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Dog Piddles In Own Bowl?


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Ok,I have 2 dogs.Older de-sexed female and a 7mth-8mth de-sexed male.He is smaller than my older girl.They both get fed at the same time,though my older girl gets her bowl first,then a minute later the male gets his.I noticed last night as soon as the male finished he cocked his leg and peed in his own empy bowl :rofl: Ages ago I used to live with a lady,she had a male Rotty and he would pee in my older girls bowl.I took that too mean he was showing her that he was boss.So can someone explain this new observation to me.Why would my male pee in his own bowl :rofl: I would have thought he would pee in the females bowl instead.

Hope this is in the right section too.

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my 1 and a half yo cav x lhasa has done this once, he is a bit dominant and has some agression issues with guarding food... i can only assume hes marking it as his own and being dominant...

now what i do,, if i feed them from bowls.. as most of there food is either RMB or they have to work for it,, meaning i feed it to them from my hand.. if they do have bowls.. usually kibble and sardines with oil and stuff.. i stand their and wait for them to finish and i remove the bowls.(out of sight) as he was still guarding it, then claiming the other 2 bowls as well. and then snapping at whoever came near it claiming them all..

maybe try removing the bowl when he has finished...

may he be marking it as his?

does he often guard his food or have any dominate behaviours?

my boy had all of these ,and yes he was desexed too

he still has other dominate behaviours, but at least i have stopped this one..

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:love: he he its pretty gross huh...Max does this on the odd occasion. He is the only one to do it too.

Dont have any suggestions other than what Rexy said. Pick the bowls up after they have finished.

Sam had the runs one night and kindly pooped in the water bowl so it wouldn't go on my bedroom floor. How considerate :)

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Sasroc is your dog agressive towards you? If not can you 'claimed' his bowl to be YOUR bowl instead? You can feed him by holding on to the bowl or just put hand on side of bowl when he eats, once finished, you said it's done and remove it straight away.

Warning, only do this if you are sure he is not agressive, some aggressive dogs will bite. Do at own risk.

Edited by flycow
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A lot of the dogs we get at the boarding kennels where I work do this - if they come in pairs. I think is Isaviz said, its marking the bowl as 'theirs' and trying to stop the other dog wanting it.

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Sorry,havent been on for ages.Ive found out what is going on.I decided to feed them both in front of the kitchen window so I could watch while doing the dishes.As soon as my female finished she left,the male finished walked over to her bowl,piddled in that and then piddled in his own.I have caught my girl pinching his food so I guess hes telling her "this is my bowl"and hes also claiming hers too.There is a bit of agro at times when I give them bones too.My girl is always claiming them for herself as well.Though the male is a lot smarter and pinches them behind her back.I just give them chicken frames or necks now.That has stopped the fighting.If I know Im gonna be outside for a while I will let them chew a bone but take them back when Im back inside.Thanks for all the feedback,btw. :laugh:

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Sasroc is your dog agressive towards you? If not can you 'claimed' his bowl to be YOUR bowl instead?

:thumbsup: For a second I thought you were suggesting peeing in the dogs bowl to claim it. :rofl:

My eldest boy marked the shoes of the show manager at 6 months old....when the show manager was still wearing them. Now that takes kahuna's in front of an audience. :rofl:

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Sasroc is your dog agressive towards you? If not can you 'claimed' his bowl to be YOUR bowl instead?

:thumbsup: For a second I thought you were suggesting peeing in the dogs bowl to claim it. :eek:

My eldest boy marked the shoes of the show manager at 6 months old....when the show manager was still wearing them. Now that takes kahuna's in front of an audience. ;)

:eek::rofl::rofl::rofl: :p :love: :D ;) ;) :rofl::rofl:

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I have a beagle stud dog [ Randy] who wont ever poo on the ground . He always poos in a bowl . At first I tried all manner of things to stop him and his water bowls kept getting taller and taller but he would balance on the rim on tip toes to do it and sometimes would go to exremmes to get it in the bowl. :rolleyes: So I gave up and instead gave him a bowl to drink out of and a bowl to poo in . Every day I pick up his potty and empty it and he never drops it on the ground and now he doesnt poo in the water bowl.

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