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Exercising An Elderly Dog


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My family has an almost 12 year old Golden Retriever - Jasmin (Jassie). She is in good health other than a bit of arthritis and occasional stiffness. She's on Sashas Blend which helps this alot. She hasn't had regular out of the yard exercise for at least 4 years - Mums always been too scared to walk her incase of stray dogs, Dad isn't very active and us kids coming and going etc has just meant it hasn't happened. Shes a titch overweight, but nothing major - the vet is happy with her weight.

We've also got a very active 2 year old GSD living with us. Shes the kind of dog who will run all day after her kong and still not want a rest.

I walk Indi the GSD a fair bit and we'd really like to inspire Dad to get out and about some more for his health. Jas went for her first walk last week, just around a small block, and loved it. I think if Jassie could come for a walk too, Dad might want to join us.

Any advice for getting an old girl back into shape or is it best now to just let her continue her life of luxury?

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Old age dogs doing light exercise is a must.In winter a small walk can do wondres,arthritic dogs that lay around alot tend to get stiffer & sorer & once they start losing muscle condition things start to get worse.

A little bit goes along way,even just going to the letter box & back or a few houses down makes an old dog feel real spiffy

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Depends how fair it is.remember if she has lead a placid life for 4 years & is arthritic then she may not have great muscle tone which means like us any exercise will bring some soreness in the muscle & there pads(feet) as there not be hardened by active exercise already.

I would do a month of short spells & just see how the dog goes & check her feet weekly.

Even sitting out the front in a fold up chair on a long lead can be very stimulating & different.

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I've got an old girl and she never used to go on regular walks but when I got my puppy and we saw how active and playful he got her, she started going for walks each day. Now, she's been going on walks at least 4 times a week and although she's still overweight, she has lost almost all signs of her arthritis, she's acting like a puppy and running with other dogs at parks and even playing with toys. She just seems so much happier and she can also cope with the heat a lot better now (don't know if that's because of the exercise?).

Start Jasmin off slowly and after a few weeks you'll see big differences :)

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I walk our elderly rottie about once or twice a week. The problem I found with him is that he gets soooo excited about the idea of a walk that he has exhausted himself by the end of the street. He likes the idea of the walk but the actual event gets too much for him.

I just walk him slowly and let him take his time. He likes to stop and sniff a lot because that is his way of resting.

A walk to the end of the street and across the road to an off-leash area and home again can take us at least an hour - I can walk it in about 6 minutes.

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We have a 4.5 year old Rotti x who is unwell, so is like an elderly dog- We try and take her out 2-3 times a week for 10-15 minutes at a time. She has some trouble balancing, so we try and walk her on grassy areas to prevent damage to her feet (drags her feet, so her claws get worn down and bleed).

I would check with your vet to make sure that the amount of exercise you want to do is ok- I am sure that some short walks to the end of the street and back will prove very popular- I've never met a dog who doesn't love the excitement of a walk!

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Jassie has battled with ear infections her whole life and swimming is not recommended for her - although she loves it almost as much as she loves food, so occasionally she comes out to my place for a splash in the dam!

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Our old kelpie is extremely arthritic but I've found that gentle walkies doesn't do her any harm and perhaps even helps a bit. Gives her an interest in life too. Tess has always been quite active though and patrols the yard each day. Perhaps start really slowly and build up as others have suggested.

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Sorry, did I miss that in one of the posts?

Haha, no it wasn't mentioned - sorry its my fault. SupremeChicken is my sister hence Jassie is 'my' dog too so I know about her ear troubles! She's not supposed to get them wet inside because then they get mucky and warm and then infections come along.

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This is a problem that I have too - old dog and young dog. Old dog has a damaged back leg and struggles on walkies. If I go to take pup and not her she gives me the saddiest looks. I find that off leash works well as pup can do zoomies, I walk and old dog sits in the middle and watches!

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