seek a third opinion.

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I find if i give my cav anything with even a hint of chicken or turkey she will have the hot yellow, foamy poos :)

She does really well on lamb and vegies and a bit of Eaglepak lamb and oatmeal.If she does get a bug i give her fish and potato and some slippery elm and she's as right as rain :cry:

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You are paying fees to a vet who appears to be unable to help your dog, 'try this and see what happens' just isn't good enough and meanwhile your dog continues to suffer.

Definitely ask for a second opinion.

I agree. Your vet is working for you. If you ask for tests then he should be open to that suggestion not take a wait and see attitude.

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Guest kitakins

holy @#%! i just got back from the shops and human grade roo mince costs even more than i thought. at this rate, it will cost 10 bucks a day to feed kuma. that is INSANE! i cant afford 70 bucks a week!

eta - i dont even spend that much a week on food for myself!

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Guest kitakins

nope not in a country town. i think i might just go down the pet quality mince route and just cook it to make sure theres no nasties. at least that way there should be bone in it. im hoping i can get pet quality for 2 to 3 bucks a kilo from somewhere. anyone know of a good place north of the river? i dont want dodgy stuff filled with preservatives and worms. does it really smell awful when cooked?

gee, why couldnt he recommend turkey or something :cry:

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we get diced roo from our pet supplier. Its like $6 per 3kgs. And this is all lean, pretty good quality meat. Certainly hasnt done harm for our boxer. He gets around 500g roo and 500g raw chicken roll a day. Plus a mix of either offal, sardines in oil, veg etc.

The runny poos can be from the roo being rich, same goes for lamb or feeding offal such as liver. Its basically a trial and error when it comes to food and doses. If you find it gives runny poo increase things like rice or add designated coconut to the food (it provides bulk to the stools) and decrease the rich meat or substitute some of it with something like raw chicken. Hope I'm making sense

The runny poos just mean too many nutrients that are going through the body so you need something to basically soak up some of that excess, thats why rice is good.

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Guest kitakins

well, looks like the diet is over before it even started anyway. my bitch of a mum wont allow me to cook the mince. "you are not cooking that stuff in my house". she feels its dirty. now shes ranting and raving saying "i wish someone would leave the gate open and that thing would run away".

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well, looks like the diet is over before it even started anyway. my bitch of a mum wont allow me to cook the mince. "you are not cooking that stuff in my house". she feels its dirty. now shes ranting and raving saying "i wish someone would leave the gate open and that thing would run away".

Oh dear. My OH complains about the smell of the rabbit I cook for Bob. And I have to admit kangaroo smells really bad when you boil it up. I now cook Bob's food outside in the shed. I use a slow cooker. Just dump it out there in the morning and it's ready late afternoon. If you've got a garage with power you could try that.

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Kitakins,its best raw for a Dog. Tony

totally agree there. I guess we're lucky because we get diced roo not just mince you can see exactly what condition the meats in.

Raw is alot healthier and easier for dogs to digest.

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Guest kitakins

i know raw is best [would be a lot easier to prepare too and mum wont have a pink fit] but i have heard some pretty bad things on pet quality roo meat. are they just myths or is there some truth to it? perhaps i should ask the suppliers what they think?

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