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Bath Time...


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So we gave our 16 week old pup her first bath on the weekend. And good news - she loved it. Must be the retriever in her. She dropped in the bath, she laid down and just loved it. I got in the bath last night and next minute there is this head resting on the side looking in - she so wanted to hop in. I just kept flicking water at her which she kept trying to catch with her mouth... so though this is not a problem, just thought i would share with you a good news story for the day!


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Gawd that is brilliant!! I just bathed my puppy kids this morning and they were trying to jump over the side of the booster bath!! It's a loooong way down for a little pup! :happydance2:

They are off for a check with the animal chiropractor this morning so I wanted to make sure they were smelling nice :mad They are in their crates staying clean now.

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The first few times we tried to bath the pooch she freaked out. Now she no longer runs off when we take her collar off and usually comes in and checks out the status of the bath as it fills up. Then just stands there and gets a good back scratch :happydance2:

She would much prefer to bathe with the kids though, that or just lick the water off them :mad

yay for your pooch

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Yay for Lily!

I have a 16 week old black lab too, he loves water sooo much!! Today we went to the park and he decided that the fountain/rock pool looked great to go for a swim in... :happydance2:...Luckily there were no other people around!!

Its funny everyone thinks our pup is a black lab, even the vet, i am starting to think maybe she is, hmmmm... but she is a retriever x rotti - i guess retrievers and labs are kinda similar when their young and the fact that she is black... could be that aswell!!

How cute, hope you had a towel... we tried to get our pup to put her pours in the water the other day and instead she sat right in it and we had the car - so we had to get a jumper to wipe her butt.....

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Sometimes i dont know what is better a dog that doesn't really like water or one that loves it :)

Diesel is now nearly 12 weeks old and he has had 2 official baths.. mainly because him and our older dog play in the dirt and he is the one that gets dirty as she rolls him in there as a game........ :rolleyes:

Now he has decided that he loved water and every morning he comes in the bathroom and opens the shower door and walks in there with you.... :p not only when i have a shower but when the OH has one to so at the moment he is having 2 showers a day......

He runs in and out and has a good old time playing in the water... luck for us we have a really big shower and there is enough room in there for him.... not sure if he will still be trying to do it when he is fully grown though.. but it sure is funny..... ;)

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Ive got babie pup's that were 4 weeks old yesterday and already they have had 3 baths. They lay in there food and wee's and poo's, they smell so bad.

You can bath a dog how ever much you like but because they have a different ph level to humans you shouldnt use human shampoo.

Bath away :rolleyes:

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Sorry to hijack but how often do you bathe your pup?

Our pup is 9 weeks old and she often walks in her wee and is always smelly but im not too sure how often i can bathe her! :rolleyes:

Everyone has different opinons on bathing. Our vet advised us that every 10 weeks is probably best. You shouldn't over bath but obviously pups can get a bit smelly. Our pup had her first at 16 weeks, but she was never much of a smelly one. So it is really up to you. It is best to get them used to it earlier, so i would say bath away...

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  • 3 weeks later...

We just got our pup today (8 wks old), after a quick wander around the grounds, first thing we did was bath him as he was so smelly and muddy from being in the water/mud to keep cool from the current heat.

I do find it funny he stands in his water bowl or walks through it :thumbsup:

Edited by musik
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<Everyone has different opinons on bathing. Our vet advised us that every 10 weeks is probably best.>

Good grief every 10 weeks! That's a long time between baths. I don't think I'd have them sleeping in my bed if I only bathed that often :thumbsup: I do mine every couple of weeks.

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my boy does that - he used to stand next to the bath and stick his head in the shower - he used to push the shower screen away so he could lick the water, so it ended up all over the floor!

arrrhhhh gotta love those kinda antics ;)

ahh Sam is the same, we have bifold doors on our bathroom, now you can imagine how hard it is with a puppy to have any privacy when you are the only one home alone and the lawn is getting mowed so the puppy cant go outside.

Sam pushed the doors open when I was in the bath one day and jumped, yes jumped up and into the bath, bubbles and water everywere!!!! very cute though lol.

Also if your not fast enough she tries to hop in the shower lol

She absolutely loves water and cannot get enough of it! :thumbsup:

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I bath Frodo every 2 weeks, but there are times when he gets bathed every day cause he has found the joy of smelly puddles and horse poo, lol. I use a ph ballanced shampoo for puppies; it smells like coconut, and I have had no skin troubles with it. It is a friskies brand.

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Sorry to hijack but how often do you bathe your pup?

Our pup is 9 weeks old and she often walks in her wee and is always smelly but im not too sure how often i can bathe her! :hug:

We will wash our 10 week old pup about every 2-3 weeks. We have washed him twice in the 3 weeks we have had him. we want him to get really used to being washed at a young age so there will be no problems when hes older. basically once hes smelly or dirty enough we wash him. especially if we have visitors coming to see him! there's nothing like a clean fluffy puppy that smells good!!

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