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Girly Question


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Heya, the last few days Kaos has had a bit of gunk in her eyes, i have been cleaning them, thinking nothing of it, as it has been pretty windy, and just thought it was that causing it

Tonight i was out walking with her, she was infront of me and i noticed a fair bit of yellow gunky stuff, crusty and yucky around her girly bits.

She gets a bit from time to time, as i am guessing they all do, but nothing like i saw tonight

Any ideas what it could be?

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Definitely dilute the Cider Vinegar. Another method would be to add a small amount (you only want to change the PH of the bath slightly) to a bath, maybe one third of a cup to say a laundry tub of water. Sit her in the bath for a while and swirl the water around the vulval area.

Also wash her paws and legs well.

Do not put cider vinegar near the eyes.

For the eyes, one quarter teaspoon of salt to a cup of water. Lots of clean cotton balls or tissues. Dab tissue in solution, wipe eye, discard tissue etc., repeat until all visible gunk is removed. then dab tissue in solution and clean all around the eye, dry off with dry tissue. Repeat 2 or 3 times daily.

Maintain extra paw and leg hygene - they will rub their itchy eyes with them.

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Nah, that doesnt worry me at all! Im not that much of a sook!! (after all, i did try to pull Ats blankie out of his bum when it was stuck - covered in poo.. so i can handle this!!)


Glad I'm not the only one :D . I have done the same with a piece of rope toy hanging out of Ben's bum (twice actually). The poor little bugger just wanted to keep sitting down :rofl:

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She seems ok tonight?

I will keep putting stuff on it for a few days, just to be sure

she isnt talking to me at the moment - She tried to poo inside, INFRONT of me!! It is raining and she didnt want to go out, now she is upset that i yelled at her

bloody girls!!

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