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Puppy Preschools


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I know this question has been asked a lot, but I am looking for puppy pre-schools in Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne that run over xmas. In particular, im looking for something that does a LOT of socialising rather than training so that they have things for puppies to climb over, various surfaces and tunnels etc. I'm enrolled for CDODC's puppy pre-school but that doesn't start until early Jan and want something for in-between if I can find it.... any ideas? Oh and I want one that won't mind clickers and that sorta stuff...... Jules - are u going anywhere with your pup?

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LOL - thanx Haven - I wasn't sure if they were.... darn xmas time!!! Looks like I may have to be just a little creative for the first 4 wks and then off to PPS. I alreaday have tarp and things for pup to walk over, a puppy see-saw and tunnel etc... so at least I have some stuff and people are no probs, it's playing with other dogs *g*! I'm sure i'll have plenty of people taking that offer up too - i'll msg ya if I need Nova and Loki :(

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A lot of vets have puppy pre-school but i don't think they'll run over Christmas.

ETA: Summer school sounds like a good idea. I don't know how i'm going to survive the holidays without obedience and agility training!

Edited by t(AD)pole
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You may find it difficult to find one that runs *over* Christmas.

I run them all year and have just started a course that will finish in the third week of December. It's quite difficult to get people to commit any closer to Christmas than that...I wouldn't be surprised if I had a few no shows in the next few weeks- people just get busy. I won't run another unless I know that everyone will show up for every class over Christmas and New Years, and like most other Dog Trainers - I like to have a quick break whilst the clinic is also quiet! :laugh:

You are probably better off setting up play dates and more so with mature dogs than pups. Calm, well mannered dogs teach good manners! :laugh:


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You could try Kintala club, and you are welcome to meet up with me and my pup as they are similar ages, or come around to my place, as I have 1/3 acre with creek, bridge, chickens, cats, tiny see saw etc. PM me and I will give you my phone number or ask Cindy from Animal Aid. Does Animal aid have classes?

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if you arrange a summer school remeber to have some older dogs that are puppy tolerant too and places llike CTD are good lots of animals there when i suggested it we started with four and ended with ten and more wanting to come i think places wuold be surprised there are those that do trian over summer and would like a place to meet. You need to set up a bit of plan of what to do each week and have someone run it so you actulaly get things done not just chat and let the puppies play together so maybe one week have animal farm going to CTD's to meet the animals another maybe traffic school another bits and pieces have tunnelsa dn things to climb on etc think about what you want to intro puppies to and then plan it out also nclude quiet time so its not just busy busy because at a puppy school they would be explaning things and thats when the pups learn settle perhaps one of the girls that run structured puppy school would be willing to head it up for you

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You could try Kintala club, and you are welcome to meet up with me and my pup as they are similar ages, or come around to my place, as I have 1/3 acre with creek, bridge, chickens, cats, tiny see saw etc. PM me and I will give you my phone number or ask Cindy from Animal Aid. Does Animal aid have classes?

Thanks CTD - I'll take u up on that! I remember asking Cyndi and she said that they stop over xmas I believe :laugh:. Might give them a ring anyway!

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Ok - so i'm pretty keen on this summer DOL 'dog partay' thing! I don't mind if you have older dogs (good with pups) or younger pups. Anyone that is interested can you PM me and also tell me where you live so that I can try and set up a place that is relatively 'centre' for everyone. Like I said, i'm not really doing it for the training but more for the social so it will be pretty laid back for both owners and dogs - just a bit of a romp, meet and greet and maybe a few diff surfaces or anything... those that do end up coming - if you have anything usefull for pups (puppy see-saws, tunnels etc) please bring them along. Also - in your PM - tell me what dates you are free!!! Thanks!

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Agree with CTD, would be good to have a few outings instead of meeting in the same place all the time. I'll be working right up to Christmas and going away on Boxing Day, but I am happy to do a few weeknight sessions a week between now and Christmas with Miss Nova, who is excellent with other dogs.

I really hate that there is nowhere to train over Christmas. I understand the reasoning but I worry about all those pups going without socialisation, unless they have good owners who understand the importance and take their pups out and don't rely only on PPS.

Edited by haven
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