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Whining And Crying


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There are plenty of ways you can demonstrate leadership, apart from ignoring a young puppy who is excited to see her family coming home. Sure, make the puppy sit and stop making noise, but don't give her less time than she deserves because that's what you read in a book and you think that is the right thing to do!

I think that is where the mis-understanding is, it's only 5 minutes.

I'm definately not saying what you read in books is 100% what anyone should do, I'm putting across a tried and tested method not a random off the wall suggestion.

The ignoring method is really hard to comprehend for some people, it can seem mean and harsh, I can understand that some people feel that way.......we as dog owners wouldn't do anything to our dogs that made us uncomfortable or that we didn't agree with, so letting someone know about a training method that has been tried and tested isn't really doing any harm.....is it?

And no way would I call happiness and excitement "bad behaviours".
It think this is another mis-understanding, what we 'think' is happyness and excitement 'can' be a mixture of aniexty.....is a dog that is happy to see you a bad thing? Of course not! Is a dog that is over-excited something to be concerned about in terms of a calm and balanced mind, yeah if you have some behavioural problems that need to be worked on before they take a notch up.

I think you've read my post in the incorrect context and I apologise if I mis-communicated what I said or I didn't come across as clear as I would have liked. Some people love to see over-excited dogs and love to do all the things that trainers say you shouldn't.........there's no problem with that if there are no issues with the dog that you were wanting to work on however this is the Puppy 'Problems' forum.

This is my opinion, just like you had your opinon. I challenged you on your opinion and you have challenged me on mine, thank you.

Edited by sas
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