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Urgent: Amstaff Has Big Issues, Some Sort Of Bug? Or Bite?


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As for the itchy face... a lot of the time after he has had some food he will run into the living room and jump onto the sofa, he will snort like a pig and bury his head in the cushons and rub his face etc, he will do it to the edge of the sofa, your legs, anything that is soft and around at the time. Is this alergy related? Or common?

Gracie does that too, the meatier the dinner the more she rubs her gums/face. :love:

Poor dog, does sound horrid. You should use cooking salt at a much lower dilution, too much salt will cause further damage. But dont panic, you've only done it once.

Always follow the recipies for any bath or tinctures.

The way it comes up so quickly points to an allergy, sorry meant to say auto-immune response (this doesn't exclude allergy). Or else he is bothering an ants nest or found a prickle patch somewhere. Main thing is to get on top of this outbreak and see if you can check the environment for any obvious environmental causes, I would think the pool a bad idea at the moment, better to keep his feet dry to avoid complicating things with a fungal or other secondary infection.

Good luck, let us know how it goes at the vets.

Edited by InDogWeTrust
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We get what sounds like the same thing with some of the Pugs ( two in particular ). They come up in the form of a hard lump between the toes and basically keep growing until the split. We have ruled out water ( as I have a dry kennel ) , disinfectants and grass, it just appears to be one of those things.

I have found the best way to treat them, if they are mild is with Neocort. We have had one case that was severe and needed antibiotics and the last outbreak was in a pregnant bitch and we treated her with Dermotic, as I did not want to give her any oral medication 6 days out from whelping.

Once my vet and myself ruled out grass seeds, we basically treated them like an infection. I feel that they are set off by foreign bodies, maybe sand or a scratch from a stick ( something simple ) and they have responded quickly to treatment. I have avoided where I can treating them with salt and water, as the area between the toes is hard to keep dry at the best of times.

Let me know how you get on.


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Good luck with your boy, I hope you at least have some good news. Here is what our Dermatologist told us about sterile pyogranuloma when our girl, Zayda, had them. She is a chronic allergy dog, it may or may not be related:

The pictures you sent appear consistent with sterile pyogranuloma; these are nodular lesions thought to be an aberrant reaction to insect bites, however this theory is speculation and not proven. These can develop secondary infection.

She was diagnosed by our GP and then we took photos and sent them to our Derm. Here are the pics, obviously her's were not interdigital:




Unfortunately in our case it seems some of the hair follicles were damaged and we've never had full regrowth of hair (much more noticeable on the foot which was the worse one and got very infected :thumbsup:)

How old is your boy?


PS: I should add what we treated with: Malaseb shampoo (more so paw) every day and then once a day resichlor lotion and once a day Pau D'arco (herbal antibiotic) rinse. Also internal Pau D'arco.

Edited by zayda_asher
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Forgot to reply, here is update.

We went to save vet clinic and got stuck with a new vet, she wasnt that helpful and i wont be going back, was very "rushed" and even said to us after a few minutes that we pretty much had to leave because there was people in the waiting room (even tho we waited for 20min when we arrived on time, because she was in the room talking to an old friend for ages).

She had no idea what was wrong with him, said it wasnt interdigtal because it wasnt high enough between the goes (some are attatched to the pads, some are inbetween toes) and she took a skin scrape for dermodex (he doesnt have this).

She gave us anit-biotics for twice a day stuff, and some pink stuff that they use before operations that i can wash his feet in once a day (its anti bacterial etc etc).

Thats about it, his toes are the same, he isnt in pain, ill let you know how he goes in a few days.

Oh she also got out some tools and got stuck into one of his things incase it was a grass seed (even though he has about 8 of them, most dont have heads / holes) she got deep into one and declared "no grass seed" to which i reply "i know this, there are 6 other ones, indentical with no wound on them, just a hard red lump"

Oh well, updates soon.


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  • 2 weeks later...

only just seen this thread - towards the end of last yr i notice a lump between the toes on my boy (i dont have any pics unfortunately) but was hard a little pussy and painful when i squeezed but fine otherwise he had been licking/chewing at it.

off to the vets - who put him on basic antibiotics for an infection didnt know what it was - no change after a few days, back to the vet under for a biopsy - possibly something more sinister (*panic*) pathology result came back as a bad fungal infection - different antibiotics which did the trick - but appears he may have the same thing on a back foot this time i noticed a few days ago but smaller....

My boy is insured so i let them do everything to sort things out - and costs me nothing! :eek:

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