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My Baby Girl Is Sick :(


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Bree, my 9 month old wofhound, is very sick :laugh:

She was lethargic and off her food on Friday, and yesterday wouldn't drink either. I was going to take her to the vet yesterday but they are flat out with a bad outbreak of parvo, so after chatting with them on the phone kept her at home and kept trickling water down her throat and kept her cool. She vomited a couple of times, just watery liquid. And at 2am she had a bout of diorrhea, very dark brown but did not look like blood.

I took her to the vet this morning and she has a high temperature and is a bit dehydrated (no wonder!). She is now on antibiotics, and the vet gave her an injection to stop her vomiting, and I have some Lactaid to help rehydrate her. But she is still really flat and has vomitted again this afternoon :rofl:

I think I will take her back to the vet tomorrow if she doesn't pick up overnight. She hasn't eaten anything since Thursday, and I am worried about her hydration too. She has spent all day lying on the bathroom floor.

Poor baby :laugh:

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Daisy, so sorry that poor Bree is so sick. It sounds like a severe case of gastroenteritis which could have been brought on by a variety of ailments from salmonella poisoning to actual ingestion of some poison or a bacteria, there is also the risk that this could be 'corona virus' given that there is this apparent outbreak of parvo in your area.

I wanted to point out a few reasons why dogs get severe diarrhea and vomiting but out of all the reasons why this is I can't help but feel that your girl has giardia. This is brought on by drinking infected water or food. There are a few products that treat giardia, one is FLAGYL but apparently this treats only certain types of giardia; METRONIDAZOLE is another effective way to treat this; PANACUR is another.

The least that your vet could have done would have been to give her some fluid subcutaneously rather than just giving her some antibiotics which may not even be the right antibiotics for her ailment; by rights she should be on IV fluids at the vets! I would ask for some FLAGYL and treat her with this at the same time rather than just wasting time on a 'wait and see' game. Sounds like your vet has his hands full at the moment but that is no reason to let your girl fall by the wayside. She sounds pretty bad and I'm afraid that if she doesn't receive more care you may lose her. Good luck.

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As the weather has cooled off this evening Bree has brightened up a bit, she drank some water on her own,has not vomitted again, and is out in the backyard at the moment enjoying the cooler air.

I will be keeping a close eye on her and if i don't think she is improving she will be back to the vet tomorrow. If she is not drinking well I think they should put her on a drip.

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I hope that baby Bree is on the mend as I type...

Given the time that Bree had not eaten or drank, had vomited and runny poo - I would have requested that the vet treat her dehydration with an injection or drip (even for a little while) because it makes such a difference to their recovery time...

Good luck with her


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I have just had this problem with a puppy and it was put on a drip, antibiotics and electrolites as well for 24 hours and she is still on chicken now but no more vomiting and poo. I would have thought that the vet would have done the same for your dog.

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Bree was much brighter and drinking a lot this morning, but still refusing food. I am going on my lunch break now, off to buy some yummy chicken and then home to check on her and see if I can tempt her to eat. If she will not eat today I will take her back to the vet.

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Dashed into Woolies and bought some chicken thigh fillets. Bree was happy to see me when I got home, up and wagging her tail. I gave her one thigh fillet, didn't want to overdo it. She took it and licked it and carried it around in her mouth for a while but didn't eat it :thumbsup: I took it back and cut it up into tiny pieces, and hand fed it to her. She actually swallowed a few pieces, then was taking them from me and dropping them on the floor. But this is a good sign, will try to feed her some more this evening :o

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The vets actually keep chicken breast on hand and steam them to feed with boiled for pups and dogs that have had upset stomachs in various illness so that would be the way to go.

Also when they are that fussy I would boil bones for hours and let it evaporate down to a small amount then place some chopped steamed chicken let it set into a firm jelly and chop it up, they loved it was very low in fat and full of protein.

Also a bit of vegimite is also very tempting for dogs.

Good luck Daisy

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I am so happy your dog is on the mend - but I am pretty shocked at your vet! There is a known outbreak of parvo in your area and they didn't want to at least do a parvo test + a faecal float? Not all parvo diarrhoea is bloody, and if the vet was worried about contaminating your baby, they could have at least asked you to drop in a faecal sample and they could have run the tests.....In our clinic we have noticed a much more persistant parvo virus than usual and even vaccinated adult dogs are coming down with it.

sorry if on a soap box - just really surprised at your vet....

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Woohoo she ate a whole thigh fillet! She didn't want to have anything to do with the boiled rice though.

Finally my girl is back, she has been bouncing around wagging her tail, so good to see after the poor sad thing of the last few days.

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