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50 Days To Go ....


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Well there is only 50 Days to go until the Iditarod Sled Dog Race. There is a mile of information on the Official Web Page Iditarod as they count down to the last great race in Alaska. Of course for you new Siberian/Malamute owners out there if you would like to know about how you can get involved locally contact your local sledding club.

If you are in or near to the ACT and would like to come along and see what the fun is all about, feel free to PM me here or visit our web page Canberra Sled Dog Club. Training starts around April, depending on temperature.

We don't do the distances you will see in the Iditarod, but we do have fun on a cold Canberra Saturday morning, and the Dogs love it!


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No one else has added to your thread, I might just add a few comments.

As the Iditarod is just a gruelling event, and the dogs, from my simplistic point of view, work solely in pack "drive", are obviously very fit, and their dietary requirements play such a factor, plus the hybrid vigour debate, I find such a sport very interesting.

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I found a site trying to BAN sledding yesterday.


If my dog was a little older we'd be sledding.

In Australia? could you PM me the link? If its to ban the Iditarod - that would be PETA. They believe some Mushers don't treat their dogs humanly during the training etc. I think that campaign should really be directed at individual trainers, rather than the race itself. As the race certainly doesn't condone that sort of behaviour and every precaution is taken to ensure the dogs health and well being. Vets checkpoints, constant health checks etc etc.

However if it is in Australia I would be very keen to take a look - are they trying to ban Labs from fetching tennis balls as well?



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It was the Iditarod.

However, when they bought it up on the myspace groups (I am on a few animal welfare/rights ones) the majority of the people (even the hardcore people who think meat eaters should die) thought it was absurd trying to ban the dogs from doing what they love. Doubt they'll get far with their campaign.

Yea, it was going on about how some organisation called P.R.I.D.E supports debarking and a load of other crap like euthanasia if the dogs can't pull hard enough. I just assumed they were idiots and tallking crap.

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hi every one, gess what i'm going to be doing in 44 days or so he he he it is only a buss trip to get to the iditarod YAY i'm hoping to follow it and be their start to finnish. that is if i can get the time off work and if i can extend the the time my dogs are being looked after for.

i can't wate


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If you are in or near to the ACT and would like to come along and see what the fun is all about, feel free to PM me here or visit our web page Canberra Sled Dog Club. Training starts around April, depending on temperature.

I'd love to get involved, and have an exciting and willing woofer. He just happens to think every sibe and mal on earth is his nemesis. They're the only breeds he consistently gets narky with :thumbsup:

But, for general info, are crossbreeds of similar size and build to siberian huskies and malamutes welcomed? What are the general health requirements? Thanks :clap:

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hi mooper

almost any dog can particapate at the club their are many breeds that particapate, kelpie cross, GSD, GSP, border collies. i once came across a site that ran borders with a pem corgie running lead it was an interesting sit and apparently they did well in races.

general roule about health watch for dehydration, don't run if it is wormer then 15 c, run on dirt, grass, mud never pavement to much shock on the dogs body, water your dogs, vacinations and yearly or more vet check up. most inportantly listen to other mushers they are a nice group.

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Hi mooper,

Sure everyone is welcome. There is plenty of experience at the club to help you get going, the only problems you may have is fitting a harness as they tend to be made for mals/huskies. But when it gets a bit closer to the season, email me [email protected] and I'll happily meet you out there and well arrange some gear/advice/tips etc to get you started. That offer goes for anyone else in ACT area.

The web page tells you what you need to bring. Please don't forget poo bags, we have to take care of the forrest :)

OH - only real health restriction is age some say 7 months minimum, I tend to err on the side of caution and say wait till the growth plates have fully developed (about 12-14 months), unless of course there is some pre-existing condition then speak to your vet.


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Thanks, Maryanne and Brett. I'm a tad worried about my dog's vocal response to mals and huskies being a complete deterrent for everyone else! He has no known pre-existing health conditions, but will be 7yo next month and has only trimmed down to 29kg in the past few months. When we got him from the pound three years ago, he was 32kg and looked pretty porky.

It sounds like I should go along and watch in the first instance, then decide whether my dog will be his usual pain-in-the-derriere self or whether his barking will just join in the cacophony and not be noticed :) :)

I've been meaning to watch the sled dogs every year and haven't made it out there ...

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Pfft - don't wory about the vocal thing. Have you seen what happens when you have about 20-30 sled dogs tethered in resonably close proximity? Come out for a look and bring your dog. Bring a tie down line or something to secure him - a lead around a tree won't cut it, and let him bark etc at the other dogs. I look forward to seeing you come winter. Just drop me an email and remind me we spoke here and we'll sort you out.


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Hmm ... ok! So my trusty Black Dog lead is no good?

Can you recommend a good tie-out stake? I've seen those self-hammering ones and think they sound good, but don't know how strong they are. Or will a length of chain or coated wire around a tree do the trick? I don't know the area, so I'm not sure what the options are.

At sheepherding, Jack is usually tethered to a fence or to the towhooks under the car. The forest is a tad different!

I'll see how I go with my PhD come April (it's due this year, the sooner the better) and if it looks like we'll have time, I'll definitely get in contact, Brett. Thanks again.

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I have two cut down star pickets and a chain between them with two chain lines coming off for each dog. But since you have one dog the tow point of your car should be fine (make sure its a tow/recovery point - don't use a bull bar ... that will just end up in tears), just have a chain or something sturdy to connect to it and make sure he can't hurt himself on the car if he gets excited.

If you want to spend money try Xpress Outfitters but just bring something sturdy for your first day, to keep your dog and the other dogs safe.

yay theres one new person for winter - any others????


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lol mooper he isn't excited at all lol now imagen 15 to 30+ dogs doing the same thing.........

i have a cut down star picket you could use if you need to, just let me no if you whant it, or you can by them at the hardwear and garden center across the river, i think mine cost me $2.50 each. i would recomend using a chain but that is only because mine are chewers. i hop you have fun, and i hop i get to see you again, though i don't know when i'll be back.

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