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Flyball Dogs - Here Is The Team That Beat The Record


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actually buster loves tug-of-war. its his favourite.

can you do individual runs? i'll get his dog aggression issues sorted to the point where he can focus on me and not other odgs. but i wouldnt put him in a hugley stressful environment like a flyball team. i dont know if he'll be able to handle that.

i looked at all the ways of teaching it. i was wondering how you would. so i might have a go at that. for fun if not anythign else

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What do you mean individual runs?

Flyball is a team sport, 4 dogs racing at once, the crosses will be close as well as having dogs over the other side. You may have control in a calm situation but will your dog still focus on you with other dogs running past an inch away?

It is not a sport for a dog aggressive dog.

You can teach it yes, but you would be very hard pressed to find a team that will allow you to compete as i personally wouldnt race with a dog that may decide he didnt like mine and attack.

Edited by tollersowned
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That may be so, but i am not going to encourage people with an aggressive dog to train in flyball. Whats the point of training your dog in flyball where you can go only so far and never compete?

You are competiting, so its clear you have been able to train your dog to do it even with other dogs so close.....but not everyone is capable of that level of training :D

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mine wasnt trained to ignore the other dogs lol flyball dogs tend to be competitive, IF the dog aggressive dog is one of the more focased dogs then their is no problem. Happy does not ignore the other dogs because she is trained not to(lol most people dont even know her name, she is "that evil dog") she ignores the other dogs only during a race for the sole reason that she is focased on the game. now if the asggressive dog is one that gets distracted easy..well thats another story entirly lol

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i think i''ll be able to train him to ignore other dogs, but i don't know if he'll be comfortable in an environment like a flyball tournament anyway. he's not so agressive offleash. just dominant.

i see a huge reason to train him in flyball even if he can never compete.

1) increases our communication

2) teaches ME how to train a dog in flyball

3)provides him with some fun

i'm doing agility at home with him now and putting a huge amount of effort into his "focus" command and he's getting better at it alreadyy. but i dunno if he'll ever be able to compete in flyball tournaments.

but oh well, there are other things he can do, agility (once he gets his focus going ) tracking, maybe lure coursing, obediance. its all good.

Edited by busterlove
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Guest Clover
That may be so, but i am not going to encourage people with an aggressive dog to train in flyball. Whats the point of training your dog in flyball where you can go only so far and never compete?

To let the dog and handler have some fun, it is not all about competing. I didn't care if Tinny never competed, i just wanted to do some training with her to build some confidence and to let her have some fun.

Keep up the good work with your dog Busterlove, and keep having fun with your boy :thumbsup:.

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That may be so, but i am not going to encourage people with an aggressive dog to train in flyball. Whats the point of training your dog in flyball where you can go only so far and never compete?

To let the dog and handler have some fun, it is not all about competing. I didn't care if Tinny never competed, i just wanted to do some training with her to build some confidence and to let her have some fun.

Perhaps i worded it wrong, i am all for having fun. Hell if it was all about competing with my dogs, Nova wouldnt be with me :thumbsup:

There is nothing wrong with training a dog without competing, about 99% of dogs wouldnt see an inside ring.

Thats the problem not everyone will train to 'have fun' and they get annoyed at the dog because they cant go further. Besides there is a different between a complete new person and someone who has already trained 2 good flyball dogs.

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You just have to be careful that if you have an aggressive dog and it attacks another dog that is not that confident, you could cause the other dog to have problems for the rest of its life. With Josh he has a lot of bounce back, he got a severe attack where he almost required stitches at 6 months old, but he is still fine around other dogs. Other dogs aren't so lucky and it can cause them to be aggressive.

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You just have to be careful that if you have an aggressive dog and it attacks another dog that is not that confident, you could cause the other dog to have problems for the rest of its life. With Josh he has a lot of bounce back, he got a severe attack where he almost required stitches at 6 months old, but he is still fine around other dogs. Other dogs aren't so lucky and it can cause them to be aggressive.

I agree, Nova has been attacked (several times) before, he bounced back worse each time now instead of running he will turn and fight, not something i wanted in my dogs.

Sorry to sound like a broken record and i hope i havent turned you off flyball, for the record i love it, but you have to think about the other dogs racing if you get to that stage. You will doubtfully get to race again if your dog attacks and it will ruin that dog (and possibly owner)

Agility is heaps of fun and once you get focus in that, you will love it and you wont have to worry about other dogs :rainbowbridge:

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