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How Long After Being Desexed Does A Male Lose Sexual Interest?


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I have a male Aust Terrier X who I adopted a couple of weeks ago along with a female foster dog. He was forever trying to "hump" her as she was in season.

Now the female has gone and he is on his own. He is doing a lot of peeing in the house still.

He was desexed last week and I introduced him to a friends female dog last night and all he wanted to do was hump her too!

Not only is he doing it to these female dogs but my 3 year old son also!!!!

How long do you think it will take for him to lose his sexual desire??? Will he lose it at all? :rofl:

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Im not sure that they ever lose interest.

almost 7 years ago my boxer (we rescued from the rspca) was desexed, and yet we HAVE to keep him separated from any bitches that are in season.

He has mated and tied with a bitch (2 years ago). This totally freaked me out because i have never seen a desexed male do this before, and really gave me a start until i realised that he didn't have any testicles.

my opinion, they dont lose it, or at least some dont. maybe if they are desexed as puppies it is different.


PS. Sorry i couldn't be of more help

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  Clover said:
Hi there

The humping can be a dominance thing aswell..have you started any training with him yet?

He is already trained to sit, get on his mat and working on the toilet training.... Gotta work on the come back one!

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How about using a belly band when he is inside. It is a piece of material that is velcroed around his waist with a sanitary pad attached so it catches all of those mistakes. It won't train him but is sure is a lot kinder to the inside of your house. Take it off when he goes out side for his wee and put it back on as he comes back inside. My kids all line up to have theirs on when the girls are in season. For some reason they forget their manners at this time.

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They never really lose the interest once they have it,imo...if done early, the interest usually never develops....but once adult...

I think, too it is around 2 months before hormone levels drop dramatically.?

The leg-cocking/marking is possibly a habit now, as well...and while it may lessen, training will be needed to stop it.

His hormones will be still informing him of the bitch in season...her smell will be everywhere. he is reacting appropriately (for a dog ) :nahnah:

It will take time. Castration is not a quick-fix!

Hamlet was done at around 12 months....he has tied with a bitch...although most times he shows no indication.

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I seems to depend on the age of the desexing.

If he was a randy little so and so beforehand, then it may take a while.

For the next few months he will be running on memory so you need to take precautions like the others have said.

Some dogs never change but most do, so it is just a matter of time IMO - so hopefully 6-8 weeks!

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