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Toilet Training Problem


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we have a 4 month old mini daschund male pup who has taken to pooing on the back patio when he is out there. he will urinate on the grass, but he doesnt seem to want to poo out there. we have tried picking up the poo, disinfecting the area, putting him on the grass if we catch him in the act(sometimes goes or will just hold on) but we seem to be having no luck.

hes also still going to the toilet in the house. he urinated on a sheet just last nite when i was with him and he was sitting behind me!

any help would be greatly appreciated. :laugh:

thanx in advance

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Sounds like you haven't proofed your pooches toilet training yet.

I'd go back to step one taking your puppy out every 30 minutes also as soon as they wake, after they've played, after they've eaten etc.

When you take pooch out, say "Toilet" and don't interact with the dog, when the dog goes to the toilet, in a calm voice say "Good" then when the dog has finished, lay on the praise big time!

Puppy is only 4 months old and has a couple more months of developing before you can expect reliablity.

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Hey !! Ialso have a 3 month old male dashy i find the best way to toilet train them is watch how much water they drink... i give my pup a drink of milk in the morning ( i never leave water down as i learnt with him peeing everywhere) pretty much after his meals n after he has a play ill give him a drink of water i also take him out after every meal n after everytime he has a drink... he has one last drink around 7ish at nite then after that his water goes up.. when i started doin this (watchin his water) he has never peed in the bed at nite nor in the house... thats my trick anyhow its workin for me...

Cheers tasha

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Dogs need to have a fresh supply of water at all times, it is also mentioned on the RSPCA website regarding what dogs must have.

Some people do lift the bowls an hour before bed for dogs who can't go through the night.

Dogs drink water when they need to not because they think it's a fun event.

Watch your puppy like a hawk and take your puppy out on schedules and it'll toilet traing just fine.

Puppies are puppies, if you have a puppy that can't hold its' bladder then you need to get up in the middle of the night and take it out unless you have it confined to bathroom etc.

Edited by sas
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Hey !! Ialso have a 3 month old male dashy i find the best way to toilet train them is watch how much water they drink... i give my pup a drink of milk in the morning ( i never leave water down as i learnt with him peeing everywhere) pretty much after his meals n after he has a play ill give him a drink of water i also take him out after every meal n after everytime he has a drink... he has one last drink around 7ish at nite then after that his water goes up.. when i started doin this (watchin his water) he has never peed in the bed at nite nor in the house... thats my trick anyhow its workin for me...

Cheers tasha

That is cruel, it is not a trick the reason he is not having accidents is because he is not getting enough water to drink

In the heat we have had lately he will dehydrate quickly and you could also be subjecting him to kidney problems as his kidneys are not flushing properly

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Hey !! Ialso have a 3 month old male dashy i find the best way to toilet train them is watch how much water they drink... i give my pup a drink of milk in the morning ( i never leave water down as i learnt with him peeing everywhere) pretty much after his meals n after he has a play ill give him a drink of water i also take him out after every meal n after everytime he has a drink... he has one last drink around 7ish at nite then after that his water goes up.. when i started doin this (watchin his water) he has never peed in the bed at nite nor in the house... thats my trick anyhow its workin for me...

Cheers tasha

You should not be restricting your pups water. What you are doing has nothing to do with toilet training at all and you may well find that your pup will have health problems because of it. Puppies dehydrate very quickly and should have water freely available at all times. I hope you have plenty of $$$ to spend at the vets when your pup develops kidney problems, the poor little thing.

Toilet training is teaching the dog where to toilet, not restricting water so it doesn't toilet at all. You may think it's a good 'trick' but your puppy will pay the price. Instead of trying to take the easy way out,house train your puppy properly and let it drink as much as it wants.

It's also illegal, and classed as cruelty to animals, you need to provide free access to drinking water AT ALL TIMES.

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When he is out of his room... (i have to lock him up sometimes as i have a one year old who just wont leave him alone)also he just wants to play with her n bit her.... he has fresh water and food in bed with him i dont Not give him water just when he is out of his room i watch what he has.. also yes in central Queensland it is hot but i also have an air con house...


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Ok, I think you missed the esstential part here. It is LAW to provide your dog with water, you can not withold it just because you have an air-conditioned home.....I take it you never need a drink when you're in your air conditioned home?

Do I also understand that you're dog doesn't get a great deal of interaction as your child can't be with the dog? Or did I misunderstand that bit?

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i dont never give him a drink when he is out i give him a drink every hour and when he has a big play i do know where u r comin from.... but i dont ever not give him water when he i sout of his room.... Yeah they play together alot he also has asleep with her at lunch time but there r times were his puppy teeth get to much for her n nip her (leaves marks)( i know about puppy teeth they hurt like hell)

Maybe i should change what im doin then leave his water down when he is out.. just hard too cos my lil one always wants to pick the bowl up.. plus at 3 months he should b able to control his wee's a lil bit more better cos i know when i first got him i had water down god what anite mare i tried everything takin him out after he has a drink then 30mins later hour later just didnt work n once i controlled his water it was good i take him out nearly every hour to do his pees no more in the house... so i might change it n leave it down see what happends also i think he gets to excited n only does half wee's lol bein a male dog was told they hold onto there pee am i wrong?


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No, at 3 months you can't expect the dog the control it's bladder fantasticaly.

I think you have been told cobblers.

Go back and toilet train your dog from scratch.

Sorry but you can't withold water just because your child is picking it up, why don't you get a heavy ceramic bowl so there is no way the child can pick it up.

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Yeah i didnt think of that also i had to put his dry food up as she was havin a nice munch of it :laugh:

Yeah i will do it all over again... leave it down for him insted of me lettin him drink when he should...

Thanx guys u open me eyes for me as i wasnt thinkin .. n thought i was doin right.. :)


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I'm not saying that it's right but I have read other toilet training websites and books who suggest that giving scheduled water is the way to go. So I didn't know that it was harmful and illegal. If it is still being suggested, maybe we should try to get the word out.

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I'm not saying that it's right but I have read other toilet training websites and books who suggest that giving scheduled water is the way to go. So I didn't know that it was harmful and illegal. If it is still being suggested, maybe we should try to get the word out.

I think I have around 20 or so dog training books here, not one of them says to withold water from a dog.

Toilet training isn't hard, be realistic and be on schedule and things go to plan.

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