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Dicky Knee


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My 7 month old has a clicky knee......

Could this just be growing, or is it something that I should get checked?

Also, is it OK to give glucosamine to young dogs, or should it only be given to dogs that already have joint problems to relieve it?


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I looked a couple of these up on the internet today and they sort of seem that they are associated with pain etc. He is not phased at all. Is not in pain, walks normally etc. I know everytime I get up something on my body clicks and I'm not bothered. I will keep an eye on it though and next time he is at the vet I am going to get it checked.

Thanks for your help all

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Dogs don't show pain in the same manner as humans. When my dog ruptured her cruciate ligament she walked normally with the exception of a slight limp for a few stride when she got up after resting. Even when I handled her she didn't respond but when manipulated by a physio and vet she was in an enormous amount of pain.

Er on the side of caution for the sake of your dog. It may be nothing but a quick trip to a Vet is worth sparing your beloved any pain or discomfort he is going through. Another thing to consider is it may not be causing any pain yet but if left untreated it could become irreparable.

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I was just about to say the same thing Haven. They are so resilient that you just don't know. Chloe also did not show many signs, and most of the time none at all. Looking back I also used to hear a clicking sound (among other random and fleeting symptoms), and thought nothing of it as she appeared fine, although we always had it checked on. If she ever limped for a short period we put it down to too much exercise or jarring or arthritis. Even the initial vet did not diagnose cruciate problems when we started taking her regularly as we were suspicious that some of the symptoms were right. And if it had been picked up sooner Chloe would not have been put through what she has so far, and her injuries would have been FAR less sever. When her cruciates were operated on we were also told she had suffered from elbow dysplasia (very mild) probably from pup age and we had never had ANY indication at all... and still don't.

It may be nothing, but if it is the start of some leg problems better to have it checked out sooner rather than later... even a few weeks can mean quick arthritic change and painful consequences.

Hoping it's nothing serious though!!!

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Hi all

Took Charlie to the vet today and he didn't seem to think there is any major problems going on in Charlies joints. Both his knees and hips are clicking but he mentioned that because he is growing rapidly things just have to settle themselves back into place. He is not lame, walks normally and isn't in any pain when the vet manipulated his joints.

He suggested that once Charlie reaches 1 year I get a hip score (and other joints) done...which I will do. I have now also got him on Sashas blend.

Edited by MyMontage
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Try to restrict his jumping, sudden stopping (ie full run to a stop) and twisting. This will help prevent joint injuries while your pup is growing.

If he is anything like my Ricky YOU will need to enforce the rest rather than wait for him to be sore enough to stop himself. Ricky will play fetch until he can no longer walk if I let him. He also shows no pain etc but he has luxating patellas.

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  • 2 months later...
Try to restrict his jumping, sudden stopping (ie full run to a stop) and twisting. This will help prevent joint injuries while your pup is growing.

If he is anything like my Ricky YOU will need to enforce the rest rather than wait for him to be sore enough to stop himself. Ricky will play fetch until he can no longer walk if I let him. He also shows no pain etc but he has luxating patellas.

How do you deal with Ricky's LP? He must be in a great pain after running. My 11 months old Shiba has the same problem. I am not sure if operation can treat LP 100%.

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My young golden also had clicky knees for a few months (around the same age as your pup) and turned out it was just the same thing... growing quickly. Always safer to get them checked out though!

seeing surgeon and physio to get 2nd /3rd opinion; hopefully there is better treatment other than operation. Good luck to Shika :thumbsup:

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  • 1 month later...

Shika went through 6 sessions of acupuncture and had great improvement. Her knee problem has reduced from 2-3 grade to grade 1. She is back to normal activities now. Luckily, no operation is required.

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