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Puppy Scared Of Leaving House!


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Hi everyone,

This ones not for me, its for a friend. They have a 6mnth staffyX who has no desire to go for walks or even leave the backyard!

Her home life is wonderful, she has home cooked meals, another older playmate (little tenterfield!), and lots of attention from family and friends. She has lots of company all day and lots of family visiting. She is generally running around like a maniac!! with her toys etc and very happy.

But.. if you put a dog lead on her and attempt to walk out the gate, she freezes up :) I have never seen anything like it? To put her in a car to bring her somewhere she will freeze up completely. Even once she gets out the car, if she is not in her yard she is so scared, no matter how much comfort you give her. I am at a loss as none of my dogs have ever acted this way (but i tend to socialise them outside at a young age).

If anyone has any suggestions I would love to pass them on.

Also she wees herself when visitors come over. If anyone has any ideas how to control this?

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Sounds as if the dog wasn't taken out and about as a baby and therefore lacks socialisation. If you don't introduce them to new places, noises, dogs and people at an early age they may not accept them as adults. The dog is obviously extremely frightened of strange people and new situations.

She will have to go back to stage one and socialise her as if she was an eight week old puppy, but I doubt that she'll ever be fully confident however much work she puts in now.

Edited by Miranda
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Had both girls (both Amstaff or Staffy crosses) used to lead, collar and harness by 10 weeks. You do have to start early and make it fun for them, just the phrase 'Walkies' has them up and ready to go by the door sitting waiting for harnesses.

Maybe get it used to wearing a collar or harness around the house for a few minutes each day, even if it is just walking it out to do its business.

Perhaps bit by bit steps and reward treats to get them out and happy about being out? Lol :cry:

Lola used to wet herself all the time when she met someone (strangely enough it was men !!!) she was worse than a granny at manpower !!!!

She has grown out of it and rarely does it now, it was a not a fear problem, she just got a little ahead of herself,....

Edited by Doghouse
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