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Food Options For My Pup


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Hi All,

I currently feed my pup a combination of dry and wet food, which she has enjoyed. But it seems she is getting a little sick of the dry food as she eats out all the wet but leaves alot of the dry food behind.

What are some other options i can feed my pup that she may like??

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I boiled some chicken, rice and frozen veg mix together with some chicken stock and added some ham pieces afterwards. My pup loved it! Not something I would do all the time, but he had been sick and I needed something to get his appetite back. Maybe you could make a big pot of it then freeze into smaller portions to pull out for an occasional change/treat?

Mine also loves chicken necks. I give him one in the morning when I leave for work as it keeps him occupied for a little while.

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Hi LiliyW

I will be going to the vet on Saturday for Simba's vaccination & i'll find out for you what you can feed your girl. i need to know for Simba too. Currently he eats puppy rehydratable that i picked up from the pet shop (as they recommended it) but i feel he's constantly hungry ;) so i want some options for him. Although chicken neck sounds good :thumbsup:



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Hi LiliyW

I will be going to the vet on Saturday for Simba's vaccination & i'll find out for you what you can feed your girl. i need to know for Simba too. Currently he eats puppy rehydratable that i picked up from the pet shop (as they recommended it) but i feel he's constantly hungry :rofl: so i want some options for him. Although chicken neck sounds good :thumbsup:



Great, thanks Meetu, that would be good. I am new at this so its hard to know what and how much - her weight is good and she has a great temprament and loves food time - but i would just love to have some alternatives for her aswell...


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what exactly do you mean by wet and dry

and why dry food do you use

consult your breeder before your vet as they usually know better whats good for their babies

The food we use is the food we were given when we got her so we have continued to buy the same.

Sorry i am at work so can't think of the names off the top of my head. Can let you know later....

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with Caspa- who is a 18 week old ACD. We feed 3 times a day. The dry food we use is pro plan puppy mix which he absoulty loves and seems to be going great on it(was rescue and on the lean side)

in the morning he gets some chicken necks.

I feed him raw chicken mice and have rice and veggies blendered up with it. sometimes we add roo mince too when available.

he also gets some cubes of puppy roll mixed in too

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With Diesel he is a 9 w/o rotty he gets fed about 4 times a day... Morning is soaked (Eukanuba) with natural yoghurt and grated cheese... lunch is just a cup of dry not soaked... Then in the afternoon he gets 1/2 cup soaked with diced beef/chicken and once a week this is swapped for 1/2 cup soaked and some sardines and an egg yolk or some chicken necks, lamb neck or marrow bone.. Then for dinner he gets 1/2 cup soaked with diced beek/chicken...

If she doesn't seem too keen on the dry maybe try and mix it together with a spoon of tinned food to try and get her to eat it...

Just be careful if you feed chicken necks you need to make sure that your pup chews them and just doesn't swollow them as they can get lodged in their intestines and cause all sorts of problems... I have to hold them when Diesel eats them else he would just swollow them whole..

Edited by bluepoppy
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With Diesel he is a 9 w/o rotty he gets fed about 4 times a day... Morning is soaked (Eukanuba) with natural yoghurt and grated cheese... lunch is just a cup of dry not soaked... Then in the afternoon he gets 1/2 cup soaked with diced beef/chicken and once a week this is swapped for 1/2 cup soaked and some sardines and an egg yolk or some chicken necks, lamb neck or marrow bone.. Then for dinner he gets 1/2 cup soaked with diced beek/chicken...

If she doesn't seem too keen on the dry maybe try and mix it together with a spoon of tinned food to try and get her to eat it...

Just be careful if you feed chicken necks you need to make sure that your pup chews them and just doesn't swolloy them as they can get lodged in their intestines and cause all sorts of problems... I have to hold them when Diesel eats them else he would just swollow them whole..

Thanks bluepoppy - that all sounds so good i think i will be coming to your house for dinner :thumbsup:

Yeah Lily does tend to gulp everything she puts in her mouth, so was worried about getting her the chicken necks - may try holding onto them.

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Hi I too mixed wet and dry for my puppy. He wouldn't eat dry kibble by itself so I used to mix it other stuff, then he would just eat around the kibble. I tried every Premium Dog food, known to man. My advice is not so much what to feed everyones advice here is great, but don't keep on changing your puppies diet until you find something she loves. I have created a monster by doing this, my dog would hold out until he was served something he loved preferably BBQ chicken :thumbsup: They are quick learners! I ended up with the pickest 1.5yo. imaginable! He is currently on Nutro Premium which is good as he doesn't need to eat alot to get his recommended dietary intake and I know he is getting all the nutrients he needs. This I still have to mix with something else though. Save yourself the stress! Don't start any bad habits!

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Hi I too mixed wet and dry for my puppy. He wouldn't eat dry kibble by itself so I used to mix it other stuff, then he would just eat around the kibble. I tried every Premium Dog food, known to man. My advice is not so much what to feed everyones advice here is great, but don't keep on changing your puppies diet until you find something she loves. I have created a monster by doing this, my dog would hold out until he was served something he loved preferably BBQ chicken :thumbsup: They are quick learners! I ended up with the pickest 1.5yo. imaginable! He is currently on Nutro Premium which is good as he doesn't need to eat alot to get his recommended dietary intake and I know he is getting all the nutrients he needs. This I still have to mix with something else though. Save yourself the stress! Don't start any bad habits!

Thanks Kimbo, will keep that in mind. I had a fussy cat for many years and it does make life hard. I think at the moment it could be more of an anxious thing - she wants us to be near when she eats cause she has been following if we walk away recently and maybe forgetting it is there? But i might just once a week try something different.

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I have a calender for my dog's dinner.

Breakfast are always plain dry food with a touch of flaxseed oil and yoghurt (dog's favorite).

For dinner it's as follows.

Mon, Wed, Fri are meat days, means I add a teeny spoonful of mince or can meat for flavouring into the dry food.

Tues, Thurs, Sats are fish days, I divide the smallest can of sardines into three and mixed each portion into the dry food.

Sundays are Egg days, I mix one egg into the dry food.

So if you look at it meal by meal, none is the same flavour as the previous.

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These are great ideas, but how do you know if you are feeding them enough? Jack gets two cups of dry in the morning, unless I have chicken necks, then it is one with about 5-6 necks, then in the afternoon/evening he gets a cup of dry and either mince or some lamb offcuts and sometimes a half a can of puppy food. He will be quite a big dog and I am going off what it says on the puppy can. Is it enough? he seems to chew alot on sticks and things ( like my washing at the mo)!

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Have come across many a fussy eater be they puppies or adults and one of the commercial dried products which seems to "do the trick" is Nutro Natural Choice.

Correct feeding amounts for any commercial food is given on the packet, and the amount you feed should be adjusted to according to the extras they get be they chicken necks, wet food, etc.

Chewing on sticks and things be it washing, slippers etc is just part of being a loveable mischevious puppy :thumbsup:

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Jack@sandysmum, the amount to feed is on the packet but generally you don't need to feed as much. Although IMHO it all depends on your dog how active he is.

There are a lot of brands of dry foods in the market, it's best to check with your breeder for advice on what is best rather than just walk in a pet shop or ask retailers.

And then also get food that is more widely available in different pet shops than just one or two retailers in case your regular petshop ran out of stock.

Edited by flycow
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