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Feeding A 7 Week Old Rotti Pup (maybe Cross)


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My daughter rang me at work yesterday afternoon. Her best friend's sister in law has aquired a 7 week old Rotti (maybe x) pup. Apparently a guy came into the pub when she was there trying to get rid of them. If he didn't find homes for the pups he was going to drown them. My daughter's friend knows all about buying from Registered breeders but apparently her sister in law doesn't.

My daughter wanted advice on feeding the pup for her friend. I haven't had any experience with Rotti's. I told her that as it was only 7 weeks old, I would feed it 4 times a day and only a handful of dry. My daughter gave her friend some of our Nutro Puppy dry and some puppy milk I had. My daughter went to her friends place with the food and puppy milk and fed the pup. From what my daughter said when she rang me back, it was starving and ate the Nutro and drank the puppy milk and wanted more. How much would you feed a 7 week old Rotti pup?

I told my daughter that as it is supposed to be a Rotti, it would need Large Breed Puppy dry. I know that the owners won't spend the money and buy either a Super Premium or Premium brand. Is there a supermarket brand or a cheap brand available from Pet Warehouses that would be suitable?

I also told her to tell her friend that it had to be microchipped and about worming and vaccinations and everything else that a breeder would tell the new owner.

Edited by Norskgra
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Not sure about the age as My rottis have been older when I got them

If they are going to feed a supermarket brand supercoat puppy would be better IMO Just dry no tinned

Read the bag for the recommended amount and divide it up between 4 feeds a day

They can also feed some chicken wings or carcesses, maybe some little lamb bones raw for the pup to chew on this will give the feeling of eating without feeding tomuch

They will have to make sure they keep the pup lean until it finishes growing to keep stresss of the hip and shoulder joints

I know you will have drilled into their heads about immunisations and socialization ect

Good Luck

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Thanks Pandii.

I did tell them everything about worming, vaccinations, microchipping, desexing and everything else that they would have been told if they had bought her from a reputable breeder. My daughter had already told them about keeping her lean. She had also told them not to feed tinned food either. I did mention about chicken wings, carcasses, necks and other bones. My daughter's friend has been with us a few times when I have done our dogs food shopping and I have managed to get her to buy their other cross breed some 'good' bones and raw meat.

They have another cross breed and I know that they won't feed one of the better dry foods to the pup. I wasn't sure if Supercoat had a Large Breed puppy variety.

Thanks Gretel. I did actually suggest Optimum. My daughter mught have to go shopping with them to make sure they buy the pup the right sort of food.

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Sounds like you have it all under control

Great Job to you and your daughter

any chance of some photos

When I feed supercoat to my puppies I always added in all the good stuff like sardines yogurt ect

They are lucky people to have a friend like you to help

Now photos please LOL

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I know my daughter took some photos yesterday. She has only just woken up and I will get her to load some when she is in a better frame of mind. :cheer:

I know they won't add all the stuff that we do but I have given them a diet sheet that I give our puppy owners as a guide. I know they made a mistake getting the puppy the way they did but Idon't want to penalise the baby.

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Here is a photo of Windsor my daughter took on her camera last night. Looking at her photo she looks like a cross but I could be wrong. Apparently someone who breeds Rotti's told the new owner that if the pup has tan on its face and its bum, it is a purebred but I have never heard this before.


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Looks like a cross, or at the very least a poor representation of the breed - pretty much what you'd expect from a BYB.

The advice already given is pretty sensible, and it all sounds to be under control now?

Apparently someone who breeds Rotti's told the new owner that if the pup has tan on its face and its bum, it is a purebred but I have never heard this before.

The classic black and tan markings seem to be a very dominant patterning - look at most breeds that have black and tan patterns (even when mixed with white, eg Bernese Mountain Dog) and the pattern will be essentially the same. Just because the pup has typical B&T markings, doesn't make it purebred :cheer: Could be a Rotty x Dobe for all we know, and you would expect classic markings with something like that.

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Thanks CavNrott.

I did tell my daughter that Optimum would be better than Supercoat if they could afford it. I also told them to feed 4 times a day. I don't go on the recommended amounts with any of my dogs. I know how much they each need and it is never what is recomended. That is why I said about a handful for each meal. That is approximately what I feed 8 week old Elkie pups.

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Good on you for helping out with advice. She looks a cutie and not her fault some idiot decided to bring her into the world....

Thanks Gretel. I would never not help a pup. As you said it was not her fault. At least the new owners, even though they got her the wrong way, have asked for advice. I have given them as much advice as I could including some of my puppy handouts but I wasn't sure if there was anything Rotti specific I should tell them because I have never had much to do with them.

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If their budget will stretch a little farther Advance is a reasonable food and they do have a large breed puppy formula. Advance isn't as expensive as some of the other brands.

I know that they don't have a lot of money but I did suggest Advance to them. I really think that the best the pup will be given is either Supercoat or Optimum.

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Here is a photo of Windsor my daughter took on her camera last night. Looking at her photo she looks like a cross but I could be wrong. Apparently someone who breeds Rotti's told the new owner that if the pup has tan on its face and its bum, it is a purebred but I have never heard this before.


I thiink that is a load of crock

Tyson here on the right

Is from a rotti mum and god only knows what but he is no pure breed yet he has the same markings as my other 2 and they are purebreed with papers

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Here is a photo of Windsor my daughter took on her camera last night. Looking at her photo she looks like a cross but I could be wrong. Apparently someone who breeds Rotti's told the new owner that if the pup has tan on its face and its bum, it is a purebred but I have never heard this before.


I thiink that is a load of crock

Tyson here on the right

Is from a rotti mum and god only knows what but he is no pure breed yet he has the same markings as my other 2 and they are purebreed with papers

I agree with Pandii - my old boy Harm was a Rotti x Lab...he had standard rotti markings except for a white strip for a bib. And considering other breeds come in the black and tan...well...you know what i mean :thumbsup:

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