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I Feel So Horrible...final Update


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Hello everyone, I am new here but have been searching the internet for clues and answers to my gorgeous dog's health problems and I found you all.

My dog is called Kiah (key-ah) and is 14 next month. She is not a purebred but is a cross between a GSD and Kelpie (we think!)

I love her so much and yesterday felt like it was the worst day of my life...

She was fine in the morning - went outside after she woke up for her toileting and drinking. I looked out of the kitchen window and she was lying on her side on the driveway. Five or so minutes later, I looked out again and she was standing up but with her head pointing down. Looked strange so I watched for a minute or two - she seemed to be swaying slightly but otherwise didn't move?

I went out to her and she tried to walk to me but found it difficult. Very tentative steps and only 3 or 4. Well, I was immediately worried and upset. She looked like she wanted to lie down so I got her blankets from inside and helped her.

Then I decided to carry her inside where it was less windy and she just lay like a rag doll. Occasionally trying to lift her head up but lying back down.

After an hour or so of this (my husband returned from a trip to the UK at that very moment) and she tried to run to him but couldn't - slow steps, head down.

We sat with her - I was crying, so was my husband. After about 30mins she started to rally around..walked a bit more and able to drink and eat a piece of cheese.

I took her to the vet then - deciding if it was bad news I would just bring her home to be with us. I think it is bad news. She has enlarged lymph nodes around her neck but nowhere else. Her heart and lungs sounded fine (I thought it was heart problems) and her weight has been stable for the last 5 years.

So, the vet has put her on antibiotics for the nodes (clavulox) and I need to take her back in 3 days. He mentioned that it could be cancer (I think he is pretty sure it is? but he didn't say) and he also gave her an anti inflammatory injection - he believes she has arthritis - when I took her for a check up 6 months ago - it was only very mild - and he thinks this is why she is not moving well. I am unsure about this actually. She has been moving fine until then? He said that because she is feeling unwell (lymph nodes) that the pain from the arthritis would be exacerbated - in other words an unwell dog feels pain more.

Any thoughts on this please? Any hope for a silly crying woman who has shared the last almost 14 years with her best friend?



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Do you live in a tick area?

I'd be eliminating common complaints before worrying about more complex things. Any chance she's been bitten by something (clearly these are issues the vet would have looked for)

Was it colder than normal yesterday? Sometimes old bones really feel that.

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Hi there,

No, we live in Melbourne, so no ticks here thankfully. It also went through my mind that it could have been a bite from something but the Vet didn't seem to think of that?

It wasn't that chilly yesterday either and it isn't just the unable to move properly - it is her general demeanor - no spark, tail and head hanging down...and it seemed that it was a quick onset really.

I was wondering if it could have been like a small stroke...I have been wondering a lot of things actually as you can imagine.

Thanks for your reply - it is appreciated.

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I don't have any advice for you but just wanted to let you know fingers and paws crossed here for a quick improvement and simple solution. We all know what its like to be in the position your in, so sending strength and healing your way from me and Sienna. :eek:

Edited by Dust Angel
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Dogs in pain exhibit the behaviours you describe. Allow time for the anti-inflammatory shot to work, which should happen fairly quickly and the effects should stay for a couple of days. If no change, then back to the vet for further tests/medications. But you're going back anyway so that's OK.

I would be keeping her warm and comfortable, with a soft bed and plenty of blankets, plus warm liquid-type foods for now. Offer small meals frequently because she may not be feeling very hungry. If you can spend some time with her now, please do so. If nothing else, she will feel comforted by your presence and you will feel better that you're spending this time together.

I have had a few geriatric dogs now...it's sad to see them decline but they feel quite OK as long as we make them comfortable and show them we care. Sometimes they seem to want to be alone...allow your girl the choice at least some of the time (perhaps you can be in the next room). :eek:

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Sorry no helpful info, but I also just wanted to wish you all the best that things are not as serious as it seems and that Kiah is feeling much better soon. Your post broke my heart, you seem so upset... so hoping things improve greatly. Keep us posted - we don't want it to be the 'c' word.

Give Kiah a big healing hug from me and my girl Chloe...

PS. Kiah looks like a big sweetheart :eek:

Edited by Kelly_Louise
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after getting the worst news from our vet 3 months ago , and taking our 10 year old GS . home and having fun and treasuring his time . his decline was slow but fast. he was well spirited until the day or 2 before we put him down . in a way its sad but at least they don't suffer for too long . your dog looks good for 14 . i dare say it's because it's a x breed it has lived this long . a GS LIFE EXPECTANCY IS 8 TO 12 YEARS. over 12 is exceptionally well.

so enjoy your time left . thats my advice . the dog may be alright for a while but the day will come . yes it is how fast it creeps up . youwill know on the day . it happens quickly . sorry for the disheartening news . just wanted to give you the facts . having just gone through it . i'm glad your dog came home agian from the vet . now you can prepare and enjoy some more good days. my advice too is just cry when you need to. cheers.

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Dont be too worried until you get a definitive test result back for cancer. The vet should be able to take a biopsy or a blood test to rule out other things before assuming its cancer. Insist the vet do a blood screen, also check her poo if it looks different (like she has eaten something) Also check her teeth - make sure none of the teeth right up the back are infected or there is an abcess somewhere like her cheek, even in her ear.

Right time for some TLC! Chicken soup is wonderful. Boil up chicken maryland with a garlic clove, parsley and veges (no tomato, peas, corn or cabbage in there) shred the meat (no cooked bones) and add some cooked rice into this warmed broth. It will keep her hydrated, full of vitamins and minerals, and fill her tummy as well. Cut out red meat, and any dog food that contains artificial colours, flavours or preservatives as they can irritate her system since she is knocked about a little at the moment. A little plain yoghurt too will help her tummy from the tablets.

Dont encourage her to try and walk around, give her something soft to lay on, maybe raised a little off the ground so she doesnt have as far to lift herself. Keep her out of drafts.

Chin up. You have had this girl for a long time but sometimes vets assume without the full results. Yes it could be cancer. Could be quite a few other things as well. Never assume the worst, sometimes the simplest explinations can be the truth. Hugz to you and your girl :eek:

ETA you are never obliged to remain with one vet. If you have a gut feeling its more then the vet assumes get a second opinion!

Edited by Nekhbet
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Welcome, Kate and Kiah. Sorry that your first posts are so upsetting here on DOL :eek:

Kiah looks like a gorgeous old soul. Fingers and paws are crossed here in hope of good news. As others have said, any number of ailments can affect a dog at this age. Here's hoping it's treatable so Kiah's quality of life can continue :thumbsup:

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That sounds like my old Cocker who had a stroke many years ago. We had her for a couple of years more and when feeding her we used to elevate her feed bowl.

The other thing it may be is something to do with ?the inner ear. A firend's ol Pulli had this and came good with ? antibiotics but still had a slight head tilt.

Probably not much help but anything is worth a try.

Good luck

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Thank you all so much for your kind words, advice and thoughts....it really is so much appreciated.

She seems perkier this afternoon.

It seems, that today her neck is actually swollen on the left side - it wasn't yesterday...like fluid - makes me think more and more that it could have been some kind of bite? I am grasping at straws here but maybe, just maybe....

It is so obvious now, this swelling - almost mane-like...yet she seems better in herself and even came for a short stroll with me over to the park. She slept quite a bit today and now is just a tad more energetic.

I am hopeful and not as despairing as I was early! It might be false hope but it is hope nontheless!

Thank you all once again for your support of me (the old sook) and Kiah (the gorgeous one!)

Oh and Poodlefan - I don't think the thought of a bite of any kind entered into the Vet's mind...this was not mentioned at all - yet (while I may be grasping at straws) it seems that it may very well be a possibility. I will wait and see and go back on Wednesday - hopefully this is what it could be.


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Hi K8star hugs to you your OH and sweet Kiah, I don't have any answer for you except that maybe you could try a wholistic vet to see if they could give Kiah anything to boost her, sometimes vitamin B shots help,14 is a very good age to reach which also makes it harder to say goodbye when the time comes after being together for so many years, I lost my 1st Lab when he was only 5 months old, my Shepherd to cancer at 6yrs and my other Shepherd at 11yrs, all very heartbreaking, Blackie my last GS we think had a stoke, he just got up to greet me when I came home from work one day and couldn't walk, he crashed into the palmtree in the garden and that's where the vet had to give him his wings, he was my baby and I was totally devastated I felt riddled with guilt, what had I done wrong to lose 3 of my babies, but sadly it happens, their lifetime is never long enough for us although Kiah must be going on for 90 or so, what wonderful memories you must have over the years, this is where camcorders come in handy nowadays. Have you thought about adding Kiah's photo to one of the DOL movies on the site, I think she deserves it for getting to such a ripe old age. I hope Kiah can look forward to another year or two at least with you and your OH our thoughts are with you

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I have just logged on here again.

This afternoon and night she has been so much better. She has been barking again, almost chased a ball and really getting back to normal.

I took some photos of the swelling that wasn't there yesterday - took them early this evening. It almost looks like a goiter and feels really fluidy - mainly on the right side of the neck - I think you can see it clearly in these photos.

Yesterday, there is no way I could have taken the photos - she seemed like she was at deaths door - hard to imagine now?

Today, she has heaps more movement and life - could it be the anti-inflamatory or even the antibiotics? I don't understand really why this fluid like sac is there now - it is large but not worrying her at all...

I will, however, take her to a different vet tomorrow morning first thing and see what they say...

Thank you all so much for your replies and words of wisdom - it has been a light in a very dark tunnel.

Kate and Kiah



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Good to hear that your dog is better, cant give you canine advice, but we do have a 18 year old cat and she has similar problems from time to time, particularly with changes of weather, there are days when I think she has finally bought it and then there are others where she is fine. She has dementia, still calls for our cat that died from mouth cancer last April. She has a large mass in her belly, but three different vets seem to think that removal of it isnt going to do her much good and it is not causing her any pain at this point in time. Old animals are funny little things, just give her a cuddle and make her comfortable.. I still miss Raz every single day... :rofl:

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If the swelling has come up suddenly, it could be an abcess. Could she have caught herself on something and scratched or punctured herself? The onset of the infection would account for the dogs demeanour. Have a feel around and see if there is a scab in that swollen area. That is generally a good indication of an abcess. Pulling the scab and hair off will allow it to start draining. Wash with warm water, and keep the wound open. She is already on antibiotics, so that would be helping to combat any infection. If you do find an abcess, the vet will want to open it up and put a drain in, to allow all the infection out.

I hope it is something minor

Good luck.

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