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Training In New Locations


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I'd just keep taking him to different places and working on focus, nothing else. When he is getting really good at that, start asking for a bit of work. Raise the bar slowly etc. I'd even take him to a few trials and work on focus etc.

There is a saying in retrieving circles, use the magic 6. Which means PROOF in six NEW different areas before your first trial.

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There is a saying in retrieving circles, use the magic 6. Which means PROOF in six NEW different areas before your first trial.

Even being well aware of the fact that a large part of a dog's performance is situational, I am still amazed at the difference location makes. When you go training with somebody and they take you to their home paddock, swamp, lagoon etc, the dogs frequently look like magic, and you go WOW - that's an AWERSOME dog. You go to a new location, ask the dog to perform the same type of exercise and it's frequently so lousy that initially you have trouble believing it's the same dog. Even after seeing this happen over and over, I still have to shake my head and wonder why. Even well conditioned dogs never seem to have quite as much confidence when travelling as they do in their home paddock.

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That is very helpful advice! I think my OH is certainly a big part of the problem. It seems to be more an issue if we go somewhere in the car, as I can walk to several locations on my own from home and he works fine.

I have done some work at home around my OH, he will work but still wants to be with OH at times - he loves my OH! Sometimes I joke that Diesel should be his dog :laugh:

I do exercises that I think I have a good chance of him doing and wanting to do, he enjoys the come fores, and finishes.

It is actually very rare that we go somewhere new for a run, it normally is either for training or to visit my or OH's parents.

I agree that agility is inherently more rewarding for the dog than obedience. That is part of the challenge of it for me!

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Something I did without realising it with Moses and Josh. Was that I would go to lots of fun days and compete in fun pet dog competitions such as best goodo eater, best trick etc. Also with Moses I trained at a few different clubs. I am taking Tia to the Pet & Animal Expo as Josh and Moses are in the flyball demo and also gundogs are fundogs demo.

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Sorry to hijack the thread Kavik :thumbsup: but does anyone know if they have agility 'fun matches' anywhere in Vic?

I am in Melbourne and what we have here at KCC Park is the VCA obedience, tracking and endurance committee have some obedience run through nights during daylight savings. You have to book in here but it is REALLY good for proofing your dog in a trial-type situation. The judges and other experienced OTEC people put you through the ring like a trial and you get to talk to the dog, make corrections, give encouragement etc. and get advice.

Arya, Do you know if they have these for agility?

Thankx ;)

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Arya, Do you know if they have these for agility?

If I might answer? I don't think so. I put the suggestion up to the VCA ages ago (12 months ago?). Based it on similar to what they provide for horse comps. Eg. Freshmans Jumping, or Hors Concour - the latter idea would not cost any more to run. IE Don't need extra judges or prizes and the clubs running them could only stand to make more money on entree fees. Tried to follow it through but it seemed to have got shoved from one to another. I lost track and gave up. Seems they weren't particularly interested or they (VCA) would've contacted me. Surely? I don't do agility trials, so it's no skin off my nose, but I thought it would have been good from the training aspect. :rofl:

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Thankx Erny :nahnah:

I have heard of "fun matches" on an American dog forum- do they have these in Australia? Or am I just asking the same question again?

They do have events/classes such as "Gamble". I understand this is a "fun" based class in which there are placings and prizes. As far as I'm aware, there are no formal "points" scored which would go towards any Title though. But I could stand to be corrected in that respect.

Some clubs will run a games event ..... although I think this is more often an intra-club thing (but not always). Again, as far as I understand it, it is a fund-raising event.

Sorry - not a great deal of help because I'm not entirely sure how accurate I am being. :bottom:

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Thankx Erny :rofl:

I have heard of "fun matches" on an American dog forum- do they have these in Australia? Or am I just asking the same question again?

We certainly have some in NSW, but not many. They are usually run by clubs, often for the benefit of those who are nearly ready to start trialling, but open to anyone who wants to do it.

The other thing our club does is have a comp night once a month. It is pretty much run exactly like a trial & is a great opportunity to train with some adrenalin.

Also judges training days are sometimes run, where they need competitors to practise on.

Also doing demonstrations for your club can simulate a trial environment in many ways.

Just some thoughts, I do as many of the above as I can. Are you a member of a club? If so, maybe ask them if they (or could they?)do any of the above.

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There is a saying in retrieving circles, use the magic 6. Which means PROOF in six NEW different areas before your first trial.

Even being well aware of the fact that a large part of a dog's performance is situational, I am still amazed at the difference location makes. When you go training with somebody and they take you to their home paddock, swamp, lagoon etc, the dogs frequently look like magic, and you go WOW - that's an AWERSOME dog. You go to a new location, ask the dog to perform the same type of exercise and it's frequently so lousy that initially you have trouble believing it's the same dog. Even after seeing this happen over and over, I still have to shake my head and wonder why. Even well conditioned dogs never seem to have quite as much confidence when travelling as they do in their home paddock.

Yes indeedie, :cry:, I think good performances, whatever the endeavour, without proofing in new locations which include different distractions, gives one I false sense of security, which in my experience has shown up at retrieving trials. That is my excuse when I fail :rofl:

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The other thing our club does is have a comp night once a month. It is pretty much run exactly like a trial & is a great opportunity to train with some adrenalin.

Ahhh now thats what I need! And also thats what I ment by a "fun match" - a trial environment but no competition (no placings, points etc.).

I do belong to a club so I will ask next time about having a members comp kinda thing (training doesn't start for the year until Feb 11).

Thankx for the help guys. :cry: Sorry for hijacking your thread kavik :rofl:

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The other thing our club does is have a comp night once a month. It is pretty much run exactly like a trial & is a great opportunity to train with some adrenalin.

Ahhh now thats what I need! And also thats what I ment by a "fun match" - a trial environment but no competition (no placings, points etc.).

Sorry TP .... I misunderstood. :rofl:

Sorry for hijacking your thread kavik :cry:

Me too Kavik. :(:(

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Don't mind the hijack :( Actually a fun match is a good idea. Once we actually get Diesel working in new locations as opposed to being excited, stressed and silly, it would be good to practice without the added stress of actual competition. Or I guess I could go to a different club every now and again :cry:

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