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Need Urgent Help With 2 Male Pomeranian Puppies


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These links go to videos of playing pups


No they are much rougher than that. Much much rougher. Thats nothing for these guys. They bark, growl and launch at each other as if it's a dog fight ring. No blood has ever been drawn but they are rougher than what you call as play

the fact that there has been no blood would probably indicate that they arnt trying to kill each other...

when our dogs play they and they dont play nice they get seperated...

which is a part of them being trained to keep it nice or not to bother in an earlier post you said you doubt training will help well i dont mean to be rude but your definately wrong, training takes time but works putting a barking collar or any using any other devices with the same intesnt are quick fixes....

you need to train your dogs and you need to get them desexed everyone here has practically said the same thing to you but in a different way so maybe just MAYBE we are right???!?!?!?!

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Just out of curiosity why did you you buy two males? As a general rule a dog and bitch will get along better than two dogs of the same sex. If they are genuinely fighting now you will have major problems as they mature and although desexing may help there are no guarantees and you may have to look at the possibility of rehoming one of them.

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Just wondering, isnt the guardians/owners of the dog supposed the seen as the pack leader/s. and the dogs sort out the pecking order from there?

When my two play really rough there are time outs enforced.. does wonders. :rofl:

Dog socialisation classes are very very important, particularly with the very little ones and the very BIG ones. Too many beautiful 'little' pups become possessive and nasty because the lines of demarcation (between guardian and dog, family and dog and dog and other dogs) are not drawn up at a very early age, and therefore is the high dumpage rate, when they go a little nutz... Poor little tykes !!! :rofl::)

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