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Dog Tricks


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Here are some more tricks.

Moses putting a hoop on a stick.


Josh catching a biscuit off the end of his big nose.


Moses running up to my husband and pulling a towel out of his pocket for me to blow my nose on, after I go "achoo"


Moses taking off my husbands sock.


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Treat on the end of the nose is very easy to teach. But your dog first has to know how to do a normal catch. Then you have to teach him to catch something off the end of his nose. You put the treat there, and let him try and catch it, if he misses and it goes on the floor its yours, if he catches it then thats great. To add the time, you put the treat on the dogs nose, tell him wait, then take it off and give a treat from elsewhere, and gradually lengthen the time.

While I am here, here are a couple more.

Open closed drawer bring toy back and then close the drawer

Now in reverse, put toy away and then close the drawer

Moses nodding his head


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This is of Leo retrieving from the fridge :eek:. I've got to do some more vids of his other tricks too :)

Ohh i love that one!!

Love how the first tug didnt open the fridge had too try again, that time he flung it open lol

hehe thanx. If at first don't succeed..... :cry: Love it how he really gives it a tug the second time... as if to say "i'll show you!"

Shoey - he can't get his dinner... I take his tug off the door when we r done and wah --lah! LOL! Otherwise..... *vbg*!

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OK, here are a couple of quick videos that MrD took with his phone this afternoon of Jarrah :rofl: .

Doing figure of 8 around my legs (the time he stops just as he goes through my legs he is sniffing my hand cos I had the treat in there :thumbsup: )

Jarrah doing Fig 8

Doing roll overs

Roll over

Doing paw touches with MrD


Circling me

Around & around

And finally spins right & left (with a few jumps thrown in for good measure cos he cant help himself :rofl::) )

Twist & Twirl

Hope they work! :rasberry:

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Ok - I finally uploaded the tricks - sorry about the quality and the 'out of synchness' - don't know what as happening there - was using my camera so maybe that affects it :)

Leo waving:

Leo covering his eyes

Leo being shot :rofl:

Leo putting the quoits onto the pole (working progress, but this is the level we are at - all done by free shaping).

Another shot at "bang' - I like his way of pulling himself into the proper position :rofl:

Some may not be ready for viewing yet.... hopefully soon :rofl:

Edited by leopuppy04
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The quoits are coming along nicely you just need to add distance and start moving yourself away. Dogs find this bit a little bit hard as they think they have to bring the quoit to you. I like his style how he puts them on. Different how Moses does it. Leo's way looks a lot easier, Moses seem to do it back to front. I click the moment the quoit is on the pole.

Edited by CrashTestDummy
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